Emotional Intelligence And Its Link To Stress Management

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage–at least it seems that way. If you’ve been thinking you need to know more about it, here’s your opportunity.

One of the most recent breakthroughs when it comes to stress management deal with emotional intelligence. It is therefore important to understand this concept and how you can utilize it to maximize stress relief results.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is basically a quality of skill that enables anyone to control their emotional state. For anyone dealing with stress, you are monotonous aware how emotions can worsen or relieve the stressful situation you are in. According to research studies, people who keep managed to boost their emotional intelligence skills are better able to reduce stress levels in their lives.

Stress and Opposite Emotions

Upon the inception of stress, the body undergoes various physiological changes that are later on manifested in physical form of symptoms of stress. But what is the ultimate source of stress that you are experiencing? Basically, it comes as a emanation of the negative emotions that is developing inside you. It comes as a decision of the pressure that from your workplace, at home, or amongst your peers.

All of these constitution trigger biochemical events inside your body such that it is prompted to release cortisols or stress hormones, as well as adrenaline. The buildup of negative emotion can therefore either be a cause or effect of stress. Either way, it is unhealthy for you. In reality, it poses one at risk of developing serious conditions such as high blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. You can therefore get supplementary motivation to combat the signs of stress.

Enforcing Positive Emotions

Now that you grasp the potential harm brought about by the presence of negative emotions in your life, it is important to transform them into something positive. This will serve to counteract the effects of negative reaction in your health and social relationships.

You can do this by promoting positive emotions. While negative emotions can risk you of elaborating baneful health conditions, promoting positivity can boost the supply of DHEA or anti – aging hormone in your body. This is produced out of the same precursor that will respond to the emotional state of the body. So, whether you are suffering from a positive or negative emotion, it will its own corresponding effect on your physiological and emotional state.

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence Skills

Although the benefits of enhancing emotional intelligence in stress management has been established, actually doing this is a incommensurable thing altogether. This is challenging with the constant assault of stressors in one’s everyday life. Here are some techniques to help you lift emotional intelligence:

Take time to establish direct awareness of your body parts each day. This bequeath help establish more awareness about what you truly feel inside.

Set aside time to meditate. You can develop high emotional intelligence with constant practice of meditation.

Adapt a healthy diet and lifestyle. When you are physically healthy, it becomes easier to deal with your emotions.

Write a journal. This is a great method for exploring your emotional state to see patterns and be able to posses more power over how you feel.

Make sure you practice the extreme techniques often to boost your emotional intelligence skills and attain effective stress management ability.
Hopefully the sections above have contributed to your understanding of stress. Share your new understanding about stress with others. They’ll thank you for it.

Are You Attacking Anxiety and Depression

If you’re seriously interested in knowing about beauty, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about beauty.

Many who suffer from anxiety and depression take medication to relieve their sadness. Doctors may prescribe antidepressants, tranquillizers and sleeping tablets for your affection. But there are healthier alternatives that can be used in attacking anxiety and depression.

Exercise is extremely important for many reasons but level more then if you suffer from emotional woe. Many of you will remark that you just don’t have the time to exercise. But exercising doesn’t have to be done in a gym or health club. It can be a 20 minute walk around your neighborhood or running up and uncherished your stairs. Among other things, regular exercise increases your endorphins, those elated hormones that get the superb feelings going in your body. They boost self – esteem, and reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. The catch is that you need to exercise regularly to favor from it. Set up a schedule and stick to it. If you can’t do 20 log every day, try it three or four times per week. And make sure you do something that gets your heart rate up a little bit. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll start to feel better and will look forward to your little exercise break.

Social support is galling during tough times and especially if you’re attacking anxiety and depression. It’s probable that you want to reliable be alone when you feel depressed. But try to keep in mind that loneliness is actually one of the causes of depression, and if you already have it, sitting alone could worsen the situation. So think about getting involved in some groups, even if it’s the make headway thing you want to do. You can dawning by volunteering. Doing something for others is a great way to feel better about yourself and humanity, and it takes your mind off of how bad you may believe things are.

Similarly, talking to someone about how you feel is a great way to alleviate some of your pain. You don’t need to go out and clasp a group to do this. Share how you feel with a close family member, friend or even a professional who will lend an objective ear.

Relaxation and meditation are also very effective when it comes to treating depression. One of the best methods of relaxation is to practice savasana ( referred to due to the ” dead body pose ” ) In this position, you lie flat on your back with your arms relaxed at your sides. This is a position that is often done between yoga exercises. It returns vermeil circulation to normal and teaches complete relaxation.

Cut certain supplements. There is a strong correlation between anxiety / panic disorder and dismal levels of certain vitamins and minerals. Here are some things that you want to make sure you are getting enough of: Omega 3 fish oil, calcium, magnesium, vitamin c and b – complex vitamin supplements.

The above information about attacking anxiety and depression does not substitute medical cure given by a health professional.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

Use Essential Oils to Stop Panic Attacks

If you suffer from panic attacks, then you will understand the desperate attempts to rid yourself of the nasty attacks. Most people rush to a psychiatrist to obtain medicine such as anti-depressants or benzodiazepines to counter act the effects of panic attacks. Both these pharmaceuticals may work, but as most people know drugs can come with some severe side effects. Essential oils can help maintain a level of calm, reduce the chance of panic attacks, and give you a healthy and natural way to fight panic attacks.

