On Choosing Heart Rate Monitor as Fitness Maintenance

All heart rate monitors are not created equal. Some have features that are only limited to a watch and a heart rate monitor. Some have additional features to include calorie burned count and percentage of fat burned count. Higher end heart rate monitors have computer connectors for data uploading and easy reference. Some are with belt chest while some are strapless.

Some can store multiple data while some can store only one. But with these differences, a good heart rate monitors designed for fitness maintenance does not have to be very basic or very high-tech. It has to be functional and very suitable for the particular fitness demand.

Here are the things you should know when choosing heart rate monitor for fitness.

Basic features: Heart rate monitors most basic feature is its ability to measure the heart rate. And since they are usually worn on the wrist, heart rate monitors also acts as a sports watch. Some have backlights while some have none. Most are water resistant and shock resistant. These basic features might appear on every heart rate monitors on the market so you will not have any problem in these areas.

Expanded features: While it is advisable for beginners to get the basic heart rate monitor and work from there, others might be very eager to try higher-end heart rate monitors with calorie counters, built-in training program, and built-in trainer-like features that would guide user throughout the whole training, the choice is still up to you.

Other special heart rate monitor features include VO2, altitude measurement, average, lowest and maximum heart rate reading, and many more. Just make sure that you can use most of the features and not allow yourself to get confused on the complicated features and procedures of the heart rate monitor.

Memory: To be able to record the data of your previous training, you should need a heart rate monitor that has a good memory storage capacity. It is important to note that the lesser memory size can normally record 1 to 2 training sessions while heart rate monitors with large memory storage can record multiple heart rate data. If you need to have a record on your previous trainings better have a large memory storage heart rate monitor.

Computer compatibility: This might be a great tool to further monitor your fitness progress. All the data you record on the heart rate monitor can be uploaded on the computer. If you need this better have it.

These 4 are key things you should know on choosing heart rate monitor. Consider these and you can have a good device suited for your needs.

Mio Heart Rate Monitor Story

Aiming to have the best heart rate monitor that would give the best, most practical, and most comfortable, the founder of Mio surpasses what the present technology in her time provides.

Mio, from the Italian word which means mine was founded by Liz Dickinson in 1999. The foundation was prompted by the necessity to have a heart rate monitor that would give her the best result in maintaining her normal weight after giving birth. She realized that the best way to have her weight back was to be conscious about the food she eats and the level of exercise she would take. Actually, Liz realized this after she gave birth to her third child. While she aimed to achieve this, the market had yet to have the suitable product that would answer this.

Since, there was no time to read product level on eat food she buys, there was a great need to what she thought a device that would lessen the worry and reduce the time wasted on check what food to buy and what s not. Not only that. Thought that the regular strap heart rate monitor was too uncomfortable to wear and an alternative must eliminate the strap.

The result was the creation of Mios first strapless heart rate monitor. This was also the worlds first strapless heart rate monitor to be produced and marketed. But that did not stop there. Mio also created the calorie management system that provides the straightforward approach in managing the diet with the use of calorie intake monitoring. The result was pretty much expected. Liz was able to discard those unnecessary pounds and had gained the advantages of improved health and fitness condition. This gave her less stress, more vitality, and more energy.

The Mio heart rate monitor is able to provide an accurate on-demand heart beat reading. Since it is strapless Mio heart rate monitor is more comfortable and easy to wear without the need to have a belt strap around the users chest. The Mio heart rate monitor also removes the probable risk of taking inaccurate reading since improper wearing of the belt can give user wrong heart rate reading.

Mio heart rate monitor also has several features that are surely functional. Some of which include the readings on the maximum, minimum and average heart rate. It includes the length of the whole exercise with summary of heart progress and activity.

Mio continuous to innovate, improve and release unique heart rate monitors in the market.

Buying a Heart Rate Monitor

Buying a heart rate monitor would not simply mean searching on a particular brand or the best looking unit in the market. It also does not mean you have to order immediately the particular heart rate monitor recommended by a friend. And, buying would not mean you have to take the top of the line heart rate monitor equipped with complete features and the latest technological breakthroughs. While these would be good reasons to buy your first heart rate monitor, it might be unwise.

Buying heart rate monitors would mean determining your need for a device. Since every heart rate monitor in the market is designed for a particular type of need, this must be your first consideration. Determine if you are using it for swimming, biking, running, or plain exercising. This would greatly narrow down your list of possible heart rate monitor. For beginners of course, there are particular heart rate monitors that are not complicated and not expensive. For more advanced users, there are several selections of heart rate monitors that would answer the demands for features.

The second thing you have to consider in buying heart rate monitor would be the comfort. This particularly goes with the gender. It is given that most heart rate monitors are designed for men so the size of the strap would not easily fit to the womens. And if the strap would not fit properly, there is a great tendency for inaccurate reading.

The next thing to consider is the display. You have to take into account the when you are training, either you are running, swimming, biking or on a treadmill, you are making great body movements. And when you do such activities, there is a need for a large display. Large display would enable you to read easily in arms length your heart rate without the need of stopping for few seconds. Along with the display, the right heart rate monitor should have big buttons. This would give you the ease of pushing your heart rate monitor with your finger while you are moving.

These 4 basic needs on buying heart rate monitor would give you the luxury of getting the most suited for your particular need. And if you have answered these 4 important components you can now to for the heart rate monitor that would suite your need for style and price without compromising the functionality and ease of use.

Heart Rate Monitor Watch

It was not so long ago when our wrists only permanent occupants were watches. This is not bad of course, especially if we only need is a device that would tell us the time. But for runners, athletes, and trainers, a simple time-telling device wrapped around the wrist would not do. Because for them wristwatches are not enough. They need something that could give them the exact status of their heart while on training. They need a heart monitor watch.

Since knowing the status of the heart is very important in telling the effectiveness of the workout, monitoring the heart rate would be very important. This makes the checking of the wrist or the neck after the runner would stop his/her workout logical. This manual reading would be able to tell the heart rate of the runner. But then there is a great tendency to be inaccurate in reading the heart rate manually.

With the heart rate monitor watch, runners, athletes, and trainers would eliminate the need for manual reading. As a result, the heart rate monitoring would be more accurate. People using the heart rate monitor watch can also have an easy access on the status of their heart at any given time they wish to check it. This is far too different from manual reading since it would not require the reader to stop and check for his wrist or his neck to get a reading. Heart rate monitor watch would make it easy for anyone to do the reading by just checking in the watch.

The heart rate monitor watch can tell if the user have to slow down of speed up his activity. As a result, the user can eliminate the risk of over-training or under-training which is very possible without a heart rate monitor watch. So, every effort the user would make would mean greater effectiveness on his part.

The heart rate monitor watch would even be very effective on regular people who just want to see on their will the status of their heart even if they are not in training or running. Now, people on their way to the office or people waking up early in the morning can access instantly the status of the heart accurately and conveniently.

And so whether a person is on training or simply would like to monitor his/her heart rate, the use of heart rate monitor watch would be a great help indeed.