Benefits of Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Maintaining the hormonal balance of a person is difficult. A woman is advised to take an estrogen replacement therapy to improve the level of estrogen that decline due to a disorder called hysterectomy after the menopausal period.

It is given for women who undergo either the premenopausal and postmenopausal period in their menstrual cycle. This is usually done in order to avoid possible discomfort and health problem brought by the imbalance estrogen hormone in the system of a woman.

The therapy is classified into short-term and long term relief. The short term relief usually lasts for one or two years. On the other hand, there is no exact duration for a long term relief because as long as the patient needs cure in order to lessen the risk, she will be recommended for a thorough treatment.

Estrogen replacement therapy replaces the hormones that are no longer produced by the ovary. It also provides relief for the unpleasant risks and effects that are brought by the symptoms of menopause in a womans body specifically the hot flashes and the night sweat.

Aside from merely using estrogen it is also sometimes associated with progestin. This is another type of hormone that is important during the menopausal period. It still varies on the doctors advice whether the patient still needs to have the progestin replacement.

There are some women who make use of herbal treatments for treating their hormonal imbalance. However, most of the doctors still prescribe the use of conjugated estrogen because this is proven to be more effective. Several arguments rise regarding the use of conjugated estrogen, but it was also studied that it can even help in reducing the risk of heart diseases.

Due to the great effect that has been brought by estrogen replacement therapy in curing other types of illnesses, this paves the way for the American women to support the use of estrogen replacement therapy to cure the disorder in their estrogen hormones. At present, the therapy is patronized not only in America but in many parts of the world.

For most women who are going through estrogen therapy, they are required to have salivary hormone testing to gauge the level of the saliva hormone as well. According to some studies, this is an important factor for recommending the dosage of medicines that will be given to the patient. Thus, it will prevent the person from overdosing on medication or lack dosage on the medications of the therapy.

Herbal Remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Are you suffering from unexplained exhaustion that lasts for more than six months and accompanied by several other symptoms such as sore throat, muscle and joint aches, lack of energy, short-term memory loss and severe headache? There’s a high chance you are afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome. Doctors have yet to discover the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS, but it is widely believed that a number of factors help trigger this debilitating disorder. Immune deficiency is on top of this list.

The symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are also classic symptoms of viral infections such as flu. And just as viral infections have no known cure yet, there is also no known cure for CFS. However, there are many ways to treat the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and help alleviate the discomfort and illnesses that the patient suffers from.

Since chronic fatigue syndrome is most likely caused by viral infections, it is thus important to keep the immune system strong. Herbal remedies are becoming more popular as more people discover the wondrous effects of natural herbs in promoting health and fighting different types of viruses. For combating chronic fatigue syndrome, the following herbal treatments are recommended.

Ginkgo Biloba This herb is known to improve circulation and brain function. Taking ginkgo biloba can help with memory and cognitive impairments that is one of the symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Korean Ginseng Long used in the orient to boost energy (and sometimes as an aphrodisiac), Ginseng also strengthens the immune system and fight viral infections. It also helps alleviate the harmful effects of stress. Just use with caution, though, because this herb is quite powerful. If you have high blood pressure or heart disease, do not use ginseng. Consult an herbalist first if you are sensitive to the effects of caffeine and similar stimulants.

Echinacea This powerful herb prevents pathogens such as bacteria and viruses from entering the body and causing several disorders. It basically protects the cells from infections. Recommended dosage is to take about fifteen to twenty drops in liquid form for thrice daily for two days. This is approximately 300 325 mg taken thrice daily.

Astragalus – One of the most effective herbs to strengthen the immune system, astragalus encourages the production of white blood cells that help fight off and get rid of pathogens that have entered the body. Astragalus is effective in treating flu and head colds but should not be administered if the individual is also suffering from a fever. Recommened dosage of Astragalus is 150-250 mg taken three to four times daily.

Licorice root This herb is known primarily for its efficacy in relieving cough and as an expectorant. But licorice is also effective in purging out toxins from the body. Licorice root also supports the endocrine system. However, it is not advisable to take this herb for more than seven days in a row. If you have high blood pressure, do not take licorice root. If you plan on using licorice for extended periods, make sure you also increase your intake of foods rich in potassium.

Like all other medications, it is important to use proper dosage when using these herbal remedies to achieve the best effects. It is also best to consult a doctor and a herbalist to help you identify which herbs works best and how much dosage you should take.

Eczema Treatment the Herbal Way Is It for You?

Eczema Treatment the Herbal Way Is It for You?

If you are suffering from eczema, an herbal eczema treatment is available for you. Herbal remedies are very appealing because they are a natural means of helping our body cope with many problems with little or no side effects. This is especially true when it comes to combating different kinds of illnesses; we often have to live with certain side effects brought about by the consumption of conventional forms of medications. Name anything you are afflicted with and chances are theres one herbal treatment right for it.

