Aromatherapy MassageIts Impact on the Health

The term aromatherapy massage is nowadays one common item among all and sundry. The term itself connotes a popular method of relaxation and healing following a set of effective techniques. Several practitioners are engaged in its promulgation all over the world. Tracing back time, the ancient inhabitants made use of different types of natural oils as extracted from the plants and herbs since they believed in their power to assist in healing. They have experienced their therapeutic effect on the various types of health conditions. As it is well known today, this method promotes both the mental, physical, and emotional relief to several individuals.

Looking into its relevance to the contemporary times, aromatherapy never fails to impose the same healing effect. The secret to it is due to the aroma of the different essential oils which are able to activate the nerve endings in the nose and which in turn deliver the impulses towards the brain area that stimulates memory and emotions. Undoubtedly, the aroma has a soothing and calming effect which leads to relaxation.

A Look into its Top Benefits

Of course, such method will not be recognized if there are no benefits that come around. Everyone is perfectly conscious about the benefits that aromatherapy brings about. It is known to improve the general health of a person. In England and the United States, it is regarded as the alternative to modern medicine. There may be some detractors but there is no doubt that its effects are wonderfully healing.

For further discussion, the following are its top benefits.

It aids in the medical arena. This method is warmly accepted in France. The doctors prescribe the use of the essential oils to eliminate the harmful organisms that thrive in the body. The prevention of infections is done by means of these oils. In the United States, the aroma of the essential oils is used to improve the body condition to fight off the symptoms of the illnesses.

It relieves stress. It is definitely given to people who experience loads of stress due to their hectic lifestyle. It likewise tones down the attack of depression.

It improves the person’s behavior. The massage clears the mind of all negative things so the behavior likewise improves.

It promotes sound sleeping. After the massage, the person feels like he is lulled into sleep. People who have sleeping disorders are advised to undergo the massage sessions.

It helps pregnant women. There is what is called the pregnancy massage which lessens the discomfort among the expecting women.

It fights off colds. The aroma of the essential oil as used during the massage session cures the colds.
It heightens the male’s sexual response. With the use of the appropriate oil, the erotic senses of the males are awaken. The massage is even credited to improve the blood circulation within the maleness area which can possibly cure impotence.

It contributes to a person’s alertness. The massage can boost the energy that enables a person to stay active.

It alleviates pain. Body pains are best cured using the massage technique with the aid of essential oils.

It treats wounds. Wounds heal safer and faster when applied with a right amount of pressure from the massage.

The aromatherapy massage is best performed by an aromatherapist. It is best to consult a certified practitioner and honestly tell him of your problems so that you will be given the due solution.


By and large, massage therapy that is performed by a properly schooled and well experienced massage therapist who practices his or her art prudently and with due caution, is risk free to its recipients health and wellbeing. For that reason along, if for no other, massage therapists must be selected very carefully as credentials and licenses are scrutinized meticulously, references are checked with diligence and questions are asked relentlessly. Regardless of how it is phrased or worded, one question which must always be asked of a potential massage therapist is the following, Which health conditions would you consider preclusive of massage therapy and why? And the correct answer, whether stated in exactly those words or different ones, should be, There are certain health conditions which must rule out massage therapy and those are And he or she must name the following:

* Cancer. Massage therapy comes in different forms which affect the body differently. There are also many different types of cancers and patients may be at different stages and receiving different treatments. In some cases and certain types of massage therapy may lead to life threatening results while in other cases with another type of massage therapy the results may be extraordinarily beneficial. Because of such complexity, it is essential to consult with the medical provider who knows the particulars of the case in question before proceeding with a massage therapy of any kind.

The potential risks involved in performing massage therapy on cancer patients do not inevitably discard the entire concept of massage therapy but it does mean that extra caution must be practiced and, perhaps, moderate to extreme alteration of the treatment is in order. And the health risks are the following:

– Fractures of bones. Certain forms of cancer and their treatments weaken bones to the extent that they can easily break under pressure.

– Bleeding. Many cancer patients have the tendency to bleed easily. Deep tissue massage can cause dangerous internal bleeding.

– Spreading of cancerous tumors. There is an ongoing debate about the effects of massage therapy on tumors. Some claim that applying vigorous pressure to the area where the tumor is present will cause it to metastasis (break down and to spread or to increase its rate of growth). Others, however, deny that claim as unsubstantiated and untrue. It is best to play it safe and not massage the tumor region or its surrounding soft tissues.

– Lymphedema (the buildup of lymph in soft tissue which leads to swelling of the limbs). Certain types of massage therapy in patients who have had their lymph nodes removed due to cancer may lead to lymphedema.

– Flu-like symptoms. Patients who are going through chemotherapy can often develop symptoms which look and feel like the flu after having been treated to certain types of massage therapy.

– Pain. Cancer patients frequently suffer a great deal of pain and most massage therapy techniques can result in some temporary pain immediately after the treatment. That may translate to added pain when too much of it is already present and that can be quite literally unbearable.

* Post-surgery. Shortly after surgery, the wound is still in the process of healing visually on the surface of the skin as well as internally. Applying pressure to the site may cause a series of risky health problems such as reopening the incision, trigger internal and/or external bleeding or blood clotting, and so on.

* Skin conditions. Areas where the skin is infected, inflamed or covered with rashes or sores should not be massaged as it can lead to worsening of the condition.

