Acne: Fact And Fiction

Myths about acne die hard. Old wives tales about its causes continue to persist, in spite of scientific condition to the contrary. This article aims to shed light on some common myths about acne and attempts to separate fact from fiction.

Myth 1: People who have acne are unclean and maintain poor hygiene

There is absolutely no truth to this statement. Acne is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body. When the oil glands responsible for keeping our skin waterproof and moist, over react to produce excessive quantities of sebum, they block the associated hair follicle, causing clogged pores, which develops into acne. So hygiene has absolutely nothing to do with it. In fact unnecessary scrubbing of the skin can exacerbate the problem. Do take care of your skin though – wash your face gently and pat dry.

Myth 2: Eating the wrong foods will lead to acne

The fact is that there is no co-relation between what you eat and acne. The chocolates, the French fries, the cheese pizza, and all those other fatty foods that have been lambasted ever so often, because of their unhealthy consequence have no affect whatsoever on your skin. However, eating a well balanced diet makes sense. So while you dont have to be concerned as to whether your favorite treat affects your skin (at least directly), do remember that it does affect your overall health.

Myth 3: Acne is caused by stress

The truth is that the stress that most of us experience as part of our day-to-day existence does not lead to acne. Sometimes, acne can arise as the side-effect of drugs taken to treat severe stress. Talk to your doctor to find out if your stress medication is responsible for your acne. Stress can however make an already existing acne condition worse.

Myth 4: Acne is a merely a cosmetic disease

Well, acne does affect the way you look and yes, it is considered a threat to your physical well being. However, the fact remains that in some cases acne can lead to permanent scarring which is more than just purely cosmetic. Acne affects people psychologically. It is known to affect their perception of themselves, their self-esteem and confidence and their interaction with others. It can cause feelings of frustration, depression and social embarrassment.

Myth 5: Acne can not be cured

With the kind of products that are available in the market today, there is no reason why anyone should have to suffer the agony caused by acne. The fact is that acne can be cleared up with the right medication and a regime specific to their needs. Consult your dermatologist if you have acne.

Proven Products Combatting Hair Loss for Men and Women

Nowadays hair loss is not only a concern for males but also for females. Hair loss affects directly ones self-confidence and also creates mental humiliation. Hence there are lots of really good hair loss products available on the market.

Hair growth products are available in many forms: natural essential oils, natural herbs, conventional drugs, shampoos, serums, lotions and conditioners. Nowadays there are so many hair loss products available on the market with the intention to stop or prevent hair loss. Finasteride, Minoxidil, and Rogainne are the commonly used best hair loss products. Finasteride is extensively used for treating hair loss and is sold in pharmacies as Propecia. This product should be used by men only.

Another very popular hair loss product is called Rogaine and is available at drugstores. Rogaine has to be applied twice daily for 3 to 4 months to get any positive results.

Minoxidil is very much used for hair loss among younger men. It is also considered to be a very effective hair loss product. But using hair loss products such as Minoxidil continually may lead to side effects such as a itchy scalp. There might be other complications if these products are used for hair loss treatment for a long time.

Dr.Proctors Hair re-growth shampoo is one of the best hair loss products made naturally without any chemical mixing. It has been widely used by hair loss sufferers due to its easy application. People around the world use re-growth shampoo for treating hair loss. There is another product called Life Extension Shampoo that supports healthy hair.

ViViscal shampoo, Thymuskin, and Hair genesis are some of the best hair loss products, which are used for hair treatment. Thymuskin is more effective (95%)) in female than male (67%) for treating hair loss. This hair loss shampoo clears the hair follicle from debris, dirt, oil and other waste. The main advantage of thymuskin is that it consists of thymus peptides that diffuse deep into the hair follicles to clean them.

Viviscal shampoo also helped a lot of people treating hair loss. This shampoo helps to maintain the hair hale and healthy. Apart from this, the shampoo treats hair loss and thinning of hair. Viviscal products are available in all forms including scalp lotion, conditioner and tablets. Hair genesis products are also available as conditioner, topical serum, oral supplements, and hair re growth shampoo.

Hair genesis is especially favored by females. The main action of Hair Genesis is stopping the action of DHT blockers. Revivogen, Tricomin, and Nisim products are also available for treating hair loss.

Information on Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is caused by chronic traction (pulling) on the hair follicle. Traction alopecia mostly occurs in African-American women and men who braid their hair too tightly. It is also common in other ethnic groups known for traditional hair styles that involve pulling the hair.

There is also seen a pronounced traction alopecia in the beard area of this Sikh man. The Sikh men do not cut scalp or beard hair. The beard hairs are pulled straight and then twisted and tightly knotted. Daily knotting often results in this form of traction alopecia.

