Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain-Shooting Pain Is No Fun

Ouch! There it goes again. Your sciatic nerve just sent a shooting pain through legs, hips and back. Now you feel like you can hardly move, and even breathing seems difficult. “There must be a way to relieve sciatic nerve pain,” you say to yourself. Living with this kind of pain is hard to describe to someone who has never experienced it, but there is hope. There are a few things you can do to get the pain under control.

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. That means that it can cause pain just about anywhere, but it also means that there are more points along the nerve for problems to occur. What happens is that when it’s irritated in some way or has pressure applied to it, it causes pain or tingling; neither of which is very pleasant.

Before you do anything to relieve sciatic pain on your own, it is absolutely vital that you see your doctor. There may be more serious issues causing the pain, and you need to get a thorough check up to see if anything else is going on. Your doctor can also give you additional suggestions for treating the pain.

Anti-inflammatory medication taken each day can help keep the nerve from getting inflamed, and it can keep surrounding tissue from getting inflamed and putting pressure on the nerve. There are over-the-counter medications you can take, or you can have your doctor prescribe something.

If you don’t like the idea of taking medication, then you can eat foods that help to reduce inflammation. In fact, it’s a good idea to eat such foods to relieve sciatic nerve pain even if you do take medication. Wild salmon, sweet potatoes, broccoli, papaya, turmeric, and olive oil are some of the best anti-inflammatory foods.

Basic exercises and gentle stretching can sometimes bring relief. Lie on your back on a firm surface and put a pillow underneath your knees for support. This takes the pressure off and brings temporary relief. While in the same position, grab one of your knees with both hands and move it toward your chest. Don’t overdo it, just hold it for a few seconds then switch to the other knee.

Changing the temperature around the problem area will often ease the pain. Everybody is different, so if a heating pad doesn’t work then try an ice pack. Be careful to not make it too hot or too cold as you don’t want to suffer a secondary injury while trying to treat your sciatic nerve.

Make regular appointments with your doctor or chiropractor if your sciatic nerve continues to give you trouble. The doctor can do a full medical history and do tests to see if there is something else going on. A chiropractor can make adjustments to your spine that may be able to take some of the pressure off. Whatever you decide, it’s important to remember that there are things you can do to relieve sciatic nerve pain.

Spotting the Difference between Low Back Pain and Kidney Pain

Spotting the Difference between Low Back Pain and Kidney Pain

Questions frequently arise when pain in the back occurs. Oftentimes, the sufferers and even the physicians themselves are not certain of the actual site of the pain’s origin. Since lower back pain radiates into the other sections of the body, people tend to become unsure of how to provide initial relief on themselves and how would doctors diagnose the condition. This is quite misleading and physicians who cannot find the exact location of the pain dismiss the case and assume that it is more of psychological rather than physiological.

To further complicate things, we may never really find the actual site of pain and the primary cause that triggered the pain. Let us assume that it really is a back pain, say in the lower back. We could have given treatment on this but what if it really was not originally a lower back pain. What if it rooted from the kidneys? What if the pain is actually a manifestation of kidney complications? How then would you tell the difference?

Though this may seem like an oversimplification, let us establish still that lower back kidney pain is more concentrated on the areas where the kidneys lie. That is located slightly above the hips and positioned next to the spine. Any injury created on the surface of the back that is directly covering the area where the kidneys are founded may have adverse effect on the kidneys themselves. This is the reason why trauma or any excessive force over the area is betterly recognized as “kidney punch” rather than lower back pain.

Kidney pain is directly linked to the organ itself but may usually manifest as lower back pain. It is acute in origin because the pain typically starts rapidly but may develop into chronic pain over time. However, the pain will only last as long as the kidney is infected. Chronic pain on the other hand is usually caused by the trauma on the back.

If initial symptoms will be used as the basis for diagnosing lower back kidney pain, evidences are clear that they show similarities with lower back pain. Yet a traumatized back is not relatively painful when pushed directly on the region of the kidney. But there are other indications that may show clear distinctions between lower back kidney pain and kidney pain alone. These may include painful urination, chills and fever, and presence of blood in the urine.

With the initial signs of lower back kidney pain, it is commonly advised that the patient sees his or her doctor immediately. To provide treatment plan as early as possible

How to Maintain Normal Estrogen Level

Estrogen is the most essential hormone in the body in women. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries, which is responsible for the physical appearance that distinguishes women from men. It gives the identifying figures of women, which are smaller hips, bigger chest as well as menstruation.

Estrogen is also essential to normal body function, which is why women should maintain normal estrogen level in the body.

Old age can be one of the reasons why women experience irregular estrogen production. Usually, when women reach old age, their body can no longer produce normal estrogen, which may lead to some bothering body malfunctions.

