Old Fashioned Cures: Arthritis And Home Remedy

Old Fashioned Cures: Arthritis And Home Remedy
Mike Herman

Arthritis is a disease that affects millions of individuals all
over the world.

Especially in this country, the number of arthritis sufferers is
staggering; especially considering that to this date, there is
no cure for the debilitating disease.

Scientists have been working towards finding a cure in addition
to finding reliable treatment programs that will allow patients
to live life free from joint pain and aggravation.

However, many sufferers are choosing to take the time to
research arthritis and a home remedy on their own, turning to
treatments used in generations past.

For those suffering from arthritis and pain, a home remedy may
be just the ticket to combat this disease.

A popular method of treating arthritis and a great home remedy
is supplements.

By simply including the necessary vitamins and minerals, along
with a quality diet, you can easily control your arthritis
problems. Much like any problem concerning the body, nutrition
is incredibly important.

Remember the old adage, “you are what you eat” and choose foods
that will benefit your body and condition.

For example, alfalfa contains a necessary ingredient in forming
bones and ensuring bone strength.

Another popular remedy is the aquatic herb Bogbean. Since the
herb works as an anti-inflammatory, eating this herb or taking
the herb in a supplement form can dramatically aid you in
combating arthritis.

Other types of popular remedies include nutrition rich plants
like ginger, known universally for its properties in fighting
joint pain and stiffness.

Whether you add ingredient into your diet or take supplements
containing the root, your joints are sure to the difference.

For individuals who are unable or unwilling to take typical over
the counter anti-inflammatory medications–including aspirin or
Advil–due to the harmful effects on the stomach, should
consider using Boswellia.

In addition to improving circulation and reducing inflammation,
Boswellia will not cause any gastrointestinal pain or bleeding.

About the author:
Learn More and Get the Type of Natural Remedies for Arthritis that Will
Help You With the Fatigue and Joint Pain Associated with

Warts in Kids

Nearly fifty percent of children acquire warts at some time or the other. Warts, in the real sense are benign tumors which develop when keratinocytes, a kind of skin cell, is infected by the wart virus. There are many types of warts, the most common being rough bumps which appear on fingers and hands. Others are flat warts, genital warts, plantar warts, and molluscum contagiosum. The difference is based on the types, location, and painfulness of the wart. Common warts appear on fingers and hands and usually are painless. Plantar warts appear on the soles and are sometimes painful. Periungal warts show up around the finger and toe nail. Warts which appear on the face are flat warts.

The symptoms of the common warts are that the skin develops an irregular surface and becomes rough. A dome starts to appear after a day after infection. A popular myth is that warts have roots, but they dont. They grow on the epidermis, which is the top most layer of the skin. The black portion is because of broken veins and clotted blood.

Warts come and go at various stages of life like childhood and teenage years. They usually go away by themselves. But some can be very painful, can spread quickly and some of them wont go away for many years. Such kind of warts should definitely be treated. The most common treatment among the pediatricians is cryotherapy. They will freeze the warts using liquid nitrogen. Cantharidin can also be applied, which is a painless treatment but can result in painful blisters at the end of the day. The minus point is that these treatments sometimes cause blistering and some warts wont come off in one sitting. If the warts wont still budge they are further treated with strong salicylic acid, intralesional immune-therapy, bleomycin, or a pulsed dye laser. Aldara can also be used in worst cases. Because of some treatments the warts grow to the end of the blister, which results in a bigger wart and some might even result in a scar.

Besides other common wart treatments, the most well-known home remedy is duct tape. The affected area is covered with duct tape for about six days. If within that time period, the tape peels off, it should be reapplied. After the sixth day, the duct tape should be removed and the wart should be soaked in water and a pumice stone or emery board should be used to scrap the top skin of the wart. After this, the duct tape should be reapplied again within twenty four hours and the same procedure should be repeated until the whole wart disappears. This procedure takes at least two months to get rid of the wart completely. Some kids hesitate to put duct tape on parts which are visible, like fingers and legs. They can be encouraged by making them wear colored duct tape, other than grey. Many home wart freezing and removal kits are also available in the market whose help can be taken.

Warts spread by direct contact with the wart or any material which the infected person has used like a used towel which has been contaminated. It is contagious and hence it is recommended to stay away from it at the very sight of it. All the cuts, rashes and bites should be cleaned regularly and should be kept covered. Another measure for prevention is wearing closed shoes in public places.


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Home Remedy: Teeth Whitening Methods

Home teeth whitening products are the solution for those who hate going to the dentist’s office.

In the past, the only option that people have if they want to have their teeth whitened is to have an appointment with their dentist. Since most of them are not too eager to visit their dentist, they always set the appointments aside for a later date. In the end, they just forget about the teeth whitening appointment.