A person afflicted with eczema should always see to it that his or her immune system is maintained in top form. This will prevent the likelihood of appearance of flare ups, which is characterized by redness, itching and swelling. Ask anyone with eczema and he or she will tell you that itchiness is the worst of all the skin diseases symptoms. It can give you sleepless nights and an unsightly thickening of the affected skin due to scratching.

Herbal treatments for eczema come from different places all over the world. There are ones from India, China or even right at your very backyard. The best place to look for herbal treatments for eczema is by visiting your nearest local food and health products store.

Some of the most popular herbal remedies for eczema are the following:

*Milk thistle also good for treating other disorders related to a malfunctioning liver.

*Gotu Kola a plant from India often used as an additive to balms for dry, cracked skin.

*Pau Darco derived from the bark of the same tree which originates in South America; its often used to help boost the immune system of the body.

*Licorice its roots are effective for reducing swelling and other allergic reactions; also great for restoring the normal functioning of the liver, thus treating any condition associated with a damaged liver.

*Primrose its oils are popular among Europeans for many skin problems, including eczema.

Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) is a substance found out to do wonders on eczema. Sometimes called gamoleic acid, GLA is a form of a fatty acid found primarily in vegetable oils. However, there are a few herbs and herbal products that also contain GLA. Some of them include primrose oil, licorice root and chamomile. GLA is also often sold as a dietary supplement, recommended for those suffering from auto-immune diseases and inflammation.

Although such herbal treatments for eczema may be beneficial, one must not expect it to work instantly like magic. It may take a few applications before the initial results may become noticeable. You should consult a reliable herbalist or a naturopath one who prefers to use natural remedies such as foods and herbs than by means of synthetic drugs or surgery. He or she believes in the bodys inherent ability to heal, restore and maintain its health. A herbalist or naturopath will be able to help you out with picking a natural remedy for your eczema based on many factors, such as the severity of the condition, your skin type and lifestyle.

However, if you are currently on medications for your eczema, it is always best if you consult your doctor first before taking on a natural eczema treatment such as herbs. Although it is true that these herbal medications for eczema will produce no little or side effects, they might interfere with the medications you are currently taking; thus, potentially causing more harm than good.

Are Alternative Eczema Treatments Really Effective?

Anyone suffering from eczema will attest that not only the skin disease is a painful one, but it also very depressing. On cannot help but think about how other people react upon seeing those unsightly red, swollen and scaly patches on the skin. Because of this, those afflicted by the disease will try any available eczema treatment to help lessen the symptoms at all costs.

There is really no cure for eczema; however, there are many treatments available that help lessen the symptoms. Doctors often prescribe topical and oral treatments that will help in alleviating inflammation and itchiness, but these do not come without side effects. Some of them potentially include nausea, vomiting, hypertension, glaucoma, growth retardation and many others. With all these side effects in mind, someone with eczema cannot help but look at some of the alternative ways of treating eczema.

Herbal Medicines

There are hundreds of herbal medicines out there that claim to have beneficial effects to the symptoms of eczema. Basically, what they do is try to control the hyperactivity of a persons immune system, control inflammation and relieve itchiness. There are a variety of preparations and mode of applications for such herbal medicines. Some of them may be in the form of oils, lotions, soaps, infusions, teas and even pills.

Herbal treatments for eczema may include and may be derived from the following popular plants and plant parts:

– Aloe Vera gel
– Babul tree bark
– Burdock root
– Butea seeds
– Chamomile
– Linseed oil
– Madhuca leaves
– Oat straw
– Rosemary
– Walnut leaves
– Witch Hazel

Just bear in mind that herbal medicines are still medicines. Although they may not be potentially hazardous to your health, they may still cause side effects, no matter how minor they may be. Also, before trying out any herbal treatment, it is best to consult your doctor first. This is particularly important if you are currently on certain medications, as these natural remedies for eczema may interfere with the drugs.

Aromatherapy and Massage

Aromatherapy treatment for eczema may include massaging of the affected skin with essential oils that give off strong smell, this being derived from aromatic plants. Studies conducted among children have shown that massaging the eczematous skin with ordinary oil yielded the same positive results obtained using essential oils. In both cases, the children achieved relief from the symptoms, as well as improved their sleep.

It has been found out that stress plays a major role in the flaring up of eczema. That is why many doctors recommend anyone afflicted with the skin disease to relax, get rid of stress and have a positive outlook in life. This is where aromatherapy works: the scent of the essential oils used helps the person achieve relaxation better; hence, diminished flare ups.


Although stress does not directly cause eczema, it does have an effect on flare ups, as discussed earlier. Some experts might use a device attached to the body of the person suffering from eczema which evaluates different body signals. These signals include muscular tonicity, heart and respiratory rates. The information the device gives is called biofeedback an eczema treatment which is helpful to many.

The goal of this method is to let you sense the changes going on in your body when you are stressed, and learn how to control them right away. With less stress, less flare ups are likely to occur.