Why Having Fish Oil in Ones Diet is Important

Why we need fish oil in our diet? Why is it important? The short version of the answer to those questions would be: were not healthy if we dont. Allow me to read some of your thoughts. You are probably thinking at the back of your mind that fish oil are just fatty oils and you know you have been told for so long that fats are not good for ones health so what is this writer raving about? Totally excluding fish oil in ones diet is not a healthy practice, is that true? And now kindly prepare yourself for the longer version of the answer to those two questions will follow next.

But before we go into the fish oil benefits lets briefly explain the omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids. These are the two main divisions of the fatty acids. Vegetables oils like soy oil and corn oil fall under the omega-6 group. And most of us are aware, and take note that experts agree on this, that too much intake of vegetable oils could result to blood clothing and inflammation.

This is probably one of the reasons why you are reluctant to believe that not all fatty oils are bad for your health. In fish, the omega-3 fatty acids are produced by marine planktons which are part of the fishs diet. The omega-3 contains eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) which are basically the two important fatty acids that gives the body the most number of benefits.

Among the health benefits of EPA and DHA include preventing heart attacks, the development of cancer and atherosclerosis. In fact, studies have shown that people who eat more fish have lower chances of having their blood vessels inflamed which is definitely good for the heart. By eating a fish diet or taking fish oil supplements, the heart becomes healthier. Moreover, other studies have confirmed that by including fish in ones daily meals could help combat hypertension and obesity. These acids are also known to lower blood pressure.

Some studies have found out that fish oil when used by people with asthma conditions seems to provide relief and a general improvement of health conditions. Aside from those with asthma and other allergies, people who are being treated for depression and mood swings can use fish oil as well to help them control their emotions.

Although, we still maintain that the best way to obtain fish oil is by eating the fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel. However, due to several reports that the fish we eat contained rather high levels of the mercury, a pretty dangerous element. Pregnant women and those with young children should avoid eating fish with high mercury levels.

While having fish oil in ones diet is indeed very important, nowadays it is becoming more of a risk to get your daily allotments of fish oil from the eating salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc. Even though they are still the best ways to get your essential fatty acids, due to some recent reports of high levels of mercury found in fishes, it might actually be better to go with fish oil supplements instead.

These supplement capsules can be bought from health and even drugstores. But make sure you pick the best brand of supplement and read reviews as well as get referrals from friends. Dont think for a minute that youre just being picky.

What youre doing is making sure that you will invest your money on a trusted supplement brand.

Proven Green Tea Benefits Health and Weight Loss

Green tea is quickly becoming one of the most popular beverages across the world, because not only does it offer a delicious taste and versatility, but green tea benefits your health and well being as well. The Chinese have long been using green tea for the health benefits that it offers for thousands of years. Green tea is not a snake oil, but rather is backed by scientific research that is showing that the green tea benefits are real, legitimate and measurable.

Green tea contains catechin polyphenols like epigallocatechin gallate, which is why green tea benefits the body in so many ways. You may better know epigallocatechin gallate as EGCG, a very powerful antioxidant that can help to curb the growth of cancer cells within the body, also possibly killing off already existent cancer cells without attacking the body’s healthy tissues and cells. EGCG is also capable of preventing blood clots, which will curb the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.

Green tea has also been shown to relieve pain that is associated with rheumatoid arthritis in addition to fighting infections, repairing the immune system, and even preventing cardiovascular disease. Green tea benefits are not limited to just one or two facets of the human body, but rather it positively impacts your overall healthy and well being.

Another of the green tea benefits that are worth considering is that green tea has been linked to helping people lose weight, according to a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the University of Geneva. The conclusion of the study was that when men were given green tea as a staple in their diet, they lost more weight and burned more calories than those who did not incorporate green tea into their diet. Additionally, green tea has been linked to fighting tooth decay and promoting a healthy smile. Green tea is capable of destroying bacteria, killing off the bacteria that cause plaque and abscesses in your mouth.

The ECGC in green tea can also help to boost your metabolism, ridding your body of the free radicals that cause cancer and other harm to your body. Free radicals can damage your cells, leading to premature aging, the development of cancers and other damage to your body. The antioxidants found in green tea can contribute to feeling younger and healthier and can give you an overall improved sense of well being.

Green tea benefits the body in numerous ways and is inexpensive and tastes great. Green tea is often organically produced, meaning that it is completely natural and cannot harm your body. Green tea has a taste that is naturally sweet, but balances well by an almost pleasant bitterness. It has a complex taste with a lot of depth, allowing it to appeal to the general public. Because anyone can afford green tea, and because it can be made fresh so easily, it is easy to implement green tea into your daily life in order to get all of the green tea benefits that your body needs.

Panic Attacks Out With the Myths

Misinformation does not only create vague pictures of a condition but will also likely cause people to believe things that do not actually exist. Among those conditions that typically receive serious amounts of myths are psychological and behavioral disorders, partly because psychological conditions are often hard to understand and seem mysterious. In this article, we would try to debug the myths of one of the more common behavioral conditionspanic attacks.

People with panic attacks are crazy. Crazy is never a good term for people with psychological conditions and people with panic attacks are hardly crazy. They may seem deranged and a bit psychotic for some people when they experience attacks of panic and terror but this does not suggest that they are.

As if to add to the insult, people with panic attacks are sometimes perceived to have schizophrenia, the most advanced form of psychosis which is marked by severe auditory and visual hallucination as well as aggravated delusions and dysfunctional thoughts. Clearly, there is no relationship between people who feel like they are “going crazy” when undergoing attacks and people who have advanced (and even minor) psychological conditions.

People with panic attacks lose control. Wrong. Panic attacks do not rob a person his sense of control. While a person’s thoughts may seem distorted for a while during attacks due to physical symptoms that lend themselves towards this possibility such as shortness of breath and heart attack-like symptoms, this does not mean that the person is losing grip of the reality. Anxiety which normally accompanies panic attacks is a body’s way to tell you that something is going wrong. Since this is a defense mechanism, it is not dangerous to anyone, not even the person undergoing the panic attack.

It is good to remember that panic attack happens only in the mind, it may, in fact, be unnoticeable for people surrounding the person during the attack. What exacerbates the attack is the person’s conscious thought that it could cause embarrassment or harm to other people. It is the sense of losing control of one’s self that makes the condition worse, a thought that is manufactured in the brain, never the total lack of sense of control.

People with panic attacks have chronic heart disorders. While this may be partly true due to the link between mitral valve prolapse and panic attacks, this does not make the assertion entirely valid. People have good reasons to believe that they are having heart attacks or heart failures when they experience episodes of panic attacks since some of the symptoms of both conditions are similar. But such symptoms are perfectly rational when seen from the viewpoint of elevated fear.

For example, people subjected under conditions that stimulate fear experience tightening of the chest, faster heart beat, profuse perspiration, shortness of breath and increased respiration. All these signs are also symptoms of heart attacks which make it easy for most people to believe that instead of having a disorder of the mind, they are having dysfunctional hearts. But then again, similarity in symptoms does not make two completely different conditions alike.

Myths often offer a semblance of the reality that is not hard to believe in. But do not be fooled. Knowing what is the exact truth and not the half lies may serve you well when dealing with conditions that root from and are aggravated by thoughts.