What If You Dont Like Your Chiropractor

Chiropractic care has many benefits. A chiropractor can do more than just alleviate the pain and discomfort of a joint or muscle. Chiropractic care can treat and manage allergies, arthritis, sleep difficulties, earaches, scoliosis, and more. Essentially, if anything is causing you pain or stress, chiropractic care can help. For that reason, you may be one of the millions of individuals who seek treatment. But, what if you get a chiropractor you dont like?

First, examine your reasons for not liking him or her. Be sure you have a good reason. As previously stated, chiropractic care has many benefits. It is usually less intimating than traditional medical care, but some still find it overwhelming. Dont let your fear of seeking treatment mistakenly translate into dislike for your care provider.

As stated above, you should have a legitimate reason for not liking your chiropractor. Two good examples include blame and not listening. Do you need to constantly discuss your pain with your chiropractor? Are they not listening to your explanation of trigger factors or answering your questions? You should not need to constantly repeat yourself. Yes, chiropractors do see many patients, but your medical history is recorded or at least it should be.

As for blame, this is common with parents. Has your child been suffering from lower back pain for years? Poor posture or a heavy backpack may be to blame. At first, you may have written off your childs pain and discomfort as normal growing pains. As the pains continued to get worse or increased in frequency, you may have visited a local chiropractor. You thought you were doing good, but the chiropractor criticized you for waiting so long. This should not happen. In terms of chiropractic care, early is best, but better late than never.

So, what should you do if you truly do not like your chiropractor?

Voice your concerns. A problem cannot be corrected if it isnt first addressed. Unfortunately, this can be difficult for some. Most chiropractors run their own businesses, meaning they are the boss. You have to voice your concerns directly to the individual who irritates you or makes you uncomfortable. Do it. Most chiropractors have great people skills, but not all do. If yours unintentionally offended you, he or she will try to rectify the problem and prevent it from happening again.

Find a new chiropractor. If you fear discussing your concerns with your chiropractor or do and do not see any changes, it may be time to find a new doctor. If covered by health insurance, contact your insurance provider to get a list of chiropractic care centers in your area. Research your options and read reviews online. Ask those that you know for suggestions. You will have to start again and redo all paperwork, undergo new evaluations, and decide on a new course of treatment, but you should get a new doctor that you feel more comfortable with.

Now that you know what to do if you dont like your chiropractor, what should you not do?

Dont stop seeking care. Not all chiropractors are the same. One may blame you for not seeking care immediately, but most will not mention a word. In fact, some will comment that it is better late then never. Some chiropractors will remember every word you say and others will seem like they could care less. Just because you may get one bad apple, dont give up on this beneficial care.

Do not stop showing up for your appointments. For continued care, appointments are scheduled in advance. You may already have two or three appointments scheduled. If you want to change providers, do it. Cancel all appointments first. If you dont, you may be charged for them anyways.

In conclusion, not all chiropractors are the same. A healthy relationship with yours is important to successful treatment. If you are dissatisfied with the treatment received, voice your concerns or find a new provider. If at any point you feel in danger or harassed by your provider, contact the authorities or the American Chiropractic Association (ASA).


Word Count 679

Dangers of Chlorine in Swimming Pools

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about chlorine to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from chlorine experts.

Chlorine can have its benefits. But, what people dont know is that chlorine care become a disadvantage especially the moment it comes in maturity with your body, inside and out. Despite the dangers of chlorine in pools, owners have a very good reason why they stabilize chlorine together with their water.

First, if used on a low concentration, chlorine can effectively kill any congenial of bacteria that can live inside the water in a very effective and quickly manner. Next, if in higher concentrations, it has the capability to kill algae that can live at the side of the pool. Bather wastes are broken down by chlorine which is known as skin oils and flakes and lotions.

With all those advantages, pool owners are looking on the side site chlorine becomes the enemy of the body and altering its every function. By far, there posses been reports on the different dangers when in contact with either tremendous or low level of chlorine.


According to studies, THMs or Trihalomethanes considered as pollutants to the environment and are also addressed to be carcinogenic. It is a consequence of the combination of chlorine and water compounds which are organic. There is a less chance for these chemicals to degrade and when inside the body, can be found in fatty tissues.

