Lack of Iodine and Silica Can Create Hair Loss

Iodine is vital to your hair growth. Sheep farmers long ago found that vegetation-lacking iodine due to iodine-depleted soil would adversely affect the growth of wool in their sheep. Likewise, to avoid hair loss, you need iodine. Iodine is synthetically added to table salt, however in this form it is not assimilated well into your body and can therefore cause iodine overload.

An excess of iodine in the body can adversely affect the thyroid. The lack of iodine can cause hypothyroidism. In hypothyroidism, your cell metabolism slows down and body cells and hair cells don’t receive the energy they need to function properly. When you lack iodine, you will lose more hair than normal and may even lose eyebrow hair.

You can check your thyroid with a basal thermometer, not a digital thermometer, by placing it in your underarm first thing when you wake up. Then, don’t move for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, look at the temperature. The normal body temperature for good thyroid function is 97.8 to 98.2 degrees C. Take this measurement for 5-10 day. If your temperature is below 97.6 and lower, for the 5-10 days, you will want to consult your doctor or for more direction and information. You definitely have low thyroid function.

Menstruating women should start this 5-10 day check on the 3rd day of their cycle.

It is best to use non-iodized salt and get your iodine from natural foods. These include seaweed, salmon, seafood, lima beans, molasses, eggs, potatoes with the skin on, watercress and garlic.


One of the most difficult nutrients vital to your hair growth to get in your diet is trace mineral silica. Silica is a form of silicon and is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust, second only to oxygen. The Earth provides everything we need for health, and with silicon being so abundant, it would seem that there would never be a problem with silica deficiency.

Unfortunately, trace minerals are rare in our diets because our food is processed and our soil depleted by chemical treatments. Silica provides strength to your hair, and although it will not necessarily stop your hair from falling out from the follicle, it will stop hair breakage.

Silica works by stimulating your cell metabolism and formation, which slows the aging process. Foods that are rich in silica are rice, oats, lettuce, parsnips, asparagus, onion, strawberry, cabbage, cucumber, leek, sunflower seeds, celery, rhubarb, cauliflower, and swiss chard. Try to buy these vegetables from organic sources. Note that many of these foods, particularly rice, are a large part of Asian diets and Asians tend to have the strongest and healthiest hair.

For best results eat all your fruits and vegetables raw. For certain vegetables that need to be cooked, steam them for only a few minutes.

Be sure to test your thyroid even though doctor’s tests show you do not have a thyroid problem. The basal temperature test is sometimes more sensitive than blood tests taken by doctors. If you have hyperthyroidism, you will definitely have hair loss.

Noise Causes Deafness Problems

Too much noise can make you deaf. If you think this is a joke, ask the estimated 10 million Americans who had had this kind of hearing problem.

The kind of deafness problem they have is what is known as noise induced haring loss. This occurs when too much noise hurts the hair cells in the inner ear and it can result in permanent damage. If this should happen, you will have to use haring aids since there is no way to correct the problem.

You will know when you begin to have this hearing problem when you have a hard time hearing what someone is saying. You will probably have to move closer to that person and even tell them to repeat what they just said.

Two factors that cause deafness problems are time and the intensity. Time is the duration at which you were exposed to it while intensity is measured in decibels.

Almost everyone works a 9 to 5 job or something similar to that which is equivalent to 8 hours. If you happen to work in an environment with noise levels of up to 85 decibels or even more, you could lose your hearing and it is only a matter of time.

You dont become deaf only from working in a loud environment. Studies have shown that this can also happen if you are exposed to firearms, loud explosions, certain hardware equipment, going regularly to a rock concert, using an MP3 player, watching television or listening to the radio, riding a motorcycle or snowmobile, farm machinery and selected childrens toys.

What is so astonishing about this deafness problem is that you dont feel any pain. It is only when you go somewhere that there is not that much noise that you will notice a ringing in your ears and might have a hard time hearing people. This does go away after a few hours or several days but if this happens regularly, this will become permanent.

Some of the early signs of noise induced hearing loss aside from having something repeated to you include the need to turn the volume higher and not being able to hear high pitched sounds. If you think you have this problem, it is best to have your ears checked by a trained professional.

Can this deafness problem be prevented? The answer is yes and this is done by using the proper safety equipment. Examples of these include canal caps, earplugs and earmuffs. You can buy this in the drugstore or from the hardware store.

You should make sure to keep this clean and in good condition at all times. If it is not as effective as it was before, be sure to replace it.

Now that you know that there is such a thing called noise induced hearing loss, you should take the necessary precautions so you dont lose your hearing. If you dont need to buy ear protection, dont stay too long in places that have loud sounds.

As an added precaution, have yourself checked annually by a certified audiologist especially if your job is a high risk for hearing loss. These jobs include construction, farming, firefighting, law enforcement and music. Your employer should provide free hearing protection but if they dont, you should get what is needed to avoid becoming deaf.

Deafness Problems Can Be Prevented

Deafness problems occur when there is damage in the inner ear. How bad or severe it is caries and there are many factors. Fortunately, it can be prevented and here are a few tips you should know.

First, you should know that hearing loss may be caused by prolonged exposure to loud noise or even a loud explosion. As many as 10 million Americans have this problem.

You could get it from a concert, while partying at the disco or from a gun shot fired close to where you are. As a result, the hair cells in the inner ear of the cochlea may suffer permanent damage and the best way to prevent it from happening is to stay away from such places.

Our ears produce ear wax. This is why it should be cleaned regularly otherwise it will cover it entirely making it possible for you to hear. If you dont take immediate action, you will have to use medication or undergo surgery.

If you happen to work in a loud environment like a construction site or in the airport, you should wear an ear protector. Some examples include earplugs, earmuffs and canal caps that are sold in drugstores and hardware stores. The ideal one is something you are comfortable with using. Just make sure that this is in good condition at all times and replaced when needed.

The same goes when you decide to fire a few shots at the firing range because the weapon will produce a loud bang that has also been known to cause deafness problems.

Some diseases have been known to cause deafness problems and a very good example is meningitis. The good news is that this disease can be prevented by practicing proper hygiene, getting immunization shots and keeping your body healthy.

Certain drugs especially ototoxic are known to cause permanent hearing loss. You should consult with your doctor about this and ask him or her to recommend something else that is safer for you to use.

If you listen to music using a headset or earplugs, never set it at a high volume because this could also cause deafness problems. The same goes when you watch television or listen to the radio at home or in the car.

Deafness problems may be caused a lot of things. It could be genetic, due to an illness, age and noise. While some can be prevented, there is no way to prevent it if it is caused by age or genetics. The good news is that there are ways to treat it like a cochlear implant or with the help of hearing aids.

Early detection of hearing problems helps so it does not get any worse. If you have trouble understanding what people say in a crowded room, need to turn the volume higher, have people repeat what they say or be unable to hear pitched sounds, then you could already have a problem. Go and have yourself checked out by a professional so he or she can let you undergo a hearing test.

Now that you know what causes deafness problems, dont keep it to yourself and spread the word around. A friend or family member that does not take steps to prevent it will most likely suffer from it sooner than you think.