Timex Heart Rate Monitor

What would you get when the heart rate monitor technology is utilized by one of the leading sports timepiece makers in the world? You get a one of a kind, technologically advanced, and world class Timex heart rate monitor. As a globally acclaimed company in the sports watch industry, Timex has ventured in making the conventional wrist watch into a heart rate monitoring device capable of providing accurate heart rate measurement in whatever field of training, exercise, and fitness activity the user wants to take it. The Timex heart rate monitor precise measurement makes it a great companion of athletes, trainers, and fitness enthusiasts.

Key to this precision is the use of FM technology. Understand that a typical heart rate monitor is composed of two parts: the receiver and the transmitter. The transmitter is the one that is worn of the chest. It is also called the chest strap. It transmits the heart rate reading to the receiver which gives the heart rate reading to the user. The receiver is a wrist-worn device. This has several functions and features including the ability to send several exercise data like calorie burned, percentage of fat burned, and more to include time telling. These two parts work hand in hand to give an accurate heart beat rating.

But then most heart rate monitors use analog signal which is indeed accurate. But a more accurate technology is being capitalized by Timex to their heart rate monitor. The FM technology makes it easier to have a precise heart beat rating within 3 heart beats per minute.

This digital technology is also effective in assuring that the Timex heart rate monitor would not interfere nor receive interference with other heart rate monitors nearby. This in return ensures that every data the Timex heart rate monitor gives is accurate and synchronized.

Another good thing about the Timex heart rate monitor particularly on some specific models is the Timex Bodylink system. Other heart rate monitors use speed sensors to calculate speed and distance. But the with eh Timex Bodylink system, the distance and speed is calculated with the use of GPS satellite system.

There are more significant features Timex heart rate monitors have but the two mentioned above makes Timex apart from other heart rate monitors of any brand. Timex assures you get the best and most accurate heart rate reading while providing other functional features to every heart rate monitor they make.

Mio Heart Rate Monitor Story

Aiming to have the best heart rate monitor that would give the best, most practical, and most comfortable, the founder of Mio surpasses what the present technology in her time provides.

Mio, from the Italian word which means mine was founded by Liz Dickinson in 1999. The foundation was prompted by the necessity to have a heart rate monitor that would give her the best result in maintaining her normal weight after giving birth. She realized that the best way to have her weight back was to be conscious about the food she eats and the level of exercise she would take. Actually, Liz realized this after she gave birth to her third child. While she aimed to achieve this, the market had yet to have the suitable product that would answer this.

Since, there was no time to read product level on eat food she buys, there was a great need to what she thought a device that would lessen the worry and reduce the time wasted on check what food to buy and what s not. Not only that. Thought that the regular strap heart rate monitor was too uncomfortable to wear and an alternative must eliminate the strap.

The result was the creation of Mios first strapless heart rate monitor. This was also the worlds first strapless heart rate monitor to be produced and marketed. But that did not stop there. Mio also created the calorie management system that provides the straightforward approach in managing the diet with the use of calorie intake monitoring. The result was pretty much expected. Liz was able to discard those unnecessary pounds and had gained the advantages of improved health and fitness condition. This gave her less stress, more vitality, and more energy.

The Mio heart rate monitor is able to provide an accurate on-demand heart beat reading. Since it is strapless Mio heart rate monitor is more comfortable and easy to wear without the need to have a belt strap around the users chest. The Mio heart rate monitor also removes the probable risk of taking inaccurate reading since improper wearing of the belt can give user wrong heart rate reading.

Mio heart rate monitor also has several features that are surely functional. Some of which include the readings on the maximum, minimum and average heart rate. It includes the length of the whole exercise with summary of heart progress and activity.

Mio continuous to innovate, improve and release unique heart rate monitors in the market.

Doppler Fetal Heart Rate Monitor

Becoming a mother is one of the greatest things that can happen to any woman. And when she is about to have a child, she would do everything just to make sure that the baby she is carrying in her womb is safe, healthy, and happy. This is the reason why expectant mothers would go to medical centers for regular checkup on the status of the baby inside the womb unmindful of the cost that would take to do it.

Today, if you are about to be a mother, there is a better way to get in touch with your future baby right at the comfort of your home. All you need is the doppler fetal heart rate monitor.

The doppler fetal heart rate monitor uses high frequency sound waves that lets you hear the sound of your babys heart beat through an audible device sometimes an earphone or a speaker that is usually built-in on the heart rate monitor. In order for this wave to travel, the doppler fetal heart rate monitor is aided by particular liquid often a lotion, oil or water. The liquid is applied on the mothers belly that would let the sound waves to travel from the heart of the baby across the belly through the monitor.

The doppler fetal heart rate monitor can be used on expectant mothers carrying as early as 10-12 weeks old fetus to the moment you are about to give birth. So the first bond you would create with your child would start the moment you make contact with through the doppler fetal heart rate monitor.

The doppler fetal heart rate monitor lets you know and hear the heart beat of the baby inside you while seeing the digital result on an LCD screen. It uses the same ultrasound technique that has been in existence and trusted by doctors for more than 3 decades so it is proven safe and effective. Most doppler fetal heart rate monitors are battery operated, lightweight, and very portable so you can carry it wherever you go. Some are also compatible with any PC so you can track and record every detail you would get from the monitor.

With the doppler fetal heart rate monitor, you can now experience the connection with your child safer and earlier than you can expect. The doppler fetal heart rate monitor makes parenting and motherhood more fun, more exciting, and more intimate.