Even when taking into account all the risks which have been mentioned above, massage therapy can still be very beneficial to most people in most situations. Rather than discounting it completely due to specific concerns, I would advise consulting a physician.


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Pain Relief and Yoga

Are you in pain? If you are, then you will be glad to hear that there is another pain relief option available to you Yoga. A lot of individuals suffering from any kind of pain are now turning to alternative methods to relieve pain. They have grown tired of using medicines or drugs which oftentimes have undesirable side effects.

A great number of people are suffering from chronic pain and for quite some time now, they were able to spend a huge amount of money in purchasing pain relievers. You dont need to spend a lot of money to get rid of pain. Read on and you will find out how to naturally address your body aches in an inexpensive way.

Perhaps youre already familiar with meditation. People who are suffering from pain can benefit greatly from mind and body medicine. Through centuries, meditation was used by people to achieve a relaxed state of mind and body. It is truly an effective tool in relieving pain. Aside from relieving pain, meditation can also maintain your overall health and it helps in boosting the bodys resistance against diseases.

If you want to cope with pain, try meditation now. Meditation techniques are now being taught in some clinics all over the world. Stress is a very common cause of pain which can lead to headaches, eczema, arthritis, back pains, and other health conditions. Meditation can also work for almost anything especially if you do it right.

The body produces endorphins and this hormone is said to give humans a good feeling. It is also helps in alleviating stress and in reducing pain. Through meditation, the production of endorphins is enhanced so you will soon feel better.

When youre meditating, your brain is in a coherent and synchronous state. Large quantities of endorphins are produced so you will feel good. You will be at peace. Its easier to feel happy and connected to your body and mind.

Pleasurable experiences stimulate the brain and because of this fact, it will be easier to overcome pain and depression. Yoga meditation makes use of different techniques and you can choose only the ones you prefer.

Breathing is usually the initial step to achieve awareness. Breathing patterns are followed to provide body relaxation. When the breathing rate is slowed down, your body will also calm down and relax. If your body is relaxed, you will also feel less pain.

When meditating, you will also ponder on the realities of life and its ever changing concepts. You must be able to understand yourself in order to view things differently. When your perspectives are changed, you will also begin to deal with problems or pain effectively. Inner peace is achieved and you will feel more in control of your life. Emotional transformation can improve your overall health and it helps in reducing physical symptoms and pain.

Pain and anxiety can also be effectively addressed through visualization techniques. You will simply imagine a relaxing and pleasant place or activity from your past. By doing so, you will feel calm and relaxed thereby reducing pain.

Through meditation, chi or prana flows through your body giving you more energy. Such energy can be directed to improve health conditions and relieve pain. Yoga meditation has its benefits and for centuries, people have already proved its efficacy. Learn the various yoga meditation techniques now and use it as a pain relief tool.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes For Sinus Infections

Your diet plays a significant role in your everyday life. It can also serve as a basis for determining the health of an individual. If youre used to eating unhealthy choices of foods, then your body tends to be weak and cant resist viral and bacterial attacks. Sinus infections can be caused by bacteria, virus, and fungi. There are lots of treatments for this condition but prevention is still the best way to fight this infection. Having a healthy body and strong immune system will help you a lot in fighting infections, including that of the sinus.

Living a healthy life entails a lot of work. You need to be conscious about the foods youre eating and the mental activities that youre engaging. You must also ensure that youre getting enough exercise.

Making certian changes in your lifestyle may sound very difficult at first but if youre determined to prevent future health conditions, you will do everything in your power to incorporate these changes in your life.

For the prevention of sinus infections, here are some changes that you should do:

1.Drink enough water everyday; 8-10 glasses of water everyday can help you attain a healthier body

2.Fresh fruit juices are also good for your health; drink plenty of it as well

3.Eat your vegetables, just like your mother told you when youre still a kid; but you need to lessen your consumption of zucchini, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

4.Take lots of bitter tasting or pungent items; warm foods are also good for fighting sinus infections

5.Eat more of pear, apples, and other lighter fruits but reduce on sour fruits like oranges, pineapples, bananas, dates, figs, coconuts, avocados, and melons.

6.Eat cottage cheese and yogurt but eat less of dairy foods

7.Lessen your consumption of oily, heavy, and cold foods; as well as sour, salty, and sweet tasting foods

8.Consume less of millet and barley, rice or wheat

9.To relieve congestion, sinus pressure, and increase mucus flow, drink hot liquids

10.Take honey but avoid sugary products; you can also take boiled milk but only the low-fat ones

11.Include garlic in your diet

12.Avoid strongly scented perfumes, body and hair oils

13.Avoid taking frequent naps; if the weather is damp or cold, keep yourself warm all the time

14.Steam inhalation is very good for getting rid of the clogged mucus; add some eucalyptus oil to the water for better results

15.Early to bed and early to rise; and dont forget to do some yoga practices like fish, sun salutation, locust; you can also do some meditation and pranayama

16.Sesame oil massage is great but take a soothing warm shower first

17.Dont get too attached to emotional upsets; learn to let go

According to yoga and ayurveda specialists, sinus infections are caused by imbalanced doshas. In order to address your sinusitis, you have to be compassionate to yourself so that you can balance the doshas once more.

Yoga and other alternative treatments are quite effective but it will depend on your willingness to undertake some drastic changes in your life. True enough, you cant change overnight and so you need to introduce the changes gradually. If you start now, you will thank yourself in the near future. You will soon cure your sinus infections and other health conditions.