Provillus Hair Loss Treatment

Provillus is a non-prescription oral supplement to aid hair growth and reverse hair loss. Provillus for men does this by blocking the production of an androgen called DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which clogs up hair follicles, leading to increasingly thinner hair an eventual baldness in men.

Provillus also claims to revive dormant or nearly dead hair follicles, which most other hair loss products will not vouch for. Provillus for women uses a slightly different formula which focuses more on cleansing the scalp and supplying nutrients to the hair follicles, enabling scalp hair to grow faster and thicker.

Ingredients: Vitamin B6, Biotin, Saw Palmetto, Nettle, Gotu Kola, Pumpkin seed extract, Eleuthero Root, Uva-Ursi and Muria Puama

While Saw Palmetto, Nettle and Gotu Kola are common to most hair fall control solutions, the pumpkin seed extracts, which contain carbohydrates, amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids are unique to Provillus, and provide a natural form of nutrient supplements to help nourish and revive nearly dormant hair follicles.

Usage: Recommended usage is one to two capsules a day, for about 6 to 8 weeks. If no results are apparent by then, you would likely need to increase the dosage. Provillus for men and women are different products, to be used in different circumstances.

For women, it is mostly to control temporary hair loss due to hormonal changes, such as heavy menstruation or after pregnancy. Provillus for men will block an excess production of DHS by the body, and put a stop to hair loss, while some ingredients of the formula try to trigger increase in the hair growth rate.

Side Effects: According to the company, there are almost no known side effects. No loss in sexual appetite for men, no scalp problems and nothing in their extensive studies hints at any signs of bodily disorder specifically due to the use of Provillus.

Some people may experience mild stomach disorders initially, but as the body gets used to the excess saw palmetto contained in the Provillus solution, these symptoms, if any, will fade away.

That said, the very effectiveness of Provillus, as a hair loss control solution, is in doubt by some people who have used the product and found no apparent change in the rate of their hair loss. No decrease, no increase, no side effects Nothing.

A lot of their customers have indeed benefited from a significant decrease in hair loss, and even increased hair growth. Point is, that it could go both ways. So maybe you should study the ingredients and consult your physician before you make a decision to opt for Provillus.

As stated above, Provillus is FDA approved, has a 100% money back guarantee and has no known side effects. So, there should be, ideally speaking, no harm or loss, in trying out Provillus.

Natural DHT Blockers

What we know as Dihydrotestosterone or DHT, is a hormone synthesized from male testosterone. Androgenetic Alopecia or Male Pattern Balding is indicated by an increased level of DHT in the scalp. This increase causes unsightly bald patches, increased hair fall, receding hairlines and other common signs of balding.

5-Alpha Reductase – an enzyme naturally produced in the human body, reacts with testosterone to produce DHT. Common Natural DHT Blockers or DHT Inhibitors like Procerin, Advecia, Avacor, are popular natural DHT Blockers and exhibit the capacity to block the synthesis of testosterone into DHT by inhibiting the 5-Aplha Reductase activity.

The only natural DHT Blocker specially suited for male pattern balding and hair loss in men is Procerin. Men of all ages and at all stages of hair loss can benefit from Procerin which has been tested and found to have no side effects. .

Other topical treatments like Revivogen, Crinagen, Progesterone Creams and Xandrox also lay claim to minimizing or blocking the amount of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) production.

Procerin is for male hair loss. An exclusive natural DHT blocker for men it focuses on the reducing DHT in the scalp region where DHT binds with follicular tissue to inhibit hair regrowth and cause hair fall.

Procerin, with Saw Palmetto, Magnesium, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin B-6, Pyroxidine 5mg, CJ-11 Factor, CJ-9 Factor, and a proprietary blend of Gotu Kola, Nettles, Pumpkin seed meal, Siberian Ginseng, Yohimbe, Muira Puma Root, Uwa Ursi and more as its ingredients, is a mix of natural DHT blockers, vitamins and herbal/mineral supplements.

Procerin with its various vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts blocks DHT naturally and encourages hair regrowth as well.The factors responsible for hair loss in men, which generally starts around 18 years and goes well into the late thirties, could be either genetic, dietary, lifestyle oriented or due to medication.

Procerin, used early, ensures the best possible results. Procerin is an all natural hair regrowth supplement and a natural DHT Blocker which combines more than seventeen ingredients and is consumable as a pill form or applicable as a topical solution on the scalp.

Procerin – blocks DHT, naturally.

Female Hair Loss Vitamins

Hair loss is one of the most common problems, and also the most difficult to tackle. While healthy hair indicates good general health, hair loss can be an indicator of a deeper internal health problem.

