In an attempt to understand how and why massage therapy is as effective as it seems to be, scientists and medical researchers from around the world have been studying it for decades. Some characteristics of massage therapy have been conclusively resolved with apparent consensus among the learned scholars, while other characteristics remain as inexplicably mysterious as ever. For instance, they all agree that when a certain amount of pressure is applied to a soft tissue such as a muscle, some changes occur within the affected muscles. They also all tend to agree that massage therapy promotes relaxation and reduces the stress which often leads to deterioration or worsening of certain physiological conditions.

Those characteristics of massage therapy which have not yet been explained by conventional science, gave rise to a number of theories and postulates. You will note that they are all prefaced with the word might to indicate uncertainty as they described possible health benefits of massage therapy:

* Might provide stimulation that may help block pain signals transmitted to the brain and this is called the gate control theory of decreasing or alleviating pain.

* Might promote better health by stimulating the lymphatic system to increase the flow of lymph, which is the secretion that carries disease fighting cells through the body.

* Might re-route the clients nervous system away from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic. In doing so, the fight-or-flight reaction of the sympathetic nervous system with its increased heart and breathing rates along with tightened muscles of distress are shunned in favor of the rest-and-digest reaction of the parasympathetic nervous system with its lowered heart rate, slowed breathing and relaxed muscles.

* Might be instrumental in effecting beneficial changes in the body by preventing fibrosis through the process of breaking up scar-like tissue

* Might arouse the body to discharge chemicals such as serotonin or endorphins which area known to give people the feelings of wellbeing.

* Might improve sleep patterns which is essential to pain control and healing processes.

* Might contribute to the overall mental and physiological health by the intimate interaction between the client and the therapist.

The following are specific cases and their reported benefits whether they are understood or merely observed with bewilderment:

* Students at a New Jersey Medical School who were given massage therapy before an exam displayed less anxiety, lower respiratory rates, a substantial increase in white blood cells and an enhanced immune system.

* Cancer patients at the James Cancer Hospital and Research Institute in Columbus, Ohio experienced less pain and decreased anxiety after receiving massage therapies than those who did not get such treatments.

* Studies at the University of South Carolina show that women who recently lost a child were less depressed after massage therapy.

* The National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that massage therapy improved weight gain in infants who were premature or those who were exposed to HIV. They also determined that massage therapy expedites recovery in patients who had abdominal surgery.

* Researchers at the University of the Miami School of Medicines Touch Research Institute discovered that massage therapy decreases high blood pressure, relieves migraine headaches, and generally increases alertness and performance in the workforce.

* Many additional studies confirm that massage therapy reduces heart rates, lowers blood pressure; increases blood circulation and lymph flow; relaxes stiffened and tense muscles while stimulating weak and inactive muscles to compensate for lack of movement due to an illness or an injury; speeds up the healing process after surgeries, disease and injuries; improves the range of vision; increases endorphins; reduces anxiety, tension, depression, pain and itching in burn patients; and Autistic children exhibit calmer and more predictable behavior.

So, is massage therapy beneficial? Yes! Massage therapy is beneficial on, oh, so many levels. The mechanics of the process may not be clear just yet, but the outcomes are undeniable by anyones standards.


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Conventional Medication For Sinus Infections

Conventional Medication for Sinus Infections

There are many things you can take to fight a sinus infection. Apart from antibiotics, there are others as well namely antihistamines, decongestants, leokitrienes, mucolytics, nasal saline irrigation and steam inhalation as well as steroids.

Antihistamines are recommended if the doctor has determined that your sinus infection is caused by an allergy. Majority of them do not have to be prescribed by a doctor so you can easily get this off the counter. The only limitation with antihistamines is the side effects. Those who take it will usually feel groggy or sleepy while some may experience dryness. To counter this, decongestants are added to the ingredients of the antihistamine like those normally found on those that are prescribed by the doctor.

Then there are decongestants. These are also available over the counter and in prescription form. These are designed to relieve congestion, nasal pressure and nasal swelling by reducing the blood flow to the membranes that in turn will improve air flow, lessen breathing through the mouth, decrease pressure in the sinus and head as well as ease discomfort.