Men who attach hairpieces to their existing hair also suffer from this type of hair loss. The traction alopecia in such cases can also lead to permanent hair loss if the hairpiece is attached in the same location over a long period of time.

If we put the examples from ethnic groups aside, traction alopecia occurs most often in pre-teenagers, teenagers, young adults then it does in older men and women.

It is a very unfortunate state that hair styles and fashions and hair styling methods are causing baldness and hair loss among today’s younger generations. The hair loss in all such cases is mostly due to Traction alopecia. The hair loss is caused by long term hair pulling and breakage due to very tight hair braiding, hair weaves and cornrows.

The over use of hair style aids such as sponge hair rollers or curling irons may also promote traction alopecia. Traction alopecia often shows as distinct patches of hair loss in those areas where the hair and hair follicles have been put under excessive strain. The hair loss may occur anywhere on the scalp depending on the nature of the hair style or process that is causing the traction alopecia. Prolonged traction alopecia can lead to cicatrization of the new hair follicle and permanent hair loss.

Traction alopecia is reversible if diagnosed in the early stages. Permanent hair loss can occur too slowly for immediate detection. Hair loss is often occurs in the front, and hair line but is also subject to the immediate adjacent area to where the hair is being pulled and damaged.

An effective treatment is to simply avoid hair styling that puts excessive strain on the hair. Even with removal of the cause of traction alopecia it may take up to three months for the hair to recover. Areas of scalp subjected to chronic traction alopecia may never fully recover.

Traction alopecia is generally a non-scarring, non-inflammatory form of hair loss although long term use of hair styles involving traction over 3 or more years may result in a mild immune cell infiltrate and irreversible scarring damage to some hair follicles. Any form of chronic traction alopecia will eventually lead to fibrosis around hair follicles and total destruction of some hair follicles. Once destroyed the hair follicles will not re-grow under any circumstances hence chronic traction alopecia can be described as a scarring cicatricial alopecia.

Permanent traction alopecia does not respond to medical treatment such as minoxidil or finasteride due to non-genetic nature of hair loss. The only way one can treat traction alopecia is with hair transplants. Follicular unit hair grafting has been identified as the only practical solution to treating traction alopecia. Number of patients with traction alopecia coming to hair transplant clinics is generally increasing and the treatment is providing them a good response.

Female Pattern Baldness

Female pattern baldness a.k.a. alopecia in women is the most common form of hair problem that women come across. It involves a typical hair loss pattern, resulting from hormones, aging and genetic predisposition.

Hair loss pattern resulting from alopecia in women

Unlike in men, female pattern baldness does not cause hair loss in a well-defined pattern. The hair starts thinning all over the head though there is no hair line receding. It is rare for alopecia in women to result in total baldness.

In the case of females, the scalp hair loss may begin at any age though usually after 40.
The patterns of female pattern baldness can vary considerably in appearance and may include:

Diffuse thinning all over the scalp often with more noticeable thinning toward the back of the scalp.

Diffuse thinning all over the scalp with more noticeable thinning toward the front of the scalp but not involving the frontal hair line.

Diffuse thinning all over the scalp with more noticeable thinning toward the front of the scalp, involving and sometimes breaching the frontal hairline.

Symptoms of alopecia in women

In normal condition a woman tends to lose around 100-125 hairs per day. Losing more hair than that indicates that the condition is not normal.

The following two conditions indicate alopecia in women

Hair thinning over the entire head

Hair loss at the crown or hair line, from mild to moderate

Causes of female pattern baldness

The disease is triggered by the presence of a male hormone called testosterone in female body. Testosterone is produced by androgen hormone.

Certain women are decidedly more sensitive to testosterone than others. This sensitivity results in hair thinning on their scalp. Testosterone interacts with the enzyme 5 alpha reductase produced by the body. The interaction causes the production of DHT within the hair follicle.

DHT causes production of shorter and finer hairs. When DHT is not received well by hair follicles, it causes reduced blood supply and it causes hair thinning on the scalp.

Diagnosis of female pattern baldness

Women tend to have less obvious hair loss patterns than men and they face non-pattern hair loss more frequently than men. Diagnosis of female hair loss should be conducted by a trained and experienced physician.

The physician diagnoses this hair disease on the basis of hair loss appearance and pattern. He also checks whether other possible hair loss causes can be ruled out. He may also go for a skin biopsy or other procedures to diagnose the medical disorders.


The diagnosis of female pattern baldness should be followed by a proper treatment. The patient is usually administered Rogaine. Another medicine is Aldactone, which is useful especially for the women experiencing hair fall after menopause. A modern and popular method used in the case of female pattern baldness is hair transplantation.