Foods to Avoid to Lower Cholesterol

One past time that people love to do is eating. This can happen at anytime aside from the three basic meals of the day whenever the person is craving for something.

Whenever the individual buys the snack or meal to suit that craving, little attention is paid on how much cholesterol the food has. In fact, a lot of those of the dishes made in fast food joint are unhealthy which has prompted McDonalds to print the calories, cholesterol and other things on each product given to the customer.

The growing number of those who are overweight and obese has caught the attention of doctors since this means there are a lot of people now who are considered to be high risk of suffering from heart disease or stroke in the United States.

Aside from advising people to visit the doctor annually, many are suggesting to make some lifestyle changes before it is too late. This usually means making some changes in the food being eaten since this is the only way to control the amount of cholesterol going in the system.

So what type of foods must be avoided to have lower levels of cholesterol in the body? The first is reducing the quantity of red meat being consumed. A good example is steak, ham and bacon that is high in fat.

Giving it up will be difficult so eating smaller portions should be done especially for those who are moderate or at a high risk of getting a heart disease or a stroke.

Fried food such as hamburgers and fries should also be avoided. The ingredients and oil used in cooking these things are also high in cholesterol that could be dangerous to ones health. This also includes pre-packaged frozen meals that a lot of people will just throw in the microwave after a long day at the office.

Dairy products such as milk, eggs and chicken should also be reduced. If the person has a hard time giving this up, this can be substituted using non-fat milk or yogurt to provide calcium that the body needs.

It is safe for kids to have junk food, candies and cake. As the individual gets older, these things have to be avoided. This is because the ingredients used in making these products are high in fat.

Now that more or less the food the person should avoid has been revealed, it is time to mention those that can be substituted to maintain a good diet.

Ideally, those who want to reduce the cholesterol intake should have a diet that contains less than 30% of fat. Those who can eat less will do better in living a healthy life.

The best products in the market to get are beans, fish oil, fruits, garlic, grains, soy, vegetables and whole grain bread. These things have vitamins and minerals as well as omega 3 acids that are known to reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Different variations can be done daily so the person will not get tired of eating the same thing just to have a healthy diet. If planning this is difficult, a dietitian will gladly help and make changes every week so the cholesterol levels will improve when the patient pays another visit to the clinic.


Tips for Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

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Pregnancy gives your body a hard time, so the correct diet is essential for you and your baby. Here are some tips for healthy eating during pregnancy.

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You probably already know how important it is to eat a well-balanced diet, but it is even more important when you are pregnant. Keep in mind now you are eating for two. Whatever you eat, the baby eats as well. In fact the baby actually takes your nourishments so you must eat enough for both of you. The healthier you eat the better it is for the pregnancy and you.

Never miss a meal while you are pregnant, especially breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and your baby has probably been waiting since he/she woke up in the middle of the night. You may learn that if you wait so long before eating you start to feel sick, this is your body telling you to eat. Do it!

Make sure you are getting enough of the food you need daily. It takes 4-6 servings of dairy produce a day for a healthy pregnancy, this can include some cheeses, milk, yogurt. This provides the baby with calcium which itll need to develop healthy growing bones. Adding extra calcium to your diet wouldnt hurt you either, especially your teeth and bones.

Dont forget about your fruit and vegetable servings. Lots of green is always a good choice, so are sweet potatoes. Not only will you be giving your body what it needs but youll start to have more energy. Try laying off the sweets for a week and replace them with healthier items and see how alive you feel.

Foods to Avoid
Not all foods are safe during your pregnancy, there are a few things you should avoid eating:

– unpasteurized products- brie and other soft cheeses if unpateurized.

– Certain fish- exotic, shark, swordfish, anything potentially high in mercury

– Raw eggs

– Undercooked meats- lunch meats. If you are buying a deli sandwich you can ask for them to heat the meat up a little.

– Caffeine- soda, chocolate. If you find this difficult you can wean yourself off, but the less caffeine in your system the better it is for the baby.

If you are ever unsure of the foods you can eat, you can ask your doctor for a list of items to avoid during pregnancy. Theyll be more than happy to share this with you.

You may also learn that your stomach wont handle certain foods that it would before. Some of those foods may include foods that contain grease, fast foods, meat, and certain foods that have a strong odor.

Eating healthy doesnt mean you have to cut out all the fun in your life, you can still treat yourself from time to time. Go out and get a frozen yogurt or a smoothie.

While you are making sure you get enough to eat throughout the day, that doesnt mean neglecting your fluid intake. Youll need lots of water and juices from here on out. The baby will thank you later. Who knows, you may discover that you really enjoy eating healthier meals and continue it even after the pregnancy.

What are the Benefits of Exercising your Brain?