The one thing it cannot do is relieve a runny nose. Sadly, it also has side effects such as increased blood pressure and heart rate which means patients who have high blood pressure or heart problems have to consult a doctor before taking them.

Leokotrienes are anti-inflammatory prescription drugs that are used to prevent inflammation in the airway and sinus cavities. It has been proven useful in helping patients who have sinus infections due to asthma. The side effects associated with this drug include dryness of the nasal passages, headaches, bleeding, crusting, upset stomach and skin rashes.

The doctor may also recommend the use of mucolytics. This is also used in treating cough because it destroys or dissolves mucus which makes it difficult for the person to breathe. These are available in tablet or liquid form. You can also inhale it when this is placed inside a nebulizer.

This is usually given in high dosages as this is the only way to achieve easier drainage. Once this is done, it will be easy for the body to expel through coughing. If not, this has to be done with the help of suction.

Your doctor may also recommend nasal saline irrigation and steam inhalation. This is the only one that does not have any side effects. It is safe and non-addictive. This works almost immediately especially when what you are dealing with is indeed a viral infection so you can stop using it after 3 to 5 days.

Steroids are also used to get rid of sinus infections. In fact, there are two kinds and the one used for inflammatory conditions are known as glucocorticosteroids. This can be administered orally, applied to the skin or by injection.

The side effects associated with it include increased appetite, weight gain, upset stomach, increase blood sugar and blood pressure, sleep disturbance, mood swings as well as fluid retention. These gradually disappear of course once you stop taking it.

As you can see, there are other medications around that doctors can use to help you fight off your sinus infection. They will have to determine first what is causing it rather than through trial and error because this can lead to complications and you surely dont want that to happen to you.

The Arthritis-Hypnosis Connection

The Arthritis-Hypnosis Connection
Paul Gustafson RN, BSN, CH

Did you know that we all have the ability to enhance self-healing, increase comfort and improve nutrition, exercise, communication and flexibility? This article explains clinical hypnosis and how it can bring relief to clients suffering from arthritis. Hypnosis is easy to learn, you can do it on your own and it empowers you to take an active role in your healthy well-being.The subconscious mind has many jobs. It quietly and effectively regulates our bodily functions and stores all of our values, beliefs and memories. It also balances our blood pressure, heart rate and co-ordinates each step we take everyday of our life. The negative effects of arthritis extend into many areas of a clients life, as does the positive resolve and relief of hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is the simple process of accessing and directing the subconscious mind to support certain positive changes. It is the language of the mind, it access the most powerful level of awareness and down loads new applications of freedom and relief.Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It causes a deterioration of the protective lining of cartilage in our joints. This deterioration occurs due to a breakdown of the chondrocytes that form cartilage. Osteoarthritis affects men and women equally. Most people over 30 years of age have some features of early osteoarthritis. The degree of limitation depends on the location of the inflammation. The major areas of concern are hips, knees and spine. The development of osteoarthritis may be related to trauma, aging or heredity.The symptoms of stress play a big role in exacerbating the situation. Communication with family and friends plays a key role in managing stress and hypnosis makes this a lot easier. Suggestions offered to a client during a hypnosis session encourage them to share whats on their mind enabling them to offload concern and frustration, giving them more time doing things they enjoy.It takes energy to deal with any physical or emotional burden. Hypnosis creates ideal sedation allowing for sound sleep. We all follow the path of our most dominant thoughts and if the last thoughts a client has at bedtime involve deep restful sleep, they are in a much better position to recharge their body and mind for tomorrows challenges. For those suffering with arthritis its often difficult just keeping up with the fast pace of day-to-day life. Hypnosis helps individuals adjust to a more appropriate pace and also to release the frustrations and anxiety associated with any limitation. Clients who routinely relax with hypnosis are more centered, balanced and less affected by things they can not control. Increasing muscle tone reduces stress to affected joints, which increases mobility and comfort. Low impact activities like swimming; walking and range of motion exercises are commonly recommended to clients with arthritis. With hypnosis its easier to integrate new regimes and to establish positive subconscious connections between healthy activity and improved mobility, comfort and freedom.The more protection in your joints, the more comfort and mobility you create. Since the subconscious controls the multitude of our bodily function, hypnosis can direct it to increase the production of chondrocytes, which increases the growth of healthy new cartilage. Pain is often the biggest issue with arthritis. Some pain, however, is necessary; it acts as a warning system telling us that something isnt right. The responsible approach with hypnosis is to only reduce unnecessary pain, leaving intact the bodys ability to signal us and protect us from further complications.Hypnosis can also be used to regulate the flow and distribution of endorphins, which are the feel good chemicals the body uses to create comfort and relaxation. Using hypnosis to regulate endorphin production plays a big role in putting the client in control. Hypnosis can also alter the perception of where the pain is located. By redirecting sensitivity away from key areas such as hips, knees and vertebrae to a less critical part of the anatomy like a finger tip, the client has much more control.The same approach can be used to attach a different quality to pain. A sharp pain can be perceived as dull; burning pain can be perceived as cool. Involving other senses is one of the distinct advantages hypnosis offers in managing the symptoms of arthritis. Another technique involves using one color to represent pain and another to represent comfort, and then blending the two offering instant relief.Lastly, by attaching a number value to pain creates the option of change. By imagining a yardstick during hypnosis a client can pick the number that best reflects their current level of pain, and then they are directed to different numbers which changes their perceived level of discomfort. With hypnosis arthritis sufferers gain a distinct advantage in managing and even reversing the limitations of arthritis. Hypnosis is simple, empowering and extremely effective. A few sessions with a hypnotherapist gets you started and with a little practice you begin to effect healthy positive changes in your life. We all have remarkable self-healing abilities and hypnosis is an excellent way to jumpstart a return to a healthier more active life. About the Author
Paul Gustafson RN, BSN, CH runs of Burlington, Massachusetts. His 11 years of acute cardiac and hospice experience offer a solid foundation supporting his clinical approach to hypnotherapy. Visit or call toll free at 888-290-3972.

