Talking to Children about the Alcoholic Parent

Living with an alcoholic is even more difficult when you have kids that are seeing this display. It is hard to explain to kids why one parent has to drink and not do anything with the family. In many cases, kids ask questions that need to be answered and you have a hard time doing it. You do not want them to hate the parent that drinks, but you also do not wan them to follow in the same footsteps. They also might not want to have friends over because of the drinking. As a parent, you have to talk to the kids so that they understand.

Be honest with the kids. If they have questions, you have to give them truthful answers. You do not have to say that the parent is a drunk, but you do have to explain that drinking is a disease and the parent needs help, but is not getting it. Explaining and answering their questions can be hard. Sometimes you just want to tell them that you do not know why the person drinks, but then you are not helping them understand anything. You need to be truthful, but you also have to shield them from some things about the alcoholic.

They have friends and they do not want their friends to see a drunken parent. This can be very hard for kids to understand. This is especially hard on the kids if the other kid’s parents are the ones forbidding the kids to come to your house. Many parents do not want their kids subjected to the problems or the alcohol abuse. They are afraid of what might happen. This hard for the kids and when the other kids cannot come and play at their house, they can become lonely and depressed.

You have to be strong for the kids, but you also need to make sure that they have a good life. This can be done by being there fro them and taking them to places where they will have fun with other kids. Sometimes it is easier to let the kids play at the neighbor’s house so they are not around the drinking, but then they are not getting the attention they need from the non-drinking parent. It is hard to have kids in a home where an alcoholic resides.

Ask them how they feel and listen. You need to understand how the kids feel. They have no one to talk to but you. It is not like they can discuss their feelings with their friends. You have to be there for them and listen to how they feel. It is not uncommon for children of alcoholic parents to grow up to drink. They are learning at a young age that drinking is acceptable unless you tell them differently.

Make sure that the kids understand that this is not how people should live. You have to stress the unhealthiness of drinking. You are the teacher and you have to make sure that the kids do not grow up thinking that this way of living is all there is for them. If you need help talking to a child, support groups and even a church minister can help. Children of alcoholic parents need to have some structure in their life outside of the home. You have to make sure that the kids are happy and well cared for so that they grow up to be well-adjusted adults even if you live with an alcoholic.


Word count 590

Living with an Alcoholic That Says I’m Sorry

When you live with an alcoholic that always apologizes for hurting you, eventually the apologies do not mean much. If the person continues to do the things that they keep saying their sorry for, you have to wonder if they ever meant one word of the apology. This is a common feeling. You can only listen to apologies so many times before you start to think that it is a programmed response that has no meaning. Alcoholics are great at saying that they are sorry, but they have a hard time not doing the same thing again. When you love someone, this is hard to understand.

The first time something happens, they will be sorry the next day. This is because they have sober up and more than likely, they have a memory of what they have done or you have told them. They will be sweet and apologetic because they truly are sorry. However, they can promise it will never happen again, but when they drink, they have no control over what they do. It can happen again. This time it might be a little worst then the first time. After the first time, you felt content to believe them, but if it happens again, you have to think about whether or not they really meant it.

Once it happens again, and they say they are sorry, you have to start wondering when it will happen again and again. This is the hardest part of living with an alcoholic. You never know for sure if they mean anything that they say. You start to doubt their love for you and wonder why they never lash out at anyone else. Sometimes they do, but it is rare for an alcoholic to just go off on someone that did not provoke them, accept you.

Then you start to wonder if they will ever say they are sorry and mean it. This is the worst feeling in the world. You are doubting their sincerity and you start to doubt other things that they say to you including that fact that they love you. You start to think how they could do this to you repeatedly if they did love you. Now, you not only live with an alcoholic, you live with the doubt. This can eat away at you to no end. This is when the trust starts to fade.

After years of hearing sorry, you just do not believe them anymore. You doubt every word they say to you and you cannot believe anything that they say to you. The home is no longer a home. It turns into a prison that you made for yourself. You now have more confusion and do not know what to do. You still care for the person, but you wonder if you could ever love that person again. The times of happiness are gone and all you are left with is drinking and broken promises.

You lose all hope and feel all alone. You want to leave, but you feel as if you owe the person something. You can become withdrawn and hopeless. You may even wonder why you should be the only responsible and sober person in the home. You start to feel all alone with no one to turn to for help. You look for answers, but you find emptiness. You wonder what to do next. Your life has not turned out as you expected it to when you first met the person and you need happiness to live. You turn to someone else or you turn to the same demon that took the love from you.


Word count 613

Do Not Become an Enabler When You Live With an

Do Not Become an Enabler When You Live With an Alcoholic

Enabling an alcoholic to drink, lie or make excuses is not the way to live with an alcoholic. You then become the enabler and make it easy for the alcoholic to drink and hide the things that they should not be doing. You are the one that helps them hide their drinking from others and this gives them complete power over you. If you make it easy for them, you are just hurting them and yourself. If you do not enable them, they have to make the choices that they do. If they are drinking and being unruly, you cannot allow it or live with it.

