Travel and Medicine: Tourist E. R. Nurse

When you’re learning about something new, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.

As an emergency room nurse ( E. R. nurse ), the opportunity to work in different settings including urgent care centers and emergency departments are always present. A career as an E. R. nurse provides the excitement and adrenaline rush for registered nurses looking for action packed scenes inside the hospital.

Emergency room nurses are especial much in demand and there are numerous ER nurse jobs available in different settings. It may even allow ER nurses to travel to exciting locations.

Emergency nurses would get an average fee ( as of June 2008 ) according to www. nursezone. com is $59, 227. A travelling ER nurse guilt expect to make at least as much or more every year including housing, insurance and other benefit due to the upraised need of their expertise and skills and understaffed facilities.

Travel nursing was developed in response to the nursing shortage. With travel nursing, nurses are relocated for short term nursing positions. Travel nurses are offering incentives ranging from relocation assistance and furnished housing to stipends and bonuses to qualified registered nurses and health professionals.

But there are additional costs of being a traveller. Costs would included additional licensing costs and travelling costs. These costs can be reimbursed based on the company, recruiter and of course, your negotiation skills.

Nurses often dream of combining their medical growth and seeing the world. But a nurse should always be prepared. A successful traveller requires good financial planning, a flexible outlook, knowing what companies and recruiters to deal with and how to negotiate.

Of course, salary considering travel nurses widely varies. Salary is based on the location, longing of the hospital or the nursing unit. Perceived staffing needs by the unit manager and still, on the ability of the traveller to score. Generally, areas in the southern United States pay less than areas in the north or west. Housing costs can also have an collision on the salary as flourishing, since housing can be part of the benefits a travel nurse will receive. In terms of picking out the location an E. R. nurse wants to practice her profession, deb would need to consider the process of applying a nursing license in the state to be assigned.

Currently, 17 states belong the Nursing Licensure Compact. With this Compact, a nurse who is subservient any of these 17 states may practice in other states. They would have to follow the laws and regulations of the state in which they are practicing.

A travelling E. R. nurse is can have a staff position which is frequently in critical care settings. Multifold jobs or positions available as a travel nurse would be in critical care. It is also essential thanks to a registered nurse who wants to be travel nurse to possess background in critical care. Adaptability, rope and capable of easily making friends are also some characteristics present in a travelling E. R. nurse.

Some drawbacks in being a travelling E. R. nurse is that there is often little or no time to get oriented at the new location and forceful from place to lay every three months ( average ). Issues in obtaining licensure and paying taxes are also some major drawbacks in this profession.

A travelling E. R. nurse with this kind of profession would have the chance to meet new nation. She would even have the chance to grow personally and professionally since exposure to different working conditions is inevitable. This opportunity provides a venue in that E. R. nurses to experience different facilities and embellish their medical erudition at the same travel around the country, planate the world! It is the best of both worlds.
There’s a lot to understand about nurses. We were able to provide you with some of the facts above, but there is still plenty more to write about in subsequent articles.

U. S. Trade In: E. R. Nurses and Health Professionals

U. S. Trade In: E. R. Nurses and Health Professionals

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with nurses.

There are several hospitals in the United States that are experiencing immense shortages of registered nurses, emergency nurses and other health care professionals. There is approximately a whooping 80 to 85 percent of American hospitals mention shortage while 15 percent expresses concern about the severe shortage they are experiencing.

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, United States commit need 2. 8 million nurses. This estimated demand will be a million more than the projected supply of nurses. U. S. is not quickly replacing nurses at the same misfortune they are square one the profession.

Currently, the average age of nurses working in America is 45 years old. By year 2010, and estimated 40 percent of all the working registered nurses will be more than 50 years old. Between 2010 and 2020, the largest group of registered nurses in the United States labor force will be between 50 to 60 years old. By this point, the nursing shortage would be exceeding 36 percent.

Whats happening to United Case is not an isolated case. Several countries are already reporting similar problem. In Ontario, Canada ( Toronto Gallant ) lost 14, 000 of its 81, 000 nurses well-suited to retirement last 2004. While over pristine because December 2000, the World Health Organization already reported that Poland was graduating more than 10, 000 nurses annually. But the figure dropped to 3, 000. In Chile, out of 18, 000 nurses in the country, only 8, 000 are dash in the field.

So what are the steps being done by the United States government to address this problem?

In April 2008 a bill was proposed in the United States House of Representatives by Congressman Robert Wexler from Florida and co – sponsored by Private James Sensenbrenner ( R – WI ). This bill is called F. R. 5924 of The Emergency Nursing Supply Relief Act. As of the day, this bill has currently 11 co – sponsors.

Basically, this bill will allow additional visas to be set – aside for foreign compassionate nurses and physical therapists. The H. R. 5924 would save 20, 000 employment based visas in each of the next three years for independent trained registered nurses and physical therapists.

This bill will also provide funds to help U. S. nursing schools expand the domestic supply of nurses by coming from the $1, 500 fee for those who would be applying for the visa. This would also establish a three – year pilot program aimed in keeping U. S. nurses in the workforce.

Immigrant visa applicants leave need to attest that they do not owe their country of residence a financial obligation that was incurred for their education so that they would remain in that sovereignty. Both the American Hospitals Association ( AHA ) and the American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration support expressed their support for the bill.

Due to visa retrogression, a lot of foreign professionals who are interested in working in the United States are turned down. The U. S. government makes only a certain symbol of immigrant visas ( green card ) available each year and these are allocated among the various immigrant visa categories.

