Nurse Assistants and Communicable Diseases

Communicable diseases are those that can be transferred from one individual to another. These include the common cold, tuberculosis, the flu, and HIV, herpes, measles, chicken pox, lice, and strep throat. Are of these are highly contagious. For those who already have medical issues, their immune system has a hard time fighting off anything else, so they are very susceptible.

Communicable diseases spread by human waste including saliva, stools, urine, blood, and other bodily fluids. Airborne droplets from the nose and mouth are also a common transmitter.

Since communicable diseases often spread like wildfire if not properly contained, it is everyones responsibility to do all they can to maintain their own health. Washing your hands often is a very good place to start. Most germs cant survive soap and water. Nursing Assistants are encouraged to wash their hands more than most people because they are in constant contact with other people.

As a Nurse Assistant, it is your responsibility to immediately notify your supervisor if you develop the symptoms of any communicable disease. They can then determine a course of action. It may be recommended that you dont come to work until the communicable disease has run its course. Depending on the disease, you might be able to continue working with a respirator to prevent passing it to anyone else. In some cases, it may need to be reported to the health department.

Some communicable diseases can be cured with antibiotics such as strep throat. Others including the common cold will have to run their course. You can do your part by remembering to wash your hands, taking your vitamins, being current on all immunizations, and getting an annual flu shot.

Learning about these types of diseases is an important part of the Nursing Assistant program. Most medical facilities train all new employees in the area of communicable diseases. There is also ongoing training. While preventing the spread of communicable diseases is important in any work environment, it is especially important in a medical setting.

Each medical agency will have different processes and procedures for handling the spread of communicable diseases. Make sure you are well trained in identifying them, noticing the onset, and knowing how to handle each type of situation. Epidemics of communicable diseases require emergency procedures to take place. It is very important that you agency trains all employees in that area as well.

Nursing Assistances come into contact with bodily fluids of patients on a regular basis, and this is the most common method that they are infected with communicable diseases. You should always use rubber gloves when doing tasks such as changing soiled bedding and clothing and empting bedpans. The use of a sterile disinfectant while cleaning is important as well. If you do get bodily fluids on you, immediately was the area with soap and water, then report the incident. Your report needs to include what took place and what bodily fluids you came into contact with.

Communicable diseases are an area many people dont know much about. It is important that Nursing Assistants do some research on their own to make sure they fully understand the health risks involved with coming into contact with communicable diseases. While it is very rare, there have been reports of Nursing Assistants being infected with HIV and other potentially deadly diseases.

Confidentiality is a Must for Nursing Assistants

Nursing Assistants are exposed to a wide variety of events taking place in the medical field. It is crucial that they are aware of the importance of maintaining confidentiality in all aspects of their job.

Nursing Assistants are well trained in the policies and procedures of the facility. While it is important to follow them, it is not recommended to discuss them outside of the facility. For example, you dont want to provide others with confidential information regarding evacuation and other emergency procedures. Doing so many compromise the safety of the patients and staff during a natural disaster or violent attack.

Patients requiring care in a medical facility are to have their privacy protected. This means you do not discuss their care or other personal information with any other person except staff they have an interest in the care of that patient. Confidentiality becomes an issue when you know someone in the facility or someone asks you why someone else in there.

All patients have the right to their privacy being maintained. Compromising this information is a direct violation of every medical practice. Providing such information can result in termination of your job, and in some cases, the loss of your Nursing Assistant Certification.

Communicable diseases can surface in medical facilities. It is important that you follow the policies and procedures set in place by the particular facility your work with. However, do not release information regarding such diseases to anyone. This could result in a panic over the possibility of an epidemic, and lead to patients wanting to leave the facility against medical advice.

The proper medical staff will release information on communicable diseases to the proper agencies. Often this includes the area health department. They can then help the medical facility incorporate a plan of action to remedy the solution. The decision might be made to share the information with the area newspapers in an effort to allow them to protect themselves and to seek medical attention if they display the symptoms of a communicable disease that requires treatment.

Confidentiality also includes other medical staff. Nursing Assistants should not be disclosing any information they overhear among other staff in regards to a patient. Likewise, they should not disclose any information that they hear about the private interactions of staff. Often referred to as gossip, this violation of confidentiality can result in poor working relationships. The result is often a stressful work environment and patients not receiving the best care because lines of communication are not open.

To protect yourself, it is important that you clearly understand the basics of confidentiality and why it is so important in the Nursing Assistant profession. Make sure you are fully aware of the specific policies and procedures in place for the facility you work for prior to accepting employment. In addition, it is the responsibility of the Nursing Assistant to report any violations of the confidentiality policies and procedures to the proper person. Not doing so makes you as much a part of the violation as those who committed it.

While it is human nature to talk and discuss things in common, make sure the information you are sharing in regards to your work are being shared with those who need to know the information. It can be humiliating enough for individuals who need to be in a medical facility without worrying about who is going to find out about what took place while they were in care.

Health: The Importance of Healthy Eating and Regular Exercise

Health: The Importance of Healthy Eating and Regular Exercise

Are you a woman who is interested in losing weight? If you are, you are not alone. In the United States, a large number of women are concerned with health and beauty related issues, including those pertaining to weight. While it is often a lot easier said than done, it is more than possible for you to lose weight and to lose weight naturally. If you are interested in losing weight naturally, without the assistance of weight loss pills, you will want to continue reading on.

What you need to know about losing weight naturally is that it requires quite a bit of hard work and restraint on your part. The two most important components of losing weight are exercise and healthy eating. Without these two components of weight loss, there is a good chance that you will not lose any weight, in fact, you may keep on gaining more.

When it comes to eating healthy, there are many women who dont know where to start. One of the first things that you will want to do is start researching healthy foods and healthy recipes. You can do this by either using the internet, which should be free, or by buying a collection of healthy eating cookbooks. These healthy eating cookbooks are typically available for sale in health stores, department stores, and book stores, both on and offline. Once you know what to cook, you can then start eating healthy.

Speaking eating healthy, it is important that you do not keep on eating the same foods over and over again, no matter how good they taste. Unfortunately, many women end up getting bored with eating the same foods again and again. This is often what leads many women off of the healthy eating path. This is a mistake that you do not want to make. Perhaps, that is why you should buy a collection of healthy eating cookbooks or take the time to research healthy eating recipes online, as it gives you a larger selection of foods to choose from.

As previously stated, exercise is the other important component of losing weight. If you are interested in seriously losing weight, it is important that you start exercising. When it comes to exercising and working out, you will find that you have a number of different options. For many individuals, exercising means hitting their local fitness center, but it can also mean going for a morning walk or run. Whether you put in an exercise DVD at your home or decide to lift weight at your local fitness center, this exercise is important to you, your health, and your weight loss goals.

As with eating healthy foods, you may want to think about spicing up your exercises and workouts as well. This will help you stay excited about losing weight and exercising. To help keep the excitement alive, as well as give you a little bit of motivation, you may want to think about contacting some of your friends or family members to see if they would like to become your workout partner or workout buddy.

In short, the combination of healthy eating and exercise is sure to spell success. While it does take a lot of hard work and determination to lose weight, you will likely be more than pleased with the results.


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