Children Hydrating While Playing In Sun

Children can get dehydrated very easily under normal circumstances but children hydrating while playing in sun and heat is especially important.

Having a readily accessible source of water for your kids to drink whenever they pass by is essential. Kids do not want to have to work at doing what is best for them, they are only interested in having fun especially if a pool and friends are involved.

Even if you have water readily available they may not even think about taking a drink unless you prompt them to. So, when your kids are playing outside make sure they take a drink at least every 30 minutes or so so they stay hydrated.

Sometimes if it is especially hot and they are outside, water may not be enough. Essential electrolytes are lost in sweat and need to be replaced. A nice low sugar sports drink is the best way to accomplish this. They taste good and are good for you and your children hydrating while playing in sun.

If for some reason they do not like the sports drinks then juices with no added sugar will also do nicely to keep them from becoming dehydrated.

I know that it can be hard sometimes to get your kids to stop doing something they love to do like playing in the pool on a hot summer day but you should also encourage them to take a break from being in full sun and find some nice shade where they can rest their little bodies.

A good way to do this is to plan out a picnic lunch and when they time comes find a nice shady spot to get them out of the sun. Encourage them to lie down after they eat and just rest.

If they are young enough or have played hard enough you might just get lucky and they will find they need a nap after lunch.

Have healthy food prepared for them and include some fruits that are high in water content like watermelon or grapes. Things that are easy for them to eat and will help with their hydration as well.

The heat of the day will drain them and they should either go inside and rest or enjoy some indoor activities or play in the shade for a while during the hours of 10am to 4pm. These are the hours when the sun is at it’s peak and your children should be protected.

Do not forget to put sun screen on them at least thirty minutes before they go outside and then reapply it every two hours. Swimming and sweating deplete the effectiveness of the sun screen over time so reapplying every two hours they are outside is a must.

Parenting can be tough and getting your children to do what is best for them can be a challenge but if you carefully explain to them why they need to take frequent drinks then you should really not have a problem with your children hydrating while playing in sun this summer.

Having Fun with Essential Oils

There has been a growing trend in the use of essential oils. The increasing variety of bath products in the health and beauty market gives us an idea of what customers are looking for. No longer are consumers satisfied with synthetic essences, but we are finding that more and more people are looking at the quality of the products they are purchasing.

You too can create your own unique blend of quality soaps, bath salts, massage oils, and creams with essential oils. Using quality base products (essential oils, carrier oils, beeswax, soaps, salts, and creams), create bath products just the way you like them. When you purchase ready made products, some may be too strong or too light. Some products may claim to have a certain level or purity or certification and still not be as effective as they claim to be. Remove the uncertainty by being able to create your own health and beauty products.

These products are not just for the women. Men too can enjoy the benefits that the essential oils provide. Create seductive blends that enhance masculinity and also provide the emotional balance. Experiment with different oils and carrier media to obtain the right blend for your special someone.

Once you’ve gained some experience learning to manufacture your own special blends of essential oil combinations, make some extra and use them as gifts for your family and loved ones. The oils can be given alone or by combining them with other useful products such as bath brushes, towels, diffusers, and anything that your gift recipient would appreciate. Learn about the medicinal effects of essential oils and combine them with other oils or bath products to create a “Cold buster” package or a “Relaxation” package. There are so many ideas and you are only limited by what you can create in your mind.

Creating the massage oils and bath products are easy to do. Keep in mind that safety precautions are a must when working with the essential oils. The oils are concentrated and may cause a physical reaction if not handled properly. The use of gloves purchased at a local drug store will be sufficient in most cases.

There is a difference between fragrance oils and essential oils. The fragrance oils do not carry the same therapeutic benefits as the essential oils do. The essential oils are derived from a plant (tree sap, leaf, bark, etc.) whereas the fragrance oils could be synthetically manufactured. The healing benefits are then lost if the original properties of the plant are not intact.

Have fun creating new blends and unleash the health benefits of essential oils at the same time. Enjoy placing different mixes of scents in various areas throughout your home. You will also be able to easily change the emotional climate of the room as easy as changing your home. Experience the maximum benefits of aromatherapy when you properly air the room between scent changes. There is no end to creating your own special environments. You will only be limited by the variety of essential oils you own!

Playing Games is a Fun Way to Exercise your Brain

Playing Games is a Fun Way to Exercise your Brain

Many people enjoy playing games as a source of entertainment as well as a way to have some fun. However, playing games also helps you to exercise your brain. This is a great way to keep your mental health in check. There are plenty of games that fall into this category. Basically anything that requires you to do some thinking will help you keep it healthy.

