Hair Trends-Just Look To The Runway

When looking for any type of trends in regards to fashion, most people look to the newest things on the fashion runways. This year is no different. If you want to know what new hair trends are out there, just look to the runway.

There are a few top hair trends for women that came out of the fall fashion shows. In this article I will list a few of them.

I will concentrate on those that “real” women would be more likely to wear as opposed to those over the top styles that few people can pull off and fewer yet would want to try.

So, here we go:

1. One very popular trend today is actually pretty old fashioned: pony tails.

It would be tough to look through any type of celebrity magazine and not see at least a few stars boasting one of these pony tails.

Today, though, it isn’t just the out of the back of the head type pony tail that is popular, it is more of an anything goes pony tail style that seems to be all the rage.

Many women are wearing their pony tails on the side and lower than we may think of as more “traditional” pony tails of the past.

It’s not the cheerleader, perfectly centered in the back of the head, no hair out of place pony tail – It is far softer and lower than it used to be.

2. Another old fashioned look that has made a huge comeback this year are braids.

This look is also about a more relaxed and casual feel to the hair. It isn’t about making sure that every hair is confined but rather allowing a little hair to flow softly.

This provides a beautiful feminine look to the whole hairstyle.

3. Long, soft waves is yet one more popular look this season. I think you may be able to sense a trend this year.

Many of the styles are not only old fashioned, they are softer variations too.

Today, it is about a softer, feminine more romantic look rather then the every hair in place, ultra smooth and sleek look.

For many women, this added casualness just makes it an easier style to simulate at home on their own.

When the style calls for less structure the few loose hairs here and there become part of the overall look.

4. And one last style we will talk about for this year: the deep side part.

This look can be very dramatic and is the perfect look for woman who have really straight hair.

To make sure the hair stays in place you can either put it in a pony tail or add a beautiful pin to hold it in place.

Make sure that you go for the drama by allowing the hair to actually fall over your eye, or at least a little over one of your brows.

There you have it, some of this years top hair trends for women. Most of them are easy and something a “normal” woman could, and would, want to wear.

How Modern Hair Restoration Can Be Successful

Before seeking the services of a hair replacement center, it is important to understand some basic information about hair loss and what can do about it.

Hair Loss Background

Approximately 95% of the estimated 60 million men and women in the United States who experience abnormal hair loss suffer from a hereditary condition called androgentic alopecia. This is the gradual loss of hair that usually begins somewhere between 30 to 40 years of age in men and is essentially a cosmetic disorder, which is relevant because most health insurance plans will not pay for cosmetic care.

In women, the onset of hereditary hair loss usually does not occur until after menopause.

The incidence of androgentic alopecia is highest in white males but can also be found women, Asians, and African Americans. Usually, the thinning hair begins in the frontal area and progresses back over the head. In general, the growth transition begins with large, thick healthy hair, then progresses to thinner, shorter, indeterminate hairs, and finally, short, nonpigmented vellus hairs cover the area sporadically.

During this transition, the patient may notice more shedding than normal. Some shedding is natural, as up to 10% of a persons hair so prone to shedding at any given time. Lab studies can be done to determine whether the hair loss is genetic or caused by other sources.

What can be done about it?

Once the cause of thinning hair is determined, a hair replacement center can offer several viable solutions for hair restoration.

If the cause is not genetic, changes in medication, diet, or hairstyle products may take care of the problem without any significant out-of-pocket cost to the patient. In the event the patient is loosing hair due to genetic reasons or the changes mentioned above do not create a regrowth of hair, other options are still available.

Surgery offers a couple of solutions. One is a scalp reduction. This is where a portion of the bald scalp is removed, and then the skin is stretch to cover the area of the scalp where the skin was removed. The other option is probably the most commonly considered option. Hair follicles can be transplanted from a donor or from thickly haired sections of the head. The main problem with hair plugs is covering the bald area with enough plugs to provide satisfactory results.

The last option is hair weaving. Hairpieces are weaved into the patients natural hair to create a prosthetic method of covering the baldness. While the hairpieces of the past were often horrendous failures, many of the modern prosthetics are indistinguishable from the patients own hair.

Conclusion for modern hair restoration technologies

Now that you have a general idea what to expect from a hair replacement center, you can more effectively prepare a list of questions for the doctor. You can also go prepared to ask questions about your family history, medical history, current medications, diet, and general hair care regime.

While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it is also an integral part of self-image. As such, concern over hair loss is a normal reaction and should not be taken lightly.

Hair Loss: Cosmetic Solutions For Good Cover Up

If you are beginning to lose your hair, while looking for a solution, you may feel too embarrassed to go out and socialize. Even a short trip to the neighbourhood store may make you feel uncomfortable as you fear what others may say about your appearnance. Using cosmetic solutions for good cover up of your thinning scalp can help you still get up and go.

The first way in which you can still look presentable is through hair loss concealers. There are a variety of these that are easily available. One common hair loss concealer helps in building fibers. These are tiny fibers that are placed in the area where the scalp area is losing hair. You get the appearance of thicker looking hair in those particular areas. You can also use a masking lotion, hair thickener or hair fattener in order to give your hair more volume and look thicker throughout the day.

Another consideration that you can cover up is to simply change your hairstyle. Your hairs are built to naturally turn and grow in a particular way. If you are losing hair in one area, choose a style that can help you cover the scalp area. Having an excellent beautician or hair stylist will help in determining which style can help you achieve this.

Different types of shampoo are also available that will help you get the effect that you want. For instance, one type of shampoo can enhance volume of your hair and will provide your scalp with extra nutrients in order to stimulate growth. This essentially boosts the appearance of your remaining hair while speeding up the growth of new hair.

For cosmetics that will help you to improve your appearance to cover up your hair loss, please ensure that the ingredients in them are proven to help and that they do not have any negative side effects. Having an idea of ingredients that help in hair growth or prevent hair loss definitely helps. Another way of doing research is to read product reviews for effectiveness.

Cosmetics for hair loss is highly recommended if you are conscious about your hair loss and having feelings of negativity about the way you look. Do explore the options of cosmetic solutions as this can well mean getting rid of your depression and getting a life, while waiting for your new hair to grow!