Hair loss in women has been attributed to several factors till now: stress, lack of iron or anemia, condition of the scalp, condition of vital internal organs like the kidneys, liver, thyroid etc., emotional disturbances, menstrual problems, illness or lack of essential vitamins and other nutrients in the body etc.

Hair loss generally indicates a deficiency in vitamin B1, vitamin C, lysine and iron. Vitamin Cs antioxidant properties help to make skin and hair healthy by aiding body metabolism, and converting fat and carbohydrates into energy. It helps in the development of healthy collagen that binds tissues together.

Hence it is effective in preventing breakage and split ends. Vitamin C is present in good quantities in Citrus fruits, strawberries, pineapple, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes and most dark green vegetables. A daily dose of 60 mg is recommended for good health. Vitamin B1 or Thiamine aids in protein building and thus makes the hair healthy, giving it volume, shine and a good texture.

This is ensured by providing nutrition to the scalp. Other vitamins that help to prevent hair loss in women are: other Vitamin B complex vitamins like Biotin, Inositol, Niacin and vitamin E. Minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium are also effective in preventing hair loss. The most common food-based sources of these vitamins are: citrus fruits, green vegetables, fruits like pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, potatoes, green peppers, vegetable oils, soybean, raw seeds, dried beans, wheat germ oil, brewers yeast, whole grains, eggs, liver, rice, milk, fish, turkey, chicken and red meat. Other products found to be efficient in combating hair loss are Saw Palmetto, nettle root, pumpkin, gotu kola, eleuthero, Uva-Ursi, Muria Puama and others.

There are hundreds of products in the market today that promise to prevent hair loss. These products are generally prescribed by experts though some over the counter drugs are also available. There are companies that specialize exclusively in the production of hair loss drugs.

Information about these products is also available on the Internet on the websites of these companies. However, it is better to consult a physician to know the exact cause of hair loss before using any of these products.

Eczema Treatment the Herbal Way Is It for You?

Eczema Treatment the Herbal Way Is It for You?

If you are suffering from eczema, an herbal eczema treatment is available for you. Herbal remedies are very appealing because they are a natural means of helping our body cope with many problems with little or no side effects. This is especially true when it comes to combating different kinds of illnesses; we often have to live with certain side effects brought about by the consumption of conventional forms of medications. Name anything you are afflicted with and chances are theres one herbal treatment right for it.

A person afflicted with eczema should always see to it that his or her immune system is maintained in top form. This will prevent the likelihood of appearance of flare ups, which is characterized by redness, itching and swelling. Ask anyone with eczema and he or she will tell you that itchiness is the worst of all the skin diseases symptoms. It can give you sleepless nights and an unsightly thickening of the affected skin due to scratching.

Herbal treatments for eczema come from different places all over the world. There are ones from India, China or even right at your very backyard. The best place to look for herbal treatments for eczema is by visiting your nearest local food and health products store.

Some of the most popular herbal remedies for eczema are the following:

*Milk thistle also good for treating other disorders related to a malfunctioning liver.

*Gotu Kola a plant from India often used as an additive to balms for dry, cracked skin.

*Pau Darco derived from the bark of the same tree which originates in South America; its often used to help boost the immune system of the body.

*Licorice its roots are effective for reducing swelling and other allergic reactions; also great for restoring the normal functioning of the liver, thus treating any condition associated with a damaged liver.

*Primrose its oils are popular among Europeans for many skin problems, including eczema.

Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) is a substance found out to do wonders on eczema. Sometimes called gamoleic acid, GLA is a form of a fatty acid found primarily in vegetable oils. However, there are a few herbs and herbal products that also contain GLA. Some of them include primrose oil, licorice root and chamomile. GLA is also often sold as a dietary supplement, recommended for those suffering from auto-immune diseases and inflammation.

Although such herbal treatments for eczema may be beneficial, one must not expect it to work instantly like magic. It may take a few applications before the initial results may become noticeable. You should consult a reliable herbalist or a naturopath one who prefers to use natural remedies such as foods and herbs than by means of synthetic drugs or surgery. He or she believes in the bodys inherent ability to heal, restore and maintain its health. A herbalist or naturopath will be able to help you out with picking a natural remedy for your eczema based on many factors, such as the severity of the condition, your skin type and lifestyle.

However, if you are currently on medications for your eczema, it is always best if you consult your doctor first before taking on a natural eczema treatment such as herbs. Although it is true that these herbal medications for eczema will produce no little or side effects, they might interfere with the medications you are currently taking; thus, potentially causing more harm than good.