Nursing Assistants Dealing with Death

Nursing Assistants are a unique group of individuals who are dedicated to providing patients with the best possible care. They work hard to make sure their basic needs are met. They often go the extra mile to provide patients and their families comfort. They are trained to work hard, multi-task, and assist Nurses with any type of emergency that arises on any given day. However, their goal is to help others feel better. Dealing with the harsh reality of dying and death can be very difficult for Nursing Assistants to deal with, especially for those new to the profession.

Dealing with the issue of dying and death is relevant in any field of the medical profession. It is even more common if you are working in a critical care of elderly care facility. This issue should be taken into careful consideration before a Nursing Assistant accepts a position in such a facility.

Since all people view death differently, a Nursing Assistant will be exposed to many things going on during this time, both with the patient and with their family members. For those who are very religious, praying and possibly figures from their Church will be present. Others are afraid to die, and fight for every last breath trying to hold on. Respecting the wishes of the patient and the family is very important during dying and death.

There are those Nursing Assistants who are upset when they have to deal with dying and death. They feel this is not what they signed up for. They want to help people. However, Nursing Assistants can be a great source of comfort and compassion for patients and their families during those precious last hours. Do all you can to keep the patient comfortable. Often, their mouths become very dry. Even if they dont appear coherent, attempt to give them ongoing sips of water or ice chips. The lips may begin to crack, apply Chap Stick or Vaseline to prevent soreness.

Caring for dying patients requires you to remember details about them before they became so ill. For example, if a patient asked to be turned often because of soreness, continue to rotate how they are laying. Pay attention to their body temperature and adjust bedding, air conditioning, and heating as needed. A person will often become cold in the hours before death, so it is important to keep them as comfortable as possible.

Some signs of death Nursing Assistants should be familiar with include the loss of muscle tone, the slowing of circulation, changes in breathing, and blurred vision. It is important that the Nursing Assistant document such changes in the patients chart and immediately notify the charge Nurse of the situation.

While a patient is dying, the Nursing Assistant can help make the process easier for the patient. Adequate pain medications should be administered as needed to reduce the pain. Play the music the patient enjoys. Consider reading them a favorite book or Bible passages. Sometimes they will need extra comfort including someone to hold their hand. A Nursing Assistant can assume this role. Often, Nursing Assistants can rely on each other to help make the situation easier.

Many employers also offer counseling services if you feel they are necessary after dealing with dying and death of one of your patients. It is often easy to become attached to patients you care for on a regular basis. Your employer is well aware of this, and will want to help you feel better in your role as a Nursing Assistant.

Will Using A Body Building DVD Work

Using a body building DVD doesn’t offer the same benefits as working out in your gym under the watchful gaze of the instructor. But you could use it to provide some inspiration if you are feeling a little bit overwhelmed and wonder if you will ever see the results you crave. They are also a great source of information on bodybuilding helping you to become more familiar with the terms of the sport. The better productions will also include sections on the types of cardio exercise routines you should be following as well as useful hints and tips on your new bodybuilding diet.

They should recommend plenty of vegetables and fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds, low fat dairy products, lean meat, fish and eggs. They shouldn’t be suggesting that you take steroids but if you are going to do a lot of weight training you may want to consider some protein supplements. Discuss this first with your instructor.

Body building DVDs should be rated so that you know whether you are looking at exercises for beginners or those that know their way around the weights. You will probably not have the correct equipment at home but you can often substitute normal household items such as bottles of water or bags of sugar. Don’t be tempted to think that you cannot do yourself an injury using these items. Lifting any sort of weights can cause a problem – just ask the mother of any young child.

You should always obey the rules of exercise even when working out at home. Always do your warm up and cool down exercises. Never start on a full stomach and don’t overstretch yourself. Drink enough to keep you hydrated but don’t over do it with the liquid intake. You should eat small meals one to two hours before you start exercising.

Chose a DVD aimed at the type of results you are looking to achieve. You can get bodybuilding DVDs that target specific projects for example the swimsuit workouts tend to be very popular. If you want to follow a bodybuilding program for women aimed at achieving the perfect bikini body, buy one from a trainer who looks like you would want to. If you are into the muscle look then buy a DVD from one of the women bodybuilding champions. Don’t bother wasting your time using a bodybuilding DVD aimed at men as weight training for women involves a totally different exercise regime. You do not want to end up confused.

Look for a bodybulding program designed by an expert in this field. If the DVD promises to increase your chest size, dump it as this is a huge myth associated with female bodybuilding. If anything lifting weights may increase the width of your back but unfortunately is not the way to achieving larger breasts.