People are in most cases too scared to keep their appointments with the dentist. Even if they want or need to have their teeth whitened, it will always end up being postponed or cancelled.

This is why when home teeth whitening products were introduced in the market, these people were only too happy to try them out. Home teeth whitening eliminate the fear of going to the dentist. In addition, the process can be done on your own time. Plus, it is not as expensive as an appointment with your dentist.

It can be noted that there are still those who rely on the good old home teeth whitening methods of the past. Although they seem too traditional for the people of today, the result is still as effective as it was before.

What are some of the basic home teeth whitening methods that are still being used by some today?

1. Bi-carbonate paste combined with water.

Bi-carbonate soda paste can be brought at drug stores or at supermarkets. Some people still buy them to be used for whitening teeth.

They combine the paste with water and gurgle them on a regular basis. It is believed that regular use of this solution can remove stain from the surface of the teeth thus, leaving teeth whiter and shinier.

2. Lemon juice paste and salt.

This combined solution is known to erase the yellowish tint of the teeth. Some people ceremoniously apply this combination on the teeth that look dull.

Leaving them on the teeth for several minutes is supposed to whiten teeth because of the acidic content of the lemon juice paste. If done regularly, the dull color of the teeth is eradicated.

3. Bay leaves with dried orange peel.

The combination of bay leaves with dried orange peel can also act as a teeth whitener. Just like the lemon paste, all you have to do is apply this to your teeth frequently.

4. Inner orange peel part.

When peeling oranges you will notice that the back part of it is white. You usually throw it away as something that is not of purpose.

What you do not know is that it can be used to whiten your teeth. All you need to do is rub that white part on your teeth and it will give out a beautiful white shine.

These are some of the basic home teeth whitening methods that have proven their effectiveness in some parts of the world. Today, there are chemically made home teeth whitening products that you can buy and use.

The good thing about these basic home teeth whitening methods is that they do not come with the known side effects that over-the-counter products have. Plus they come in very cheap. You can try them out if you want to see if they work better than the products that you buy.

Home Remedies to Whiten Teeth

Do you have the luxury of time yet short on money to have a smile makeover? If so, a do-it-yourself teeth whitening remedy is an appropriate choice.

Notice that the word appropriate is used here instead of best choice. Of course we should realize that both professional whitening systems and home remedy teeth whitening system are typically used to achieve the healthy smile result. It is only the patients lifestyle that makes sense which fits as the appropriate solution.

The following provides an appraisal on teeth whitening system that you can do at the comforts of their time and place. Amount of money to be spent on home remedies are also considered.

NOTE: You should always consult your dentist or even a physician before trying out any of the following home-made teeth whitening remedy.

Can I make my own whitening solution inexpensively?

Believe it or not, you can save your precious money on costly teeth bleaching items! By allotting the necessary time for doing the suggested tips, you can rest assured that you can have a white and bright set of teeth for free. You can have bright set of teeth with stuff that are normally in your kitchen or medicine chest.

Do I have these things in my house?

Of course, all you need to look for are plain household itemsbaking soda, hydrogen peroxide, cups, bowls, and spoons.

What are the steps to create my own whitening paste?

To make a paste, mix two or three teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and two teaspoons of baking soda together. Place the mixture in a small bowl. The thickness of the paste should be consistent as the typical thickness of toothpaste. For extra taste, a bit of flavorful mint or just a little scoop of toothpaste can be combined with the home-made paste.

Now, how is this home-made mixture used?

Use a toothbrush and leave the mixture on your teeth for at a couple of minutes. You should avoid swallowing the paste. If this happens, just drink lots of water.

What do I do after brushing the paste on my teeth?

You need to brush again using usual toothpaste to rid off the bitter taste of the hydrogen peroxide. Smokers, coffee drinkers and even grandparents may use this remedy to minimize the heavy stain on their teeth.

When I have a sensitive oral condition, could I use this paste?

If in case, you have gingivitis, cavities, open sores, or other gum problems, the paste may make your gums look pale for a short time. Remember that you should contact a doctor or even a physician before trying out this remedy.

How frequent can I apply the paste on my teeth?

At least once a week. You should avoid brushing your teeth with this paste more than that.

To summarize, here are some characteristics of do-it-yourself home-made teeth whitening systems:

The patient must be capable of performing and following the abovementioned instructions.
The person must allocate time to perform the do-it-yourself whitening remedies.
Inclination should stay as it can take more than a week before expected results are achieved.
Home-made remedies relatively cost less than professional teeth whitening solutions.

Hope this article puts a brighter smile upon your face!