Do not make it easier for the alcoholic to drink. If you accept the way you live and make excuses for it, you are just going to make things worst. You cannot accept the way things are or want to live that way. You cannot change the alcoholic without them receiving help, but you can make it harder for them to drink and get away with the things that they do. You have to take control of some things, but the person with the problem must be held accountable for their actions.

If you drink, you have to use good judgment when you keep alcohol in the home. If you live with an alcoholic and even if you only drink occasionally, you should not keep alcohol in the home. For one thing, it will disappear and only supply the drinker with more alcohol. It is best to keep all alcohol out of the house. If you want a refreshing drink now and then, you might consider non-alcoholic drinks, which will not be enticing to the alcoholic. You need to police the house when you live with an alcoholic.

Making up stories as to why he or she is drinking does not help anyone including the drinker. If you make excuses and do not let anyone know what is happening, if something would happen, you will have a hard time getting anyone to believe you. You cannot become an enabler for many reasons, but this is a big one. If you are abused or the alcoholic would fall and hurt him or herself, you do not want to be the blame. You have to make them accountable for their own actions and not make any excuses for them.

Urging the alcoholic to have a drink when they are not drinking is not the answer. There are actually some people that do this because they know that the person will eventually pass out and the house will be peaceful. This is not the answer. If the person is not drinking, you should never encourage it. They need to dry out from time to time and this is why they are not drinking. Never offer to buy then alcohol to help them unwind or calm down. They need to learn how to this without alcohol.

Keep the monthly budget instead of giving that job to the alcoholic. If you leave the money to a drinker, chances are that you will have unpaid bills and no money for food on the table, which will make them angry. You should control the money and give them what is left over. They may not agree with this, but you have to insist that you do this to protect your finances. An alcoholic can spend more on alcohol a month then what they have to spend if you let them.

Do not turn your back on the problem. You cannot make excuses or allow the person to use you as a way to hide their problem. You must take steps to make sure that there is not a lot of extra money to drink, but that there is enough money for bills and food. If you work, you should have your own checking account so that you have money in the event the alcoholic in your life takes al of the money he made to drink.


Word count 676

Facts About Sinus Infections

Even if you have a personal doctor who attends to all your medical needs, its not a guarantee that he or she can cure your sinus infections. The fact is, many doctors dont know the newest treatments for sinus infections. If youre having a very hard time in dealing with your health problem, you will learn a lot in just a few minutes so keep reading.

Acupuncture, acupressure, antibiotics, ENT doctors, and chiropractors wont be able to help you with your sinus infections. Not many individuals are open to acupuncture, especially those who are afraid of needles. If you dont want to end up as a pin cushion, this is not an excellent choice but it can help in other health problems like back pains, but not sinus infections.

Acupressure is also good but it cant help you but if you have hiccups, it may help a lot. In short term treatments, antibiotics can deal with your sinus infections but most of the time, the symptoms return within a week. ENT doctors may seem like a good choice but oftentimes, they would give the same antibiotics which only work for a short period.

Dont even think of consulting a chiropractor if you want to relieve the pressure and pain of your sinus infections because it wont help. These individuals can help you with other health concerns but not sinus infections.

If you want to stop the discomfort and pain brought about by your sinus infection, these things can help you effectively:

1.You should be aware that sinus infections are primarily caused by fungus. Most individuals suffering from this health problem is carrying a yeast or fungal infection. You will not be able to get rid of the infection if the fungus is still there. Antibiotics cant remove the fungus but it can encourage the growth of the fungal infection.

2.Get yourself a personal Neti pot. You need to use this whenever youre rinsing out the sinuses. Some online stores sell this little strange pot, so look for it online.

3.Apple cider vinegar if you feel like a sinus infection is about to burst up, you can put 1 tsp of the vinegar on your Neti pot. The taste is a bit nasty and you will feel a burning sensation but it only means that it is working.

4.Sea salts make a saline solution in your Neti pot by putting the right amount of sea salts in it.

5.Take garlic capsule because it can change the bodys chemistry and help fight the sinus infections.

You dont have to rely entirely on your doctor if you want to fight your sinus infection. But this doesnt mean that you can disregard your doctor from now on. You can even share the information with your doctor if you like. Keep in mind that antibiotics wont help in getting rid of the fungus and it will only make your condition worse.

Try the five things mentioned earlier especially if youre having a very hard time in dealing with your sinus infections. You dont have to spend lots of money for the antibiotics that dont work. Start shopping for your very own Neti pot online now. You will be using it more often every time you need to prepare a solution for the infection of your sinus.