In addition to completing the workout on your body building DVD, do get outside in the air to go running, walking or any other form of aerobic activity. Not only will you lose weight but you will also feel better.

Diets For Good Cholesterol-Mother Nature Can Help

We were made to be able to get all the nutrients we need right out of the ground. When it comes to finding diets for good cholesterol you have to look no further that what is available from Mother Nature.

Diets for good cholesterol don’t have to be expensive to make or difficult to prepare, all you need to do is learn to incorporate several key ingredients into as many meals as you can.

These foods are naturally good at helping you get your good cholesterol levels high, your bad levels low and keeping them that way.

Make a list and the next time you go to the grocery store stock up on these things. You can find many recipes that will include one or more of these items or you can just switch out some recipes that you currently have and add these foods instead.

Here you go:

1. Beans. These little wonders are a great source of protein and fiber and they can even help you raise your good levels and lower your bad levels.

2. Salmon. This fish along with others like tuna, sardines and herrings, can also provide a lot of omega 3 acids. This is a great ingredient to help you maintain a healthy heart.

According to the American Heart Association you should eat at least 2 servings of fish per week.

3. Brown rice. Brown rice can provide a high protein low fat alternative to other side dishes. Another benefit of brown rice? It is a great source of fiber too.

4. Apples. You know the whole “apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Well, turns out that that is true! Apples have pectin which is a soluble fiber that can decrease the bad cholesterol in the blood stream.

5. Nuts. Many types of nuts are loaded with polyunsaturated fats which can help reduce cholesterol levels. Some of the best are hazel nuts, almonds and walnuts.

Remember though, that nuts are high in fat so you don’t want to eat too much of them. Limit your intake to a cup a day.

It is true, too much of a good thing can be bad.

6. Various fruits that are high in antioxidants are a great addition to your diet too. They taste great and can be added to many types of recipes. Blueberries are one example.

Of course, it’s not just about what you eat, it’s also about what you do. It is important that you move your body and get some exercise.

Many people seem to have a bit of a block when it comes to exercise. They seem to think that it will be hard but that doesn’t have to be the case.

You can, and should, start small. Simple changes can make a big difference. Just start taking your dog for a walk every day, for example.

Park a little further away from the store or your office to force yourself walk.

As you can see, there are some simple changes you can make to help you get your cholesterol levels in check. There are many diets for good cholesterol, just find the one that works best for you.

Diabetes Protein Diet

For people trying to lose weight, a high protein, low fat, low carb diet is normally something that will work very well to help you slim down and get to a healthier weight. People with diabetes can also lose weight with a diabetes protein diet but because of the nature of their illness must pay close attention to everything they eat.

A diet high in protein, followed for an extended period can put undo stress on the kidneys of the person with diabetes. You should always speak with your doctor and/or dietitian before starting any diet plan.

If your doctor does give you the OK to start a diabetes protein diet then stick with the lean cuts of meat for your protein and include some fish and shrimp in your weekly menu preparation. Shrimp are packed with protein and are very good for you. You can have some red meat but limit it to once or twice a week.

Red meat is loaded with protein as well but also has quite a bit of saturated fat which will increase your cholesterol and increase your risk for heart disease. Just being diabetic puts you at risk for so many complications of the disease you do not need to willingly put yourself at a higher risk for other problems. So, remember to limit the red meat you eat and if you have to have it then make sure that you remove any visible fat as well.

Fish like salmon, tuna, and halibut are all good sources of lean protein not to mention those Omega-3 essential fatty acids that you hear so much about these days. Omega-3’s are beneficial for maintaining good brain function among other things. I have already mentioned shrimp but did you know lobster is another great source of lean protein? Go ahead and treat yourself.

Chicken is also loaded with protein but just make sure to remove any skin and visible fat. Your best bet is to buy some boneless, skinless breasts and keep them in the freezer to make it easy to use them when you need them. You can buy them in bulk to save some money and weigh out 4 ounce portions then individually wrap them before freezing.

Eggs and dairy are other ways to round out how you get your protein for the day. Eggs have lots of protein and also essential nutrients like folate, zinc, and iron. It is not recommended that you eat eggs every single day but if you really feel the need to then separate some of the and make a mostly egg white omelet with two egg whites and one whole egg.
The cholesterol is in the yolk so if you limit the number of yolks you eat then it is all good.

Keep your dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt low fat, or fat free to reduce the amount of saturated fat you take in. Balance your diabetes protein diet with a moderate amount of carbohydrates to help keep your blood sugar levels in a healthy range.