So, what about it? Seems harmful right? Wrong.

When you start to think about the fatty tissues, you importance regard it as a mothers breast which produces milk. These chemicals are stored in the milk based from the mothers breast which can also be found in accurate fluids in the habitus semen and blood. When this comes in contact with the constitution, sincere can cause certain mutation that has the ability to suppress immune employment and interferes with growth and development of new cells.


Chlorine is considered as one of the chemical compounds that can cause irritation to the skin and eyes. You know that chlorine is intimacy a very good job in killing microorganisms in pools if you have a feeling of blurry, stinging eyes. You can also spot a different philanthropic of smell that is not normal with ordinary water. Studies show that water with chlorine can cause skin irritation which can be associated with eczema.

Water with chlorine can have the ability to damage Vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids that are normally situated inside the body and considered as essentials to the bodys healthy status. Chlorine also has the capability to generate toxins that can produce ill-starred free radicals. Upon noticing that your skin is highly irritated because of pool water, this can be undone by supplementary diet. Chlorine further has the capability to aggravate some existing skin conditions like psoriasis, seborrhea and acne.

It doesnt stop there. There are still multiple reasons why chlorine is uttered as a dangerous compound. It concerns other health problems that are associated with melanoma, bladder and breast cancer and difficult bowel movements. In children, development of early asthma can show of field. Furthermore, there are studies that show links between chlorine and cardiac anomalies.

The dangers of chlorinated water to people are increasing and others are still innocent of the bad effects of it. Chlorine can exhibit good and become potentially bad if not prevented nor taken into consideration.
When word gets around about your command of chlorine facts, others who need to know about chlorine will start to actively seek you out.

Join a Co-Dependency Group When You Live With an Alcoholic

Join a Co-Dependency Group When You Live With an Alcoholic

If you are co-dependent on an alcoholic, you may need to join a co-dependency group for help. Living with an alcoholic can be hard, but when you feel that you need to stay for one reason or another, it makes things even harder than they already are for you. There are groups for co-dependent friends or family members. These groups can help you understand why you need this person and what you might be able to do about it. If you think you are co-dependent, you will want to find a group that can help you so that you understand why you need this person.

They offer you the support you need. It is easier to sit in a group and hear others talk. When you do, you might learn a few things about yourself. You may find out that you really care about this person or you might find out that this person has control over you in a way that is not healthy to you. If you have kids or even if you don’t, you will want to find out why you stay and if it for a good reason or a bad reason. No one makes you do anything you do not want to do. They are there to help and listen.

If you want to leave the alcoholic, you need to learn why you stay first. Before you can get up and leave an alcoholic, you need to know why you stay. It might be that you stay because you deeply care about this person and want to help them. Living with an alcoholic can be hard, but if you have love for that person, it can be harder to live with. If you want to leave that person, you have to know why you stayed or hooked up with that person in the first place.

You need to understand why the person has control over you. If you stay with an alcoholic and you have no reason why or it is because you are afraid to be on your own, you need to know how this happened. Is this person controlling you? Is this person verbally abusing you and lowering your self-esteem? Is this person physically abusing you? Do you stay because you are afraid to leave for fear of what will happen? The co-dependency group can help you understand. You need to understand why you stay before you can understand yourself.

When you understand why you stay, you can then begin to help yourself. This is the only way to either live with an alcoholic or leave that person. The co-dependency group offers the support you need to talk about why you stay and what your own fears are. This group is a good way to find yourself. If you have been abused, this group can offer support and advice. You need to have someone to talk to about the problems that you live with every day.

The co-dependency group can help you in more ways that you think. When you attend a group, you will hear other people’s stories. You may even hear your story from someone else’s mouth. You are not alone. There is help for those that live with alcoholics. There are ways to take control of your life and help the other person as well. If you have children, it is especially important that you understand if you have a co-dependency issue.

If you are living with an alcoholic and you do not understand why you stay, you may need to attend a support group for co-dependency. You may not even realize why you stay. You have to understand yourself before you can understand what is happening to you. If you have children, you have to think about them as well as yourself. Maybe you need to take time away from the alcoholic to figure out what keeps you with that person. The co-dependency group can help you resolve any issues you might have before it is to late. Then again, you have to think about everyone concerned.


Word count 688