Arthritis and Chronic Joint Symptoms

Arthritis and Chronic Joint Symptoms
Margie Garrison – “The Arthritis Lady”

From the Centers for Disease Control

Are you female, Caucasian, have a lesser education, and
overweight? Then you run the greatest risk of either arthritis
or chronic joint symptoms. Check out the latest statistics from
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

These statistics left me stunned. Just for openers:

Arthritis and chronic joint symptoms affect nearly 70 million
Americans, or about one of every three adults, making it one of
the most prevalent diseases in the United States. As the
population ages, this number will increase dramatically.

Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United
States. Double that of heart trouble. Triple that of respiratory
trouble. Five times that of diabetes. Over six times more than
that of stroke!

Nationally, medical care for arthritis cost nearly $22 billion
in 1995 (latest figures).

Total costs, including medical care and loss of productivity,
exceeded $82 billion in 1995.

Who has arthritis?

As the CDC reports: “The prevalence of arthritis is high for
all demographic groups, but especially higher among women, older
persons, and those with less education.”

What’s being done?

The CDC reports that in 1998, the “first ever” plan to address
arthritis using a public health approach was released. This plan
was developed by the CDC, the Arthritis Foundation, and the
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, with
input from over 90 organizations. The plan recommended actions
in “Three major areas for individuals and groups interested in
reducing the impact of arthritis.”

Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Prevention Research

Communication and Education

Programs, Policies, and Systems

For some reason, this evokes a scene in my mind from the TV
show “Star Trek Voyager” where the holographic Doctor is helping
one of his patients recover from a leg joint injury. The crewman
is in great pain, while the Doctor dispassionately tells the
patient to “live with the pain and do the exercises”. The
crewman, exasperated at this attitude, complains to the Doctor
that he was programmed not to hurt his patients. The holographic
Doctor quickly replies “I was programmed to do no harm. However,
I can inflict as much pain as I wish.”

In the daily media, we are bombarded with stories about AIDS,
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), Heart Disease, and
even the latest outbreak of the West Nile Virus. Yet, you hardly
ever hear anything about the greatest threat to our quality of
life … Arthritis!

Let me repeat the findings of the CDC (Centers for Disease

“Arthritis and chronic joint symptoms affect nearly 70 million
Americans, or about one of every three adults, making it one of
the most prevalent diseases in the United States. As the
population ages, this number will increase dramatically.”

One in Three

God forbid you are a Caucasian woman, with little education,
and are 30 lbs or more overweight (obese).

What can be done?

The CDC recommends: “We can do the effective things that are
not being done enough. Research shows that physical activity
decreases pain, improves function and delays disability. In
addition, research studies suggest that maintaining an ideal
body weight and avoiding joint injuries reduces the risk of
developing arthritis and may decrease disease progression.
Obtaining an early diagnosis so that appropriate management,
including self-management, can be initiated may improve the
quality of life for persons with arthritis. Early diagnosis and
appropriate management of arthritis, including … self-help
courses, weight control, and physical activity can help people
with arthritis function better, stay productive, and lower
health care costs.”

Has your Doctor ever told you to just keep doing your
exercises, keep dieting and keep your weight down, and keep
taking your medications and just try to live with the pain?

What else is your Doctor going to say? Are we crazy? Could it
be that if your Doctor said anything else it would mean
committing financial suicide?

I know most doctors are hard-working and doing their best and
in many cases are achieving astonishing things.

However, the pressure to use drugs and more drugs is
overwhelming. It is not their fault! It is ours!! We go to them
for a magic bullet and expect them to heal us… and with not
having to make any lifestyle changes. Is this fair to the
doctors? Of course not!

I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too”

Best of Health,

Margie Garrison – The Arthritis Lady”


About the author:
I am Margie – “The Arthritis Lady”, author of “I Cured My
Arthritis You Can Too”.

I also publish and distribute a free weekly health newsletter,
“Amazing Secrets To Fantastic Health””, that you can subscribe
to by sending an email to:
[email protected]

I have dedicated my life to helping you, help yourself enjoy a
Healthier and Happier Lifestyle.

Best of Health, Margie – “The Arthritis Lady&#

What Is Chronic Airways Disease and How Can Physiotherapy Help?

What Is Chronic Airways Disease and How Can Physiotherapy Help?

Chronic airways disease is actually a group of diseases. These diseases are also called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Chronic airways disease can cause a major change in the quality of a patient’s life. However, physiotherapy can help.

