Suffer from Arthritis?

Suffer from Arthritis?
Ronald H. Pope

Arthritis pain relief, naturally
without prescription drugs.

The prescription drug of choice is, unfortunately, still Celebrex. Like its now market removed cousin, Vioxx, this blockbuster painkiller has been the subject of repeated FDA warnings that patient use can cause bleeding ulcers and heighten the risk of heart attacks – See article by Rita Rubin USA TODAY A better Life April 15, 2002.

Arthritis sufferers should be made aware that there are alternatives to the high cost of prescription drugs being prescribed by medical doctors. One such alternative is a natural remedy medically tested by a doctor, a remedy that does not cause the user to suffer from any side effects such as bleeding ulcer, or an increased risk of heart attack by elevated blood pressure such as the dangerous drugs being prescribed. The formula is especially effective for osteoarthritis of the knees.

One of the things that the doctor discovered in his case studies was that pain from arthritis decreased, and mobility of the joints involved improved, sometimes greatly, starting two to six weeks after the patient began to take the formula. Generally, the improvement continues until the formula is stopped. Then the whole problem starts to return, generally, in the same two to six weeks. In summary, the treatment is an effective control, not a cure. There is no cure known for arthritis at this juncture.

If you are interested in learning more about this exciting new ‘old’ remedy resurrected from the research papers in the Library of Congress or any another natural over the counter remedies for arthritis pain relief that actually do work, please email [email protected]

About the author:

Ronald H. Pope is President of Pope Estates Arizona Inc. Business Brokers & Commercial Realtors in Scottsdale, Arizona

Patients Needs for a Healthy Heart

The American College of Cardiology had a meeting to discuss a number of controversial findings on how to treat a patient with congestive heart failure. Not every person is a like therefore; a treatment for one Patient may not work on another one. This has left many Patients scratching their heads over the proper treatment for their cardiovascular condition. The experts have admitted that what works for one heart patient may not work for another one.

There was a study of over 2,300 patients where angloplasty-vs-drug therapy comparison proved the same. The result was that no differences in death, nonfatal heart attacks, strokes or hospitalization between patients with “stable” heart disease treated with medication alone vs. those who got drugs plus angioplasty and stenting.

A physician realizes that you as a patient know your own body and know your own needs such as diets and exercise. A Patients treatment by the medical field solely based accordingly to their needs and accessibility of medical procedures. Each patient should have the right too know what his care will be and what he can do to help prevent congestive heart failure. The patient should plan to make for him or herself a plan of action that will have a healthy lifestyle. Start with diet and exercise the two most important things in your life to improve upon in order to have a healthy heart.

The Patient still has rights over their own body as to the type of treatment and care they want to receive. The Patient should make a list of what they feel in order to discuss with the doctor the symptoms that they are suffering. This will help your doctor in diagnosis of your case and determine the treatment and care that is best for you. You should be able to confer with your physician on any type of treatment recommended and ask for a second opinion if you are not sure about what the procedures recommended for you are right. You can start your own program to help with your condition if you find that congestive heart failure is just around the corner or you already show symptoms.

First, look at your weight. Are you overweight? Do you need a diet? You know the answers to these questions all to well. A diet plan should fit your physical needs, which will help you loose weight and keep the weight off as well. You do not have to join a group or special buy your food in order to go on a diet. There are adequate diets plans available free on the internet. You should check with your physician before you attempt a diet plan. The next thing that you can do is exercise to help loose weight and relieve stress. You can become your own Patient keep track of your vitals, weight loss and any other important information about yourself. A Patient has power to control the way that they live their life.


Medications are all important when it comes to healthy heart care. The patient needs to understand how the proper medication effects the heart. The fact that the heart has different problems means that accordingly the medication may vary as well. It is possible to have multiple problems such as high blood pressure and cholesterol then you would need two different types of medications.

The medicine that is Beta-Blockers, which reduce the heart rate and the output of blood by counteracting a hormone called noradrenalin, is not recommended for people with severe heart failure. Diuretics are a medication that helps people with fluid retention. The digitalis medicines increase the force of the heart’s contractions, helping to improve circulation. The medicines known as Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBS) may improve survival among heart failure patients and may slow or prevent the loss of heart pumping activity. The ACE inhibitors were originally developed as a treatment for high blood pressure the inhibitors help heart failure patients by decreasing the pressure inside the blood vessels. This results in the heart not needing to work as hard to pump blood through the vessels. Nitrate or hydralazine is prescribed to patients who cannot take ACE inhibitors or ARBS. These medications help relax tension in blood vessels and improve blood flow.

These are the basic groups of medications but they are manufactured by drug companies that attach their own name, however, just read the explanation you will get from your pharmacist and that will let you know the type of medication you are taking. Patients with high cholesterol levels take a drug called Lipitor while another patient might be in need of a Beta-Blocker so the medicine named Plavix. A patient might be inclined to strokes therefore; Nadolol helps with this problem. One medication that you can take that is highly recommended is Bayer Aspirin 81mg. The Aspirin known to stop heart attacks or prevent heart attacks and this medicine bought over the counter without a prescription.

The above medications are just a few that your doctor can prescribe for you according to your heart condition. The heart is one of the most vital organs in our body. It is essential that we take care of our heart in order to survive. That is why taking medications are a very serious matter. This could prevent your heart from functioning. I knew a man who was not of the wisest nature and whenever he traveled on his short weekend trips would take all of us heart medications on Friday afternoon so he would not have to take them with him. The first time he proclaimed that the room went round and he was dizzy for a while. This did not stop him the next time he did this when he stood up his heart stopped. Yes, the man died at the age of 55 years simply because he mismanaged his medications. Please only take what your doctor recommends and only as it is prescribed.

Bextra and Vioxx — Tips for Arthritis Relief Without Them

Bextra and Vioxx — Tips for Arthritis Relief Without Them
Charles Essmeier

The recent withdrawal of Vioxx and Bextra from the marketplace, due to concerns over unwanted side effects, has many arthritis sufferers concerned. These drugs, which belong to a powerful class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs known as COX-2 inhibitors, are quite effective at fighting the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Unfortunately, they have been linked to increased risk of strokes and heart attacks. Their manufacturers have voluntarily withdrawn them from the market. There are still alternative medications available, such as Celebrex, and traditional medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Aspirin and ibuprofen may not be suitable for everyone, as they can cause stomach discomfort in some people. While a good anti-inflammatory can certainly provide more comfort for arthritis pain, there are some non-medicinal steps that patients can take that may provide some relief from their pain.

  • Get plenty of rest. Your body works best when its well-rested, and its a well-known fact that most Americans fail to get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night.
  • Exercise. Joints and muscles work best when theyre well toned, and that is true for arthritis sufferers as well as the public at large. Not all exercises will be appropriate, however. A patient with arthritic knees will probably not benefit from playing basketball or tennis. Low impact exercise like walking or water aerobics may help, however. Patients with arthritis are advised to discuss exercise options with their physician.
  • Watch your weight. Arthritic joints work best when they arent overly burdened. If you are overweight, you are making a bad situation worse by forcing your joints to work harder than they otherwise might. A loss of just a few pounds could make a huge difference, especially if you suffer from arthritic knees.
  • These tips are certainly not intended to be a substitute for medication, but with a chronic condition like arthritis, every little bit that you can do to ease the stress on your aching joints can provide a bit more relief. About the Author
    Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to the withdrawn drug Bextra and, a site devoted to structured settlements.