You may have heard plenty about the fact that you should exercise your brain. There are many benefits of doing so that you need to be aware of. When you have all of the facts you will likely be more motivated to take part in such activities. First of all exercising your brain keeps it healthy. This is one of the best ways to rejuvenate your brain and to help stimulate it at the same time.

Stress is a huge problem for many people, and it affects the brain in many negative ways. While we cant get rid of all the stress in our lives, most of us can use exercising our brain to reduce a great deal of it. As a person gets older it is natural for their cognitive abilities to decrease. This isnt something that any of us really want to admit but it is true.

However, you can help to keep your mind sharp by keeping it active. Experts have proven the brain has the ability to continue learning and changing no matter how old you happen to be. That means it doesnt matter what you have been doing up to right now you have the power to make your brain activity better than ever.

Do you sometimes find it hard to pay attention to what is going on around you? Perhaps you read a chapter in a book but at the end of it you dont remember many of the details about it at all? This is because your brain is having a hard time focusing on what you are doing. People that multi task all the time find that when they do want to concentrate on one thing it is almost impossible. They have programmed their brain to take on many things at one time.

By engaging in various types of exercise for the brain though you will be able to focus your attention on it. This is a valuable skill that you will be able to use for many aspects of your life as well. It can be hard at first so dont give in to frustration. Simply remind yourself of what you are going to accomplish once you get passed these hurdles.

As you work on exercising your brain, you will notice that your processing speed improves as well. It wont take you as long as it once did to complete certain tasks. You will find you comprehend materials you read the first time so you dont have to read them again. Things that you struggled with in the past may seem as if someone flicked a light switch because now you can see it all very clearly.

It really is important to exercise your brain so that you can keep all of these benefits. You dont want to lose the skills you already have so keep them sharp. Strive to learn more as you get older because there is plenty out there in this world for you to understand. If there are many things you wish to explore, make a list of them. Find ways to learn them as you exercise your brain so that you will get twice the benefit from your efforts.

In not time at all you are going to notice some significant changes in your thought process. You are going to remember more, process information faster, and be able to focus your attention where it should be. All of these benefits are going to make your life more enjoyable regardless of what you take part in.
Now that you are aware of the many great benefits of exercising your brain, I hope you will find some activities to take part in. You can do many of them alone at home or you can play games online. There are many that you can do with someone else too. The key is to find plenty of brain exercises that you find intriguing. Then make a commitment to do them often.


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Noise Causes Deafness Problems

Too much noise can make you deaf. If you think this is a joke, ask the estimated 10 million Americans who had had this kind of hearing problem.

The kind of deafness problem they have is what is known as noise induced haring loss. This occurs when too much noise hurts the hair cells in the inner ear and it can result in permanent damage. If this should happen, you will have to use haring aids since there is no way to correct the problem.

You will know when you begin to have this hearing problem when you have a hard time hearing what someone is saying. You will probably have to move closer to that person and even tell them to repeat what they just said.

Two factors that cause deafness problems are time and the intensity. Time is the duration at which you were exposed to it while intensity is measured in decibels.

Almost everyone works a 9 to 5 job or something similar to that which is equivalent to 8 hours. If you happen to work in an environment with noise levels of up to 85 decibels or even more, you could lose your hearing and it is only a matter of time.

You dont become deaf only from working in a loud environment. Studies have shown that this can also happen if you are exposed to firearms, loud explosions, certain hardware equipment, going regularly to a rock concert, using an MP3 player, watching television or listening to the radio, riding a motorcycle or snowmobile, farm machinery and selected childrens toys.

What is so astonishing about this deafness problem is that you dont feel any pain. It is only when you go somewhere that there is not that much noise that you will notice a ringing in your ears and might have a hard time hearing people. This does go away after a few hours or several days but if this happens regularly, this will become permanent.

Some of the early signs of noise induced hearing loss aside from having something repeated to you include the need to turn the volume higher and not being able to hear high pitched sounds. If you think you have this problem, it is best to have your ears checked by a trained professional.

Can this deafness problem be prevented? The answer is yes and this is done by using the proper safety equipment. Examples of these include canal caps, earplugs and earmuffs. You can buy this in the drugstore or from the hardware store.

You should make sure to keep this clean and in good condition at all times. If it is not as effective as it was before, be sure to replace it.

Now that you know that there is such a thing called noise induced hearing loss, you should take the necessary precautions so you dont lose your hearing. If you dont need to buy ear protection, dont stay too long in places that have loud sounds.

As an added precaution, have yourself checked annually by a certified audiologist especially if your job is a high risk for hearing loss. These jobs include construction, farming, firefighting, law enforcement and music. Your employer should provide free hearing protection but if they dont, you should get what is needed to avoid becoming deaf.