The Link between Genital Warts and Cervical Cancer

You may have heard that there is some kind of link between genital warts and cervical cancer. Maybe you wonder if one causes the other. Almost every sexually active person has had genital warts at one time or another even if they didn’t know it. However, not all women have had cervical cancer. So, what is the link?

The answer to that question can be summed up in two words or explained in many. The two words are human papillomavirus (HPV). Both genital warts and cervical cancer start with HPV. The difference is in the different strains of the virus and what happens after the virus takes hold.

Of the many types of HPV, thirty are active in the genital area. Some of these cause genital warts. They can be spread by sexual contact of the genitals, the anus, the mouth and the throat with an infected partner’s. Genital warts are extremely contagious, especially when unprotected sex is involved.

Of the thirty strains of HPV that occur in genital areas, ten of them are called high risk. They are the most likely to cause cervical cancer. They usually do not produce visible genital warts, although they could.

Low risk variations of HPV cause visible and often troublesome genital warts. The good news is that they are less likely to cause cancer. If a woman has yearly Pap tests, her doctor can keep a close eye on her cervical health.

When a woman has an HPV infection, the body either fights off the virus or it doesn’t. If the virus is defeated, the woman will never know she had HPV. If the virus remains active, she will have some negative results. These can be genital warts or cervical cancer.

The gynecologist can determine if she has any HPV infections. Furthermore, care can be taken to watch for problems. Cervical cancer can arise suddenly. Or, genital warts can develop into cervical cancer.

Your gynecologist may tell you that you have cancerous or precancerous growth on your cervix. There is a good chance that the genetic information of HPV is in the affected tissue. This happens often to women who started out being diagnosed with HPV before their cervical cancer.

Having many sexual partners or starting to have sex at a young age are considered risks for cervical cancer. This is because the HPV is so very contagious. It is also because the HPV is linked to cervical cancer.

Gardisil, a new HPV vaccine has recently made the news with its introduction into medical practice. It is helpful in preventing two kinds of HPV that primarily cause cervical cancer. It also prevents two kinds of HPV that make up the causes for ninety percent of all genital warts.

In the end HPV causes genital warts, whether they are visible or not. Some of the strains cause cervical cancer. For these reasons, it is very important to seek professional treatment when you have any suspicion of either condition. Also, don’t forget to have a yearly Pap test.

You Can Control Diabetes

Perhaps you, like many other Americans, have recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes can be a life threatening condition and can cause many different complications in individuals with this illness. If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, be aware that you can control diabetes. By maintaining your weight, following the instructions of your doctor and taking your medication, as well as watching your diet, you can eliminate the complications that often arise in someone with this condition.

There are many ways you can control diabetes. Many people who are first diagnosed have a period of time where they are in denial. Although Type II diabetes has become somewhat of a national epidemic, many people refuse to believe that they could possibly have this disease. Perhaps they are not overweight or do not eat a lot of sweets. These are only two precursors to diabetes. Many people who are not overweight or who do not eat a lot of sugar have also been diagnosed with Type II diabetes. It strikes everyone. And there are also some indications that it can be an inherited disorder. If you have a first degree relative who has diabetes, there is a very good chance that you may inherit this disorder. You should bring this matter to the attention of your physician so he or she can do some simple blood tests to determine if you are at risk for diabetes.