Creating the Mood of Your Home with Essential Oils

Looking to add a new dimension to your home? Scents are powerful! They can stir up memories of our childhood as we remember mom’s home cooking. They remind us of a place of comfort as we remember special moments in our lives.

Make your home your haven by adding the dimension of scent. Using essential oils in various places throughout your home can bring a sense of peace, tranquility, and refreshing. It can also bring a newfound zesty appeal and at the same time, help bring emotional stability in our minds. You can change the mood of your home easily by changing the blend of oils you use.

Add a happy, peaceful tone in your home. A few essential oils that would help to create that mood are citrus oils like grapefruit, lemon, and orange. Each has a different tone of citrus and can be used in different areas of the home for variety. The lemon or orange essential oils can be used in the kitchen (so as not to conflict with household cleaners) to promote a feeling of freshness and crispness. Use the grapefruit essential oil in the living areas to spice up these rooms. The invigorating grapefruit essence also helps to combat feelings of fatigue and exhaustion as well. What a great atmosphere to relax in after a long hard days work!

Okay, maybe we don’t want or need a scent in every room, but we just want to add a simple touch to our home environment. To create a calming peace and tranquil atmosphere, try lavender or roman chamomile essential oils. The scents can be added in a variety of ways – through candles, spritz sprays, and reed diffusers. You can also try adding a drop of the oil on top of your heater or to a hot light bulb (do not use a halogen bulb with this). You can also blend oils to change up the climate of your home. A personal favorite is the lavender and cedar wood blend of essential oils. You can blend these oils yourself or purchase pre-made products at a local retailer.

What kind of mood do you want to create? The essential oils mentioned above are quite popular, but there are many more oils available. Take a trip to your local retailer and see what oils are available. If there are no oils available, see what the scent smells like and if it appeals to you. A trip to a bath products or lotions store will most likely be helpful in identifying what scents you like before starting your online price search.

Choose the essential oils that fit you. Does the scent depict your personality? Does the scent reflect the mood you want to create? What kind of scents work best for my home? The answer to these questions is that it is all up to you. You decide which essential oils work for you and your home. You decide the tone of the environment in your home. The best way is to jump in and find out what you like. Start with a bottle or two and try them in various locations of your home. Have fun creating different scents for different occasions!

What Happens After Eczema Treatment

You might think after undergoing eczema treatment that it will never happen again. Well, it does and these are called flare ups. You have to remember that eczema itself cannot be cured but there are ways to prevent it from coming back.

If you happen to suffer from facial eczema, you can prevent it by washing your face regularly with a nondrying facial cleanser or facial moisturizer. Just be sure that it reads noncomedogenic or oil-free. When you go out, make sure you are only using hypoallergenic makeup and sunscreens.

Eczema does not happen only in the face so you should know how to protect your skin. The best way to do this is to avoid substances that stress your skin and some of these include drying soaps, detergents, fragranced lotions and certain household cleaners. You may have to switch to another brand but at least you are sure that you will not experience any flare ups.

They say that keeping your skin moist is good but did you know that water is not the answer? This is because too much water can dry out your skin. If you need to take bath, make sure it is warm and not too hot. If you have to do the dishes, wear gloves to protect your hands which will be immersed in water for a long period of time. When you are done taking a bath or washing the dishes, pat your skin dry with a coarse towel.

But is water really that bad? The answer is no. Studies have shown that water does not cause flare ups. It is the water that evaporates which you have to worry about.

The clothes you wear may also cause flare-ups and a good example of this is wool. To prevent that, you have change your wardrobe with clothes made of cotton.

You will also need to moisturize your skin. The best ones to use are fragrance-free moisturizers like petroleum jelly which prevents the skin from becoming irritated and cracked.

We told you earlier that eczema cannot be cured. This means it is still there waiting to appear again so resist the urge to scratch the itch. Doing so will make it more difficult for the skin to heal and if there is a break in the skin, bacteria can get in causing an infection.

As much as possible, keep you body cool because sudden changes in the temperature, sweating or becoming overheated causes flare-ups.

If you were given medication by your dermatologist, continue taking them as directed.

The last thing to do after eczema treatment is to relax because stress is another trigger factor associated with eczema.

Seeing a doctor and then applying cream, lotion or treatment does not mean that eczema will not happen again because it does come back. It is only by practicing proper post eczema treatment that you will be able to hold it at bay given that there is no cure for this skin condition.

The good news is that if you are successful in keeping eczema at bay, whatever happened to you will usually clear up before the age of 25 so no one will know that this ever happened. So until then, think smart and get help so can make the most of post eczema treatment.

Gentler Ways to Detox the Body

When your mind is drained, your body aches and your energy levels are close to zero, its time for a body detox.

Imagine yourself having clearer skin, sharper mind, energy revitalized, stronger immune system and feeling healthy inside out – – these are the things that you can enjoy by undergoing a detoxification program.

Detoxification basically means blood cleansing through eliminating impurities from the blood in the liver, through kidneys, lungs, intestines, lymph and skin.

Taking your first step:

First, you have to reduce toxins in your body. Try to cut down on the following: cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, eating foods with saturated fats and refined sugars (cola and ketchup contains a lot) – these acts as toxins in your body and as a hindrance to your healing development.

The use of household cleaners that are chemical-based and personal health care products such as shampoos, toothpaste, deodorants and cleansers should be reduced as well. These chemicals are inside us; we never really fully eliminate them unless going to a process of detoxification.

There are many ways to detox the body. Its up to you to choose which suits your lifestyle and preference.

Juice fasting

Drinking only fresh fruits and vegetables such as carrot, spinach, celery, cabbage, apple, pineapple and cranberry (avoid citrus fruits). An effective way of discharging toxins, it also provides loads of nutrients as well as enzymes to lessen the intensity of the cleansing process to an easy stage.

Fast weight loss is the main benefit from juice fasting. A person may drop 30-40 lbs on a 30-day juice fast. By juice fasting, a person gains self-confidence and feels light and clean.

Duration of juice fasting is usually 1-3 days. Medical administration and careful assessment is required for longer fasting.

Water fasting

Only water is consumed during a water fast. Water lets the digestive tract and organs to rest completely, allowing all of your energy to self-repair and strengthen damaged organs. It also eliminates toxin build-ups.

Water fasting not only eliminates obstruction and aids in self-healing, it is also revitalizing and motivating to make a fresh start.

Gentler way to detox the body:

Here are gentler and safer ways to detox your body that you can try out or incorporate different methods as part your routine.

1.Change in diet.

Whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables instead of packaged and fast foods that are high on fats and sugar can become part of your daily lifestyle in maintaining good health.


The sauna is widely used by many cultures as a regular part of detox. It is a great method of removing chemicals buildups in fat cells. Saunas are usually combined with diet, exercise and nutritional supplements.

3.Skin brushing.

Again, with the combination of diet, exercise and nutritional supplements, skin brushing is also a gentle way of detoxing. It removes old skin cells, stimulates the lymph system and draws out toxins through the skin. A dry skin brush made of soft vegetable bristles should be used.

Before taking a shower, lightly brush your feet in circular motion towards the chest area for a minute or two.


Through breathing exercise, the bloodstream thoroughly oxygenates thus giving energy and improves the bodys physical process. Different positions lightly massage the internal organs and stimulate them to slowly discharge toxins.

These cleansing methods are just a guide to what it can do to improve your health. It is necessary to know why detox is important and understand the different ways on how to detox the body before you begin with the different programs.