Recently, there are more immigrants approved for employment – based immigrant visas and has break out of visa numbers causing temporary backlog or retrogression. The U. S. has a waiting list for employment – based visas for nurses, and its nurse education programs overripe away more than 150, 000 qualified applicants last year due to lack of faculty and clinical space.

With the H. R 5924., it aims that the nursing shortages will be resolved. With this statement, the visa retrogression could be lift due to nurses and physical therapists who have pragmatic prior to September 30, 2011. Hopefully, well see more therapists, nurses, E. R. attendants and nurses, and other health professionals taking care of the nation.
Hopefully the sections above have contributed to your understanding of nurses. Share your new understanding about nurses with others. They’ll thank you for it.

Customer Knowledge: Buying Fish Oil Supplements

Fish oil has many benefits to our overall health, whether it is for the heart or brain. Research showed that fish oil can reduce the risk of heart attacks, cancers, mental and psychological disorders and other sicknesses. The market is full of fish oil products, but how do we make sure that what we get are actually the ones that can benefit our health.

Not all fish contains Omega-3 oil or the essential fatty acids. Fishes that have the highest number of fatty acids are salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies.

There are things that you would have to consider when buying fish oil. Actually, health professionals would say that eating too much fish that contains fish oil and Omega-3 can cause mercury contamination. This can happen if you do not exactly know where the fish are caught. If the fish is caught in polluted waters, we can ingest mercury and other heavy metals.

To avoid toxins entering out body, we have to make sure that the fish oil that we are taking is molecularly distilled and pharmaceutical grade supplements. These kinds of fish oil are removed of all toxins. You would have to check at the label to make sure that they come from clean waters and properly refined.

When checking the label of a particular fish oil supplement, you check their websites and look for the Certificate of Analysis. This COA is an analysis performed by an independent laboratory to identify the freshness of the product. Aside from checking the source of the fish and the freshness of the fish oil, you would also need to know what kind of fish the oil is from.

Studies showed that fish oil with docosahexaenoic acid or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA have the most health and benefits. Studies showed that the brain uses or needs more DHA to function better. Aside from being free of heavy metals, it should always contain at least 60 % of EPA and DHA. You would also have to consider or be cautious with vitamins like Vitamin A and E which can be very harmful in large doses.

How would you know that you are buying the safe fish oil supplement? Only buy from companies that use fresh and high qualify fish and inform the public where they get their fish. You can check their websites or labels to be informed properly.

Fish oil supplements can be either liquid or tablet. Liquid fish oil costs more than oil capsules. But when compared with capsules based on the cost-per-gram it is actually less expensive. Capsules are tamper-proof and keep the oil from getting bad. Most people find fish oil to be expensive or over priced. Some experts would say that there are two ways to compare prices. You can compare the total amount of DHA in the supplement and the cost for each gram of DHA.

You would feel that you have low quality fish oil if you suffer from any ache or pain. So, we would have to be cautious when buying low-cost fish oil. They may not be the same as the high-quality fish oil. You would have to be cautious when buying cheap fish oil.

So, when buying fish oil, or any kind of product, read the label or the product information first. Getting informed will relieve you of any kind of health risk in the future. Reading the label or getting to know the product would not be more than a couple of minutes, anyway. So, spare the time.

The Variety Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications

The Variety Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications
Matthew Landsmann

There is a variety of prescribed arthritis medications which health professionals can give to help with rheumatoid arthritis. While these arthritis medications may not cure, they can relieve pain, alleviate symptoms, and even slow the development of rheumatoid arthritis.
Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs can reduce pain and assist with inflammation. These drugs may be used as an arthritis medicine and may be obtained over the counter and in prescription form. (Most people are familiar with aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium.) The only negative aspect of these arthritis medications is they can lead to stomach problems, such as bleeding and indigestion. They can also raise blood pressure in a person and cause susceptibility to fluid retention.
COX-2 inhibitors are a class of Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which do not cause as much harm to the stomach. This class of arthritis medication functions by suppressing an enzyme called cyclooxygenase which is a factor in inflammation. However, fluid retention and elevated blood pressure may result as side effects of COX-2 inhibitors. Reports are also coming in that people who use this class of drug may be more liable to a stroke or heart attack.
Corticosteroids are arthritis medications which are able to reduce pain and inflammation. They can also moderate the damage to joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, numerous arthritis sufferers who take corticosteroids have stated that they feel significantly better. However, after a time the effectiveness of corticosteroids may diminish. There is also the risk of suffering severe side effects such as diabetes, weight gain, and decreased bone density, after long-time use of corticosteroids.
It is important to see a doctor at the earliest signs of rheumatoid arthritis. While modern medicine has not been able to find a cure for arthritis, they are making strides in pain relief and slowing down the progression rate of rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Immunosuppressants can be supplied as an arthritis medication to help control the immune system. Without such treatment, the immune system in rheumatoid arthritis patients is not balanced and it is out of control. TNF blockers are sometimes prescribed in combination with an immunosuppressant. TNF blockers operate by blocking the protein which inflames the joints. Those on TNF blockers report reduced pain and less stiffness.
Those diagnosed early with rheumatoid arthritis can be given arthritis medications known as disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. These drugs slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, if the arthritis is caught early, much damage to the joints can be forestalled.

About The Author

Matthew Landsmann is the proprietor of Great Arthritis Choices.
This site has easy to read articles containing excellent information about Arthritis.