Alternatives to Assist With Anxiety and Depression

Many who suffer from anxiety and depression take medication to relieve their pain. Doctors may prescribe antidepressants, tranquillizers and sleeping tablets for your condition. But there are healthier alternatives that can be used in attacking anxiety and depression.

Exercise is extremely important for many reasons but even more so if you suffer from emotional stress. Many of you will say that you just don’t have the time to exercise. But exercising doesn’t have to be done in a gym or health club. It can be a 20 minute walk around your neighborhood or running up and down your stairs. Among other things, regular exercise increases your endorphins, those happy hormones that get the good feelings going in your body. They boost self-esteem, and reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. The catch is that you need to exercise regularly to benefit from it. Set up a schedule and stick to it. If you can’t do 20 minutes every day, try it three or four times per week. And make sure you do something that gets your heart rate up a little bit. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll start to feel better and will look forward to your little exercise break.

Social support is crucial during tough times and especially if you’re attacking anxiety and depression. It’s probable that you want to just be alone when you feel depressed. But try to keep in mind that loneliness is actually one of the causes of depression, and if you already have it, sitting alone could worsen the situation. So think about getting involved in some groups, even if it’s the last thing you want to do. You can start by volunteering. Doing something for others is a great way to feel better about yourself and humanity, and it takes your mind off of how bad you may believe things are.

Similarly, talking to someone about how you feel is a great way to alleviate some of your pain. You don’t need to go out and join a group to do this. Share how you feel with a close family member, friend or even a professional who will lend an objective ear.

Relaxation and meditation are also very effective when it comes to treating depression. One of the best methods of relaxation is to practice savasana (referred to as the “dead body pose”) In this position, you lie flat on your back with your arms relaxed at your sides. This is a position that is often done between yoga exercises. It returns blood circulation to normal and teaches complete relaxation.

Take certain supplements. There is a strong correlation between anxiety/panic disorder and low levels of certain vitamins and minerals. Here are some things that you want to make sure you are getting enough of: Omega 3 fish oil, calcium, magnesium, vitamin c and b-complex vitamin supplements.

The above information about attacking anxiety and depression does not substitute medical advice given by a health professional.