Home Remedy For Dry Itchy Skin – You Can Heal

Home Remedy For Dry Itchy Skin – You Can Heal Your Dry Itchy Skin At Home

If you are dealing with skin that is dry or itchy, then finding the right home remedy for dry itchy skin is going to play an important part in your daily or weekly skin care regimen from now on. Luckily, there are actually a wide variety of different remedies for you to select from when it comes to remedying dry skin at home. Because everyone has unique skin care needs, choosing the right skin care regimen is going to mean exploring different home remedies until you have cured your dry itchy skin. There is no one size fits all solution to dealing with dry itchy skin, but the following tips will definitely help you.

– * Itching that is caused as a result of dry skin rather than a medical condition can easily be treated using a wide variety of home remedies. The key to using these home remedies is to combine them until you get the results that you seek.

– * Add a can of evaporated milk to your bath. The milk will help to moisturize your skin.

– * Add oatmeal, baking soda and evaporated milk to your bath for a good home remedy for dealing with dry and itching skin. The materials when mixed together will work well at soothing and relaxing the itching.

– * Try applying different natural ingredients to your skin. Cod liver oil, Vitamin E oil, witch hazel, Aloe Vera gel, lemon juice and wheat germ oil are all excellent ideas worth considering as they’ll moisturize the skin and relieve the itching.

– * Some home remedies for your dry and itching skin can be taken in pill form. These include chickweed, burdock root, plantain, yellow dock and goldenseal.

– * Another material that is good for relieving the itching and dryness in your skin is cornstarch, which can be poured into your bath water or dusted right onto your body.

– * Another trusted home remedy for dry itchy skin is to use baking soda in your cool bath water as it will alleviate itching and other skin irritations including insect bites, bee stings, prickly heat and other relatively minor skin ailments.

– * You can drink between one and two cups worth of stinging nettle tea every day to relieve the itching and dryness in your skin. This can be done by adding boiling water to a single teaspoon worth of dried stinging nettle leaves.

– * A fresh poultice with burdock root or chickweed is another good remedy for itching.

Choosing the right home remedies to treat dry itchy skin may take trying a combination of different remedies until you are satisfied with the results. Keep this in mind when you are trying out the home remedies mentioned above and other home remedies that you discover for dealing with skin that is dry and itchy.

Dry Skin Home Remedy – The Best Remedies For Dry

Dry Skin Home Remedy – The Best Remedies For Dry Skin At Home

Finding the right dry skin home remedy is an important part of overcoming your dry skin. There is actually no single home remedy for dealing with dry skin. Instead, there are a wide variety of different home remedies for you to choose from. When you have a list of different skin care tips to choose from, the best way to create a home remedy that will work is to combine different skin care options until you find the regimen that is best going to address your needs. Everyone has unique skin, so the solution to your needs is going to be unique as well.

– * Do not soap as often as you normally would. There is nothing really therapeutic about using soap for your dry skin. In America, for some reason we feel the need to be over washed and over deodorized, and it is impacting us in bad ways. More problems are created by an overuse of soap than a lack of using soap. Unless you’re dirty, skip the soap, as it may be doing more harm than good for your dry skin.

– * You should take advantage of a humidifier to help you with dry skin. One of the biggest problems relating to dry skin is the dry heat during the winter months. When air is heated using a furnace, it can reduce your home’s natural humidity level down to as little as 10 percent or even less, whereas having a humidity level of 30 percent to 40 percent is much closer to ideal if you want to keep moisture in your skin.

For this reason, it is recommended by many skin care experts and dermatologists that you keep a humidifier in your home. You can use it during the dryer winter months, but there is something that you need to keep in mind: Many people simply think that putting in a humidifier in the house is all that needs to be done, but humidifiers operate like air conditioners do meaning that the whole house cannot be done by a single humidifier. Put a smaller unit near your bed, and one on or near your desk for good results.

You can restore your dry and itchy skin to proper health, nourishment and nutrition. Obtaining the skin health that you seek will take diligence and patients, but these tips will certainly steer you in the right direction. When you keep yourself from over soaping or over deodorizing your skin and you use a humidifier the right way in your home, you can have a positive impact on your skin health by restoring the nourishment and moisture to your skin and keeping it from drying out as a result. These are two very good home remedies for dealing with dry skin on a long term basis in the comfort of your own home.

Cayenne Pepper and Arthritis Relief

Most arthritis sufferers turn to their medicine cabinet to seek relief. A medical professional typically offers this suggestion. If you suffer from arthritis, your physician does have your best interest at heart. They truly believe over-the-counter or prescribed pain medication is best for you. It may be, but many natural remedies relieve pain too. One of them is cayenne pepper, also know simply as red chili pepper.

As great as it is to know that some individuals are able to seek arthritis pain relief from red chili peppers, you likely have many questions. What type of red pepper? What format should I opt for? How much should I consume? Do I eat it or apply it to the skin and how often? If you have these questions, please continue reading on for answers.

Cayenne pepper is available in many different formats, including capsules, oil, creams, and pepper. Where you purchase yours will depend on the remedy selected. For example, if you wish to try a topical cream, head to the drug store. If you wish to increase your cayenne pepper intake naturally, head to your local supermarket or organic food store.

Cayenne Pepper Remedy #1

Mix a small amount of red pepper with a small amount of castor oil. Use a paper towel or cloth to soak in the mixture. Apply the damp paper towel or cloth to the painful area. Some recommend applying and leaving on overnight. Castor oil has many health benefits, although it is not right for everyone. Try this home remedy for a couple of hours during the day first. If you notice a decrease in pain with no reactions, aim for overnight relief.

Cayenne Pepper Remedy #2

Purchase the cayenne pepper spice. This is the dry mixture. Add to your food. If you have digestive problems, you may notice a few complications at first. For many, their body needs to adjust to the pepper, as it can be difficult to digest. Start slow, like with 1/8 tablespoon. Overtime, work your way to two teaspoons a day. You can scatter this dosage out over different meals. Red pepper can be added to most foods.

Cayenne Pepper Remedy #3

Purchase hot sauce that is made from cayenne pepper. The hot sauce label should state the main ingredient is aged cayennes. Apply to the painful areas of your body at least two times a day. Many report this home remedy does work, but there is the possibility of stained clothes.

Cayenne Pepper Remedy #4

Purchase an over-the-counter topical cream with capsaicin as the main ingredient. This is an alternative to using the above mentioned hot sauce. Many creams use capsaicin, which is derived from cayenne pepper. If on a budget, try the above mentioned hot sauce remedy first. If it does not work, try this alternative.

As with any natural and home remedy, it is important to consider the risk and speak with a trusted medical professional. The active ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin. It can interact with a number of drugs, including acid reducers, aspirin, blood thinners, and ACE inhibitors. If taking these medications, hold off. First, speak to your primary care physician or a pharmacist. He or she can inform you of the dangers or the risks of mixing with your current medications.

With all natural and home remedies, it is important to remember variance. Our bodies process food differently. Cayenne pepper may provide relief from some, but not others. It is best to experiment to find the best pepper remedy and dosage.

Speaking of relief, what will happen if this remedy works? You will notice a decrease in pain. The longer you take these home remedies, the less pain you will experience. As previously stated, the active ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin. It is found in many medications and has aspirin like qualities. The pepper improves blood flow and circulation and releases natural endorphins, which help combat pain and discomfort.


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