Most of the women develop body irregularities due to inadequate production of estrogen. However, women should supply their body with estrogen to maintain normal functions and prevent some damages in the body. How are you going to fill your body with the needed amount of estrogen? Is it possible?

To maintain a normal estrogen in the body, there are several ways you can do in order to fill the required level of estrogen in the body. These are the effective methods to supply normal estrogen level in the body. Here are the different ways.

Hormone replacement therapy these is a method used to supply the needed amount of estrogen in the body. It regulates the amount of estrogen to normal in the body so it will function effectively.

Estrogen supplements – these are drugs that are taken orally to maintain the normal estrogen level in the body. These drugs are available over all the leading drug stores in your area. However, you will need to consult your doctor first for further medical management. They will educate you about the function of the normal estrogen level in the body and all the information you need regarding this matter.

You can also eat estrogen-containing foods. There are many foods that contain estrogen. Some of which are apples, licorice, eggplant, cucumbers, peas, pomegranates, clover, carrots, garlic, pumpkins, soybeans and soybean sprouts, barley, papaya, dates, potatoes, alfalfa, eggs, fennels, plums, oats, yams, wheat, rice, and many more. With regular intake of these foods, your body will maintain normal estrogen level.

These are the different ways to maintain normal estrogen level in your body. However, before you try these kinds of estrogen maintenance, it is advisable that you consult a doctor regarding this matter. These professionals are willing to give you information and knowledge about this matter.

Juvenile Arthritis: What It Is and Treatment Options

When it comes to arthritis, we automatically think of the elderly. Yes, they are the common sufferers of this debilitating condition. But, did you know that there are over one hundred different types of arthritis? There are. One of those is juvenile arthritis.

As previously stated, there are over one hundred different types of arthritis. There are different reasons for pain and that pain is felt in different areas of the body, but there is pain. With arthritis, it is always there. With juvenile arthritis, children experience this pain. Unfortunately, children are unable to manage and deal with pain as well as mature adults.

In terms of juvenile arthritis alone, there are three types. All are associated with rheumatoid arthritis. What are they?

Pauciarticular is the most commonly diagnosed in children. Luckily, it is the mildest. Pain is often experienced in the ankles, knees, fingers, elbows, and hips; however, any joint can hurt.

Systemic is another type of juvenile arthritis, but it is rarely diagnosed. It is much less common. Unfortunately, complications are common. Pain is severe and often unbearable. Every joint in the body is susceptible to pain. It can also spread to other body organs.

Polyarticular is the third known type of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. It is not as common as Pauciarticular arthritis, but is more painful. This is easy to spot, as children can rarely manage or hide the pain on their own. More joints are affected. According to WebMD and other trusted medical sources, this disease progresses and gets worse over time.

What causes arthritis in children? Experts are unable to agree on a single answer. Through extensive research, most believe juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an overactive immune system. This immune style attacks the joint tissues. A virus can temporarily cause this, but specific genes lead to long-term attacks. A family history of arthritis may increase a childs risk.

Aside from Polyarticular arthritis, which can lead to additional complications, most children outgrow the disease. Successful treatment improves the chances. Although most children will outgrow the disease, parents and caretakers must focus on the present. Children suffering from arthritis will experience excruciating and unbearable pain. Without treatment, they will find it difficult to function from day-to-day.

For parents and caretakers, it is difficult to spot the warning signs in young children, especially toddlers. Many do not know how to convey their pain or the pain is so severe it is difficult to describe. In addition to joint pain, those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have difficulty sleeping, walking, experience joint swelling, and stiffness.

What type of treatment is available? Luckily, children suffering from arthritis have many options. First, medical care is recommended. Long-term health complications can arise if the disease is not properly treated and diagnosed. Parents concerned with treatment should first wait until they have a proper diagnosis. When that diagnosis arrives, pain medication is given. It may be needed on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, pain medications are damaging to the body. Over-consumption can cause complications. For that reason, parents and caretakers must understand the importance of exercise. Pain medication is not the only way to seek relief. Physical therapy will be short lived, but parents and patients are encouraged to continue the practice at home. Constant movement can be difficult for children who experience pain, but it is necessary. Movement prevents stiffness and deformities.

Many medical professionals recommend surgery to relieve arthritis pain in adults. This is rare in children. As previously stated, most children outgrow juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The risk of complications is too great in most cases. If treatment proves unsuccessful, surgery may be considered, but it is rare.

In short, rheumatoid arthritis affects individuals of all ages; it does not discriminate. If you are a parent or know a child who suffers from severe joint pain or difficulty moving, do not discount rheumatoid arthritis. It may be to blame.


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