Diseases included in chronic airways disease are chronic bronchitis and emphysema, for example. Many other diseases that restrict or limit breathing are included. It is most often caused by cigarette smoking, but also can be caused by inhaling other irritants such as those in the workplace. Chronic airways disease is more common among the elderly.

Along with having shortness of breath, the patient is likely to wheeze and cough frequently. He will produce sputum in copious amounts, and sometimes that will be streaked with blood. The lips and fingers can take on a bluish tint because he is not getting enough oxygen, and heart trouble may follow for the same reason.

Physiotherapy can help with chronic airways disease in many ways. One is in breathing retraining. This is just what it sounds like. A physiotherapist works with the patient to teach him ways to breathe that will draw the most air while eliminating the most wheezing. This can be a great help for those with chronic airways disease.

Another method used by physiotherapists for those with chronic airways disease is called clapping and postural drainage. The postural drainage part is done by positioning the body so that the affected lung is above the trachea.

Many people do this at home by lying on a bed and bending the top half of the body over it. The physiotherapist teaches one how to do this so that the lung will drain. Before long, the patient with chronic airways disease will be doing this procedure on his own.

The other part of the help for chronic airways disease patients is called clapping. This is done by cupping the hand and clapping the back to loosen secretions in the chest. It is also called chest percussion. The physiotherapist will do this procedure, and will teach it to a family member or caregiver.

People with chronic airways disease often have a problem with weakening legs. This is because, as they have trouble breathing, they avoid walking or doing physical exercise of any sort. The goal of physiotherapy in this case is to strengthen the legs through treadmill-walking or stationary-cycling. This can only be done, however, if the patient is well enough to start out.

Conditioning the arms of chronic airways disease patients is just as important. Most daily jobs rely heavily on the arms to do the work. Exercises which focus on the arms not only strengthen the muscles of the arms. They also help the patient start breathing better.

Chronic airways disease is a condition that can benefit from physiotherapy. The physiotherapist treating the patient must have specialized knowledge for this type of treatment. Simple methods can be overlooked as modern treatments come to the forefront. Yet, physiotherapy personnel who know this technique can make a big difference in patients’ lives.

Medication For Cholesterol-When Diet Change And Exercise Dont Help

In some cases diet and exercise just aren’t doing enough to get your cholesterol levels down to a safe point. When that is the case, you can ask your doctor for a medication for cholesterol.

If you need to get a medication for cholesterol there are some important facts you must know. For one thing, you may need more than one.

Many medications can also have some potentially serious side effects so it is very important you keep in contact with your doctor and follow all dosing instructions very carefully.

One of the most common type of drugs for controlling cholesterol are statins. These medications decrease the bad cholesterol, LDL, levels in the bloodstream.

The problem is that these drugs can have some serious side effects. You need to make sure you talk with your doctor about all these possible side effects.

You must fully understand all the side effects and what you need to keep track of.

One of the most common side effects is numbness in the hands and feet. This numbness can come and go but it can make many day to day activities very difficult.

Other common side effects associated with statins are dizziness and weakness. This is caused due to the lower blood pressure as a result of taking the medication.

Another possible side effect is heart trouble. Since statins can cause problems with muscles it stands to reason that that would include the heart since the heart is a muscle.

Statins can actually work to decrease the amount of Coenzyme Q 10 in the heart thus making it more vulnerable.

Sometimes memory loss is reported as a side effect of taking these cholesterol drugs.

And last, but not least, depression. Taking these drugs can sometimes cause individuals to suffer from depression.

I’m not a doctor and ultimately only you and your doctor can decide whether or not the possible dangers associated with taking these medications is worth it based on the possible improvement of your cholesterol levels.

In some cases, if your cholesterol levels are dangerously high, the benefits of getting a more healthy cholesterol level may far outweigh any possible side effects.

It is important that you are an active participant in your care and that you discuss the risks and possible rewards with your doctor prior to starting any type of medication.

Also, don’t be shy about asking your doctor what other things you can do to try and get your cholesterol under control naturally.

There are herbal remedies that may be able to help you control your cholesterol without all the dangerous side effects.

Some doctors aren’t familiar with these so you may need to find another type of doctor who can help you out.

Ideally, you have, or find, a doctor who is on board with you in terms of trying to use natural methods as much as possible for dealing with all your health issues.

You really don’t want to have to constantly “fight” with your doctor but many of the medications today can cause a lot of unpleasant and possibly dangerous side effects so it only makes sense to keep your consumption of these things to a minimum.

Work with your doctor to find out which medication for cholesterol is best for you.