Using essential oils can calm your nerves and help you fight off panic attacks. Although you can use the oils for aromatherapy during an attack, it is more advantageous to use them prior before having an attack. Using essential oils is a preventative method to help keep the panic attacks at bay and bringing you peace throughout your day. Aromatherapy is a safe and effective way to help keep panic attacks from flaring before they actually happen.

For those who dont know what exactly a panic attack entails, it is a process where you emotions take over your mental state. You react, panic, and fall into a stage of ultimate panic. You overreact and your body compensates with its adrenal system by releasing adrenaline. Adrenaline is responsible for the muscle tension and increase in heart rate. Your breathing becomes quick and shallow and your body falls into a state of fight or flight state as if you have been faced with danger.

If you are susceptible to panic attacks, you can use the essential oils in aromatherapy in your office, in your home, or even as a mild cologne or perfume to help keep the aroma available throughout the day. In the office it will help you deal with the stressful actions that could otherwise trigger a panic attack. At home, essential oils in aromatherapy can help you relax from a hard day of taking care of kids, and it can help you relax when coming home from work.

The following list of essential oils are extremely effective ways to help fight off panic attacks. You can use them individually for their separate effects, or for the ultimate effect combine them to help eliminate, control, and calm panic attacks when they happen. The combination of Frankincense, Lavender, Neroli and Ylang Ylang can help you fight panic attacks naturally and without the use of harmful drugs.


Frankincense is a major essential oil that is involved with balancing and relaxing your mind and spirit. The exotic plant is found in Africa as a bush with a beautiful fragrance. It is often recognized from religious stories since it has be a prominently soothing plant for many centuries. The deeply relaxing herb is essential for improving your state of mind and relaxing your body.

Lavender French

Lavender French is cultivated in Europe as a powerful essential oil that soothes your mind, relaxes your spirit, and it even plays as a mild antiseptic. It is a popular, soft and mild scent that has a flowery aura. It can help ease your sore aches and pains in the muscles and it can reduce the head tension from a hard days work.


Neroli is a distilled oil from the bitter orange tree. The fragrance is meant to relax you mind and restore energy levels to proper levels. It can help relieve your soul from anger and irritability and it keeps you from allowing emotions to flare.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang is a sensual oil that can follow up from the other oils to help finalize your relaxation. It is an exotic aroma that uplifts your spirits and brings peace to your busy mind. It also helps put you in a romantic mood and uplifts your overall outlook on life.

Use these essential oils alone or in combination and you can surely eliminate outbreaks of panic attacks.


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Tips on the Relationship Between Anxiety and Insomnia

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with beauty? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you’ve ever wanted to know about beauty.

Anxiety and insomnia are often related. Each can be causes of the other which, in nature, leads to a vicious cycle that may seem impossible to break.

A study conducted by Dag Neckelmann, MD, PhD, of the Extra of Psychiatry at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, Norwa, shows that chronic insomnia increases your odds of having anxiety disorders. So, treating chronic insomnia may be one way to alleviate feelings of anxiousness.

Although numberless people have suffered insomnia in certain periods of their lives, chronic insomnia is characterized by one month or more of having trouble falling asleep, waking up too early or overall poor quality of sleep. It affects 10 percent of adults in the US.

To fight chronic insomnia, first check with a doctor to ensure that certain conditions selfsame feelings disease, diabetes, epilepsy, pregnancy, menopause or arthritis aren’t the cause of the problem. Certain medications may also negatively affect healthy sleep.

Seek any psychological factors that are affecting your rest. For example, solitary major sign of depression is not being able to go back to sleep after waking up too early. So, in this case, treating your depression may also help with your insomnia.

One way to deter both anxiety and insomnia is to cut down on caffeine and alcohol. Coffee is the obvious culprit when it comes to too much caffeine but you also want to avoid tea, soft drinks, chocolate and certain medications. While you may fall asleep quickly after drinking alcohol, your sleep will be light and fragmented.

Calcium enhances sleep, as do B vitamins and magnesium.

And then there’s smoking… nicotine increases blood pressure, speeds up the heart rate and stimulates brain activity… not what you want when you’re trying to get a good night’s sleep.

Fresh way to kick the insomnia is by receipt exercise. You don’t have to jump gung – ho interest a gym or stark club, though. Just a 20 dwarf walk every day ( or even 3 / 4 times a week ) can help. The best time to exercise is in the late afternoon. Do not exercise just before bed – – that would be counter – productive as exercise stimulates your body.

The right environment and position is also condusive to sleep. Your room should be as dark as possible. Any kind of scintillant, and especially blinking, flashing lights or lights from the TV, are disruptive to moor. You can also try wearing a mask to block out light although some find this to be uncomfortable. A white noise maker is a way to block out bumps in the night or individual sounds that could wake you up. Temperature is and important. Make sure that your thermostat is set at a comfortable position for you when you’re covered in blankets.

If you’ve tried everything and you still can’t sleep, try not to get stressed out about it. This just makes matters worse. Try to do something calming like reading or taking a warm bath and go back to platform because soon as you start motility remiss.

The above information about anxiety and insomnia does not substitute medial advice given by a health professional.

Those who only know one or two facts about beauty can be confused by misleading information. The best way to help those who are misled is to gently correct them with the truths you’re learning here.