Treating Puffy Eyes And Dark Circles

Your eyes are one of the first things people notice about your appearance. It would be wonderful if people didn’t base their impressions on how you look, but they do. That means that treating puffy eyes, dark circles, and shadows under your eyes is important for several reasons.

There are several reasons for all of these happening around your eyes, and some of them are out of your control. However, there are plenty of things you can do to improve how your eyes look, and that can improve the way people look at you, and more importantly, how you feel about yourself.

Too much sodium in your diet can make your eyes look awful. One reason for this is that excessive sodium can cause you to retain water, and that can make your eyes look puffy. You shouldn’t eliminate all salt from your diet because it is necessary, but you should try to make sure you are not getting more than you need.

While it’s true that you don’t want to retain excess water, it is very important that you drink enough water to stay properly hydrated. Thirst is a sure sign that you’re nit drinking enough water. Water keeps your body running efficiently, and helps to make sure your blood flows properly (this is a simplification, but water is a part of good circulation).

Eating a well-balanced diet will also help in treating puffy eyes, dark circles, and shadows under your eyes. Be sure that you are getting the full range of vitamins, nutrients, and other minerals, especially vitamins A, C, and E.

You can always try a few home remedies for under-eye problems. Cucumber slices over the eyes are soothing, and also work to moisturize the area. Moistened tea bags can help to get rid of darkness and puffiness. Some people have even used hemorrhoid creams around their eyes to reduce swelling, but this is a very bad idea as it can irritate the eyes.

You can also find over the counter solutions if the home remedies don’t do the trick. Look for products that contain horse chestnut, as it stimulates circulation. Ivy will decongest the area and gets rid of excessive water. Aloe hydrates and also has a soothing effect. Tea (green or white) minimizes inflammation and redness that often accompany these common eye problems. Caffeine will bring any swelling down. Licorice plays double duty as it soothes and minimizes puffiness.

If none of the above methods work, then it may be time to get an injection from a qualified medical professional. Restylane and Juvederm can be thought of as medical-grade fillers that even out the appearance of the skin. Botox may also be an option, depending on how severe your problem is.

The main thing to remember is that there are several options available for treating puffy eyes, dark circles, and shadows under your eyes. At least one of them is sure to work for you.

Great Cover-Up Helps With Dark Under-Eye Circles Shadows And Puffiness

Great Cover-Up Helps With Dark Under-Eye Circles Shadows And Puffiness

Having puffy eyes, dark circles, and shadows under your eyes. When you get older it happens more often. It is just one of the many things that happen with age yet there are products that help reduce the signs of aging other than having to rely on expensive surgery.

One of the first things you will need to do is reduce your consumption for sodium. Add Vitamins A, C, and E to your diet. Make sure you are getting enough sleep as well.

There are many methods that grandma used and swears works. Some of the popular ways to remove the puffiness and darkness are to apply tea bags, fresh cut cucumbers, and Preparation H. The tea bags and cucumbers to work but stay away from the Preparation H since it will cause eye damage.

When locating products for puffy eyes, look for ingredients with horse chestnut that promotes micro-circulation. Aloe that soothes and hydrates. Ivy to decongests and eliminate excess water. Caffeine to decrease the swelling. Green or white tea to soothe the redness and inflammation. Cucumber to reduce the inflammation. Licorice to reduce the puffiness and soothes the irritation.

When you are seeking a longer fix there are injectable wrinkle fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane used by experts. The filler is injected around the puffy area to remove the indentation as the result of the puffiness. There is also Botox that is commonly used to smooth out the fine lines and wrinkles. They all have the same effect of creating a younger appearance to the eyes. The methods last about nine months when you need to have the procedure repeated for the cost of several thousand dollars each time.

Some people have the daily morning darkness referred to as raccoon eyes that is near the underside of their eyes making the person appear tired, older, and drug out. The fact some people have it naturally even with getting the right amounts of sleep lead them to seek alternative products to remove the dark circles.

Look for products with Vitamin K to stimulate the blood flow and repair the broken capillary walls near the eyes. Vitamin A, C, and E to reduce the free radicals and to increase the antioxidant protectors. Peptide technology to promote collagen synthesis to firm the eye tissue. Hesperidin to strengthen the capillaries to reduce the leaking and reduce blood pooling as well as improving the micro-circulation in the eye region. Konica acid to lighten the skin areas from discoloration. Eyebright, pearls and light diffuser to visually filter light and to brighten and illuminate the eye regions.

To camouflage the darkness use a peach or salmon colored concealer. For the puffiness use nylon concealer brush to add a thin layer of a product in the creases below the puffy area. After you add a concealer a few shades darker than your foundation. Apply the foundation before the concealer.

Alternative Spider Vein Treatment

Laser treatment and sclerotherapy are just two of the options if you want to undergo spider vein treatment. If these do not suit you, there are alternative forms available.

The first option will be to take herbs. One of the most widely used happens to be horse chestnut. The active ingredient here is aescin. Studies have shown that this blocks the release of enzymes that damage capillary walls.

In order for people to take it, manufacturers have to remove the toxic component known as esculin. If this is not done properly, those who take it may experience convulsions, diarrhea, headache, nausea or vomiting.

Not everybody can take horse chestnut especially those who have kidney or liver disease. Does it have adverse effects on women who are pregnant or nursing has yet to be established.

To avoid complications, doctors advise patients not to combine horse chestnut with certain medications. These include aspirin, coumadin, plavix, ticlid and trental as well as other anticoagulant drugs unless these are deemed to be safe for you by your doctor.

Spider veins can also be treated with grape seed and pine bark extracts because both contain oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs). These are antioxidants that appear to strengthen the connective tissue structure of blood vessels and reduce inflammation.

People should not confuse grape seed extract with grapefruit seed extract because these are two different things. Unfortunately, there are also side effects if you decide to take it such as nausea and upset stomach.

Those who have autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis should not take this herb. Just like the first herb, doctors have not studied if there are any side effects for nursing mothers or pregnant women.

Another herb is butchers broom. This plant is also known as box holly or knee holly and contains ruscogenins, which strengthen collagen in blood vessel walls and improve circulation. At one point, some doctors believed that it tightens weak, stretched vessels such as those associated with varicose veins.

The side effects of this herb include indigestion and nausea. Those who have high blood pressure or benign prostate hyperplasia should not take butcher’s broom unless they first consult with their doctor.

Aside from taking herbs, there is a form of therapy that focuses primarily on your feet namely reflexology. Studies have shown that massaging the feet helps reduce leg swelling. The best part is that there are no side effects unlike those mentioned when you take any of these herbs.

Alternative forms of spider vein treatment are cheaper than laser treatment or sclerotherapy. It should be pointed out though that taking these herbs or getting a massage should not replace what medical science can do for the patient.

But before you try any form of spider vein treatment, you should see if wearing compression stockings will improve the situation. This has to be worn the whole day so it can help improve blood flow within the veins and leg muscles.

It should be pointed out that the amount of compression varies by type and brand. It also comes in different colors and types so you should check them out before using it daily.

Spider vein treatment is available. You can check with your doctor what options are available and also inquire about alternative medicine.