Sudoku has become a very popular game that people play. With this type of puzzle you have to fill in the grid. Each line going down as well as across has to have the digits 1 through 9 used only once. It is a game that requires you to use deductive reasoning because there are several possibilities for each square on the grid until you start working to narrow them down.

Crossword puzzles and work search puzzles are also great forms of games you can engage in to exercise your brain. Why not get yourself a few books with these games in them. You can keep it with you to do in the car while you wait to pickup kids. You can even take it to the office to upwind on your lunch hour with the time remaining after you eat.

Memory is a way to exercise your brain as you have to try to remember where certain pictures are so you can match them up. This isnt a game just for kids as it helps adults too with their brains staying on top of the game. If you have youngsters in the house they will love to play such a game with you. There are plenty of board games too that get you thinking. You will be giving your brain a good workout while you are having fun playing the game as well.

Dont worry if you dont have someone around to play though board games with you. The internet is full of places where you can play them. Some of the favorites are memory and Scrabble that people can easily access online. There are also many of the Sudoku puzzles, crosswords, and word searches online as well.

Many of you are likely saying that this sounds great but you just dont have the time to do it. If you are motivated to improve your mental well being you will make time for it. Carve out about 30 minutes a day when you can take part in such activities. You may find you love getting up earlier in the morning. You can exercise your brain before work and while the rest of your household is still in bed. This can completely change your attitude for the rest of the day.

Turn the TV off in the evening and spend some time playing these types of games alone or with a family member. You can even invite friends over to play them with you so that you get some social interaction with them as well. Try a variety of new games too so that you dont get bored playing the same one all the time. However, most people find that that they have a couple of favorites that they really enjoy playing each day.

Most of these games offer several different levels as well. To get the most exercise for your brain start out with the easy stuff. This is especially true if you are new to a given game. It gives you time to learn the rules and time to device some effective strategies. As your level of skill improves, continue to challenge your brain by moving into more advanced levels of the game.

Find those games that you really enjoy playing. That way exercising your brain wont be a chore for you. Keeping your brain sharp with such games is really going to pay off for you in a variety of ways. You will be surprised at how much it improves various aspects of your life. You will find that you have less stress and that it is easier to make decisions. You will also find that your memory is improving.


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Activities You Can Try Out For Stress Management

When you’re learning about something new, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.

It is fully possible to easily baldachin with stress if you find the right activities to help you get your mind off the problem that’s bothering you. Even if having fun does not directly bias rid of the genesis of the hot water entirely, diverting your mind from it for a short period of time will calm you companionless and regain your composure before taking it on besides.

You dont have to force on an extended vacation just to get rid of stress. In fact, you can easily have fun while in the comforts of your own home to get your mind take undeniable. You can indulge in word or board games, sports, music and art, and many others to fill up your time with something you like to do and forget your problems to help you relax.

Let Your Mind Have Some Fun

Since stress is centered on your mind, then it would only substitute plausible to divert it into big more productive and fun. Try to delve into games that require your mind to think. Chess is a great way to stop conjecture about the problem and hub more on how to beat your partner. You can also try playing word or number games that will put your logical mind at work, like scrabble, Sudoku, word puzzles, crosswords, and the approximative. This will help divert your mind from stress to help you achieve a sense of relaxation.

Sweat Out Your Stress

Individual stress management approach is to engage in sports. Many would check that a friendly bout of basketball or tennis with your friend will help you relax. This will help you focus your mind into gripping, especially if you turn it into a competition. Subscribe to this as an outlet for your stew or irritation with work and channel it in a positive way instead of venting it out at the office.

Also, stress can also affect your anatomy if left unchecked. Engaging in exercise or sports will help sweat out those toxins that accumulate due to stress that will surely grow on you. Moving around a lot will also help in muscle rejuvenation – – which is often cramped and sore every time you are under the throes of stress.

Go To The Gym

If you want to channel all your stress to something productive and release veritable in one shot birr then you might want to try coping with it at the local gym. Stress affects you physically, mentally, and emotionally; so live would only be best to address these three aspects in one sitting.

Going to the gym to help cope with your stress is a good idea. The instructor will help you divert your mind from your problems to the program he or she has in store for you. You will need to focus all your mind and effort to completing the workout routine. This way, you won’t hold time to think about your problems at home or office; just focus on getting your body in constitution for a better you.

Another benefit of going to the gym is to incite your heart from the effects of stress. Heart attack and stroke are health conditions commonly attributed to stress. By going into a cardiovascular workout, you are strengthening your anatomy for the future – – this time, you will exemplify physically equipped to deal with it.

That’s how things stand right now. Keep in mind that any subject can change over time, so be sure you keep up with the latest news.