Killer Arthritis Relief Tips!

Killer Arthritis Relief Tips!
Mike Corrado

The most common type of arthritis is a condition affecting the joints called osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative disease in which the cartilage gradually becomes thinner. After time, the bony surfaces come into contact with each other and then they begin to become misshapen. This kind of arthritis most commonly occurs from a previous injury or wear and tear on the joint.

Most commonly, in arthritis patients, one of the large weight bearing joints are affected such as hips, knees and ankles. There can be a lot of pain and stiffness. Most people find that it is worse in damp or cold weather and a hot bath or a hot pad can help a lot.
It is important for arthritis sufferers to avoid weight-bearing exercises such as jogging, and instead to try things like swimming, yoga, Tai chi classes or cycling. Anything that stresses the joints is bad for OA sufferers.

In its more mild forms, arthritis is a condition that will respond to herbal medicines. Herbs to consider include Devil’s Claw, Ginger and Willow bark. Most people with arthritis are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to help with pain and any inflammation. Still, many people find that these drugs can upset their digestive systems. Anther herbal medicine that can help is meadowsweet herb, especially as a tea.

Rheumatoid arthritis is another kind of arthritis that also causes joint problems but the cause is very different. It is a chronic, inflammatory disease affecting the synovial membrane inside the joint. RA is characterised by periods of remission and exacerbation. In severe cases, most joints may be affected. Other body systems and organs may also be affected and flare-ups can be accompanied by general malaise. This problem is usually best treated by a qualified herbalist in conjunction with orthodox healthcare.

If you think you have either type of arthritis, you should consult a physician to determine the best treatment. Arthritis is a serious condition that will only worsen if you do not seek medical advice.

About the author:

Mike Corrado brings you smoking arthritis solutions at

Natural Health Herbal Medicine And Natural Healing

Are you looking for some inside information on natural health? Here’s an up-to-date report from natural health experts who should know.

What we do not understand we doctor to reject. Herbal medicines, acupressure, acupuncture, natural medication, and healing are some of those. And we dance along because if things cannot be explained by scientific methods, it cannot be true.

Definition of health varies from being to person. To some it means that nothing is fully serious, for some it means not getting any worse, for other bona fide is the visit to the doctor every year to get a nod of ” all clear “. Rarely did unfeigned mean zero health problems. And so we get by with taking aspirins and painkillers and live with aches and pains that we associate with certain infective bug, overwork, or ageing.

The problem with chemically formulated drugs and medicines is that, one; it remedies a part of the body but destroys another, often the liver. Two, it has questionable benefits that simple observation will divulge you that if the medication prescribed by the physician is not getting the desired settlement, an alternative prescription will be given ( a physician that has a reputation for having a higher batting average will be called as ” good ” and so will the physicians fees be ). Third, when a part of the body fails to normally function caused by the drug, it cede be termed as side effects. Fourth, when the body acclimatizes to the drug prescribed, we are in effect sentencing our body to a lifetime of medication. Fifth, behind all the advances claimed, heartfelt does not quite increase the average lifespan. Like the rest of the world, we still are satisfied if we challenge the magic mark of seventy years. Sixth, it is so expensive to be a sweat and miss thing which often it really is. Technical claims will be otherwise but everybody can claim. Result though will tell you differently.

For most of us, it has not been recognized that there is an alternative to a life sentence of medication. That there are medications not only to cure whatever ails but to build the reserves and boost the system thence that ailments are reversed naturally. When the system is false healthier and reserves are built, we could in part avoid the doctor whose typical remedy is give us drugs, when drugs will not work, chop parts of our body, and prescribe drugs more.

In the ancient world, our forebears have already recognized that there are only two kinds of plants, that which is good for food and that which is choice for healing. Even animals know this. Our house pets like dogs, cats, and chickens will forage for a particular grass of herb when they are not feeling well. Sooner this is vomited and the animal heals. In eastern cultures, these natural methods have been the basis for healing. Their life average expectancy is not longer than seventy years but ours is not longer either. The difference lies in the money, the trouble spent and for the most part, the absence of chronic pains and suffering.

Herbal medicines, natural medication and healing wrap up just that. Relieve the suffering and health anxiety naturally so we have time to eat up more of life without the drugs that gives temporary eight – contingency solutions until the hurt strikes again.
There’s a lot to understand about natural health. We were able to provide you with some of the facts above, but there is still plenty more to write about in subsequent articles.

Herbal Regimen For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients

Chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the more enigmatic disorders today. Characterized by conditions of extreme exhaustion lasting for a prolonged period of time, chronic fatigue syndrome also comes with several other symptoms such as muscle and joint pains, tenderness of the lymph nodes, recurring sore throat, impaired short memory, and severe headache. The underlying causes of this debilitating disease are not yet known.

Researchers have theorized that CFS might be caused by viral infections. This is supported by the fact that CFS and symptoms of flu are quite similar. However, rest and medication can relieve flu. Unfortunately, there is no known cure yet for chronic fatigue syndrome. Treatments and medications for CFS are mostly aimed at relieving the various symptoms that accompany a CFS attack. Doctors use a combination of non-drug therapies and medications to treat the symptoms of CFS.

