Why Use Heart Rate Monitor

If you are still thinking of getting a heart rate monitor, the following reasons might make you decide. Here are some of the reasons why people should use heart rate monitor:

Fitness monitor: When people train, they need result and that result in one and only one thing: cardiovascular fitness. Since this is the single most important part of every training, having the right tool to monitor the cardiovascular fitness is very important. The heart rate monitor lets the user to know if the intensity of the training is too much or just right.

Accuracy: If you are using your fingers to know what is your current heart rate, you are probably having a difficult time determining your precise heart rate. With the heart rate monitor, you can determine your current heart rate more effectively plus the ease of eliminating the hassle of counting your heart rate with your fingers against time.

Training Efficiency: For people who take training seriously, making the most out of every minute of training is very important. Everyday many trainers, athletes, and health conscious hit their daily training routine. But most of them are not conscious about the right intensity of the training that sometimes they tend to over-train. This increases the risk of injury plus the given fact that they are not getting the right result equivalent to the effort they exert. With the heart rate monitor, the intensity of training is regulated to get the best exercise or training possible with the least amount of effort.

If there is over-training, there should be under-training. Like the former, the latter usually happens, as the right amount of intensity can never be accurately monitored. The heart rate monitor will eliminate such problem at the device will enable the user to determine if he achieves the desired level of training intensity.

Pacing during the competition: When you are on the race trying to beat all other contenders, you also have to know when to step on your gas or when to slow down. Without the heart rate monitor, this is not possible. Heart rate monitor will let you know if your pacing is right for your body. Runners are prevented from going too fast or going to slow with the help of the heart rate monitor.

Satisfaction: If running may be a little bit boring to you, the use of heart rate monitor will give you more reasons to keep on running. The excitement it provides with all the details and the data it shows will guarantee you that you will get more and more miles behind you.

Treadmill and the Treadmill Heart Rate Monitor

With the increasing concerns to stay fit, many Americans would give their body the chance to shake those sleeping reactivated and shred some pounds every time they tip their weight. This is the reason why people exercise and the first type of exercise they do is running. And who would not agree? Running is the best form of exercise for it enables the every muscle to move.

And when we talk about running we often talk about treadmills. Not only it provides a better tool to keep track of our training, treadmills give us the convenience of being inside a safe room. With treadmills, we would not require ourselves to wear training clothes suitable for the summer days. We will never have any reason not to run during winter days. And we will never be able to miss one day of training if rain begins to fall outside our windows.

With treadmill, add we have to do is to step on it and off we go; no weather considerations, no outfit to match the cold, and no dogs to chase us while we run.

Meanwhile if you think that treadmill alone would do the job of getting us fit, well you can set those thinking aside. Although treadmill will give us the total body workout, treadmill is incomplete without the device that gives us report, not on the length we are going but the rate our heart is performing. Yes! Treadmill should have the heart rate monitor.

Treadmill heart rate monitor is a device that is attached on a treadmill as an added feature. It monitors the heart rate similar to a typical belt heart rate monitor and wrist heart rate monitor. The only difference is that, the treadmill heart rate monitor is attached on the treadmill and could not be carried around wherever you want.

Many treadmills today has a built in heart rate monitor. The function conforms to the general use of a heart rate monitor. It keeps you on tract with your heart rate while doing your exercise on the treadmill. It eliminates the need of checking your pulse manually which is often inaccurate and hard to do. Treadmill heart rate monitor guarantees every treadmill user that they get the right amount and intensity of training for the device would tell if you exceed your limit or you need to pick up you pace.

All in all, the treadmill heart rate monitor is safe, portable, and accurate.

Strapless Heart Rate Monitor and the Conventional Heart Rate Monitor

Strapless Heart Rate Monitor and the Conventional Heart Rate Monitor

There are two major types of heart rate monitors: the one that uses a strap and the strapless. Most of the manufactured heart rate monitors today are composed of two major parts: the chest strap and the wrist unit. The chest strap acts as the transmitter to which the heart rate is measured. The data is then transferred to the data to the wrist unit. The wrist unit on the other hand receives any data the transmitter sends.

It has the display where the person using it can read his or her heart rate count. The transmitter and the receiver work hand-in-hand to provide an accurate heart rate measurement. And the good thing about this is that the user can have the access real time. Meaning, whenever the user would wish to check his/her heart rate, he/she can have it and would not require to use the conventional manual method.

This principle of being able to access the heart rate without using the manual method still applies on the strapless heart rate monitor. But there is a great difference. Like what was said, the normal heart rate monitor can provide measurement whenever the user wishes to have it. The strapless heart rate monitor provides an on demand only heart rate measurement. Strapless heart rate monitor does not give a continuous heart rate data and the measurement is only given whenever needed.

This is because the strapless heart rate monitor requires the user to place two fingers on the monitors sensor in a specific length of time usually between 4 to 13 seconds. And the reading would only activate if this is done. The electrical stimulation provided by the fingers that is sourced from the heart gives the strapless monitor the right reading on the heart rate.

What is good about the strapless heart rate monitor is that there is no need to strap a transmitter around the chest, which might be an inconvenience for some especially on the ladies since most heart rate monitors are designed for men. And in spite needless requirement to wear a strap, the strapless heart rate monitor gives an accurate heart rate measurement just like all other heart rate monitors of any kind.

For joggers, runners, athletes, and cyclists, the strapless heart rate monitor might not be a good choice since it does not give a continuous data but for those who just want to have a clear and accurate access on their heart rate without a great demand for formal monitoring, the strapless heart rate monitor is very ideal.

Reebok Strapless Heart Rate Monitor

Whether you are on a treadmill, doing your regular walk on the park or simply would like to know your current heart rate, there is one thing you need, a heart rate monitor.

Normally, a heart rate monitor is composed of two parts: the transmitter and the receiver. These two works hand-in-hand to provide the most accurate heart rate reading- far better that the manual method. The transmitter is usually strapped on the chest that calculates the current heart rate. It would then transmit the data to the receiver which is usually worn on the wrist.

But sometimes, this type of heart rate monitor can give be very inconvenient to users since the strap may not fit on the chest. This is especially true on heart rate monitors that are only made for males and could not properly fit on the body of the female. And if the chest strap is not fitted properly, inaccuracy in reading the heart rate is very possible. So to alter this, there Reebok makes strapless heart rate monitor.

The Reebok strapless heart rate monitor eliminates the need to wear chest strap. This would free the user of worrying so much about the fit of the strap.

Reebok strapless heart rate monitor works by placing your finger on the wrist unit for several seconds. The electronic impulse coming from the finger would be the source of data that the heart rate monitor would use to determine the heart rate. Since this is the process, the Reebok strapless heart rate monitor provides an in demand only reading. This is different from the usual chest worn heart rate monitors that would give heart rate reading from start to finish. The Reebok strapless heart rate monitor would only give the heart rate reading whenever requested.

But even if the Reebok strapless heart rate monitor uses no transmitter, basic features and special features are still present. There are still the date and time display, the stopwatch or the countdown timer, alarm, calendar, calorie counter, fat counter, backlight, and more.

Reebok strapless heart rate monitor never loses the accuracy of telling the present, average, maximum, and minimum heart rate.

You may worry about the need to be interrupted during training for it requires you to stop and place your fingers on the device just like the manual method but the convenience it would bring and the freedom to move in whatever ways you want to without worrying about the strap is far better deal with the Reebok strapless heart rate monitor.