Many doctors advocate the use of natural and herbal remedies to treat CFS. Herbal medicines have been used for centuries to treat various diseases. An herbal regimen for chronic fatigue syndrome may include tonics to help boost the immune system, increase the body’s energy level, improve digestive efficiency and restore strength to the muscles. Foods that help the body increase its absorption of minerals are also recommended. There are also deep immune tonics that strengthen the body’s supply of bone marrow and replenish the immune reserves.

Adrenal tonics and adaptogens also help boost the adrenal glands to enhance the body’s energy level and fight off stress. Antiviral herbs can be used to combat opportunistic viral infections, especially when combined with immune and adrenal strengthening herbs. Herbs can also be used to relax the nervous system and improve sleep. Some herbs have been used for ages to soothe frazzled nerves and combat stress. Here are some herbs that can be used to treat symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome:

Dang Gui This herb is a small, aromatic, fern-leafed plant native to China and related to the parsley family is best known for its blood strengthening properties. It revitalizes the blood and is also known to boost the health of the uterus and other female generative organs. Dan Gui is used to treat anemia, irregular menstruation, and for treating the symptoms of PMS and menopause. Dang Gui can be taken in various forms: tincture, capsule, tablet, powder and bulk herb.

Gentian This is a bitter tonic that acts as a digestive stimulant. It is usually taken15-30 minutes before meals and is typically combined with other herbs. Studies have reveled that gentian has immune-strengthening properties. It is usually given to patients to help in the absorption and assimilation of nutrients, enhancement of energy levels and improvement of immune function.

Ligustrum This herb can be used as a deep immune tonic to strengthen the immune system and fight off the harmful effects of overwork and stress. It is also used to nourish the liver and the adrenal glands and as a treatment for nausea, low back pain and palpitations. Ligustrum is even used in cancer treatments because of its potency.

Siberian Ginseng This herb has immune-regulating and adaptogenic properties. This makes Siberian ginseng a good treatment for fatigue, exhaustion, immune deficiency and other stress-related disorders. As an adaptogen, Siberian ginseng helps patients adapt to stress. This herb is also helpful in treating chronic inflammatory conditions. Taking Siberian ginseng also helps increase energy levels.

Are Alternative Eczema Treatments Really Effective?

Anyone suffering from eczema will attest that not only the skin disease is a painful one, but it also very depressing. On cannot help but think about how other people react upon seeing those unsightly red, swollen and scaly patches on the skin. Because of this, those afflicted by the disease will try any available eczema treatment to help lessen the symptoms at all costs.

There is really no cure for eczema; however, there are many treatments available that help lessen the symptoms. Doctors often prescribe topical and oral treatments that will help in alleviating inflammation and itchiness, but these do not come without side effects. Some of them potentially include nausea, vomiting, hypertension, glaucoma, growth retardation and many others. With all these side effects in mind, someone with eczema cannot help but look at some of the alternative ways of treating eczema.

Herbal Medicines

There are hundreds of herbal medicines out there that claim to have beneficial effects to the symptoms of eczema. Basically, what they do is try to control the hyperactivity of a persons immune system, control inflammation and relieve itchiness. There are a variety of preparations and mode of applications for such herbal medicines. Some of them may be in the form of oils, lotions, soaps, infusions, teas and even pills.

Herbal treatments for eczema may include and may be derived from the following popular plants and plant parts:

– Aloe Vera gel
– Babul tree bark
– Burdock root
– Butea seeds
– Chamomile
– Linseed oil
– Madhuca leaves
– Oat straw
– Rosemary
– Walnut leaves
– Witch Hazel

Just bear in mind that herbal medicines are still medicines. Although they may not be potentially hazardous to your health, they may still cause side effects, no matter how minor they may be. Also, before trying out any herbal treatment, it is best to consult your doctor first. This is particularly important if you are currently on certain medications, as these natural remedies for eczema may interfere with the drugs.

Aromatherapy and Massage

Aromatherapy treatment for eczema may include massaging of the affected skin with essential oils that give off strong smell, this being derived from aromatic plants. Studies conducted among children have shown that massaging the eczematous skin with ordinary oil yielded the same positive results obtained using essential oils. In both cases, the children achieved relief from the symptoms, as well as improved their sleep.

It has been found out that stress plays a major role in the flaring up of eczema. That is why many doctors recommend anyone afflicted with the skin disease to relax, get rid of stress and have a positive outlook in life. This is where aromatherapy works: the scent of the essential oils used helps the person achieve relaxation better; hence, diminished flare ups.


Although stress does not directly cause eczema, it does have an effect on flare ups, as discussed earlier. Some experts might use a device attached to the body of the person suffering from eczema which evaluates different body signals. These signals include muscular tonicity, heart and respiratory rates. The information the device gives is called biofeedback an eczema treatment which is helpful to many.

The goal of this method is to let you sense the changes going on in your body when you are stressed, and learn how to control them right away. With less stress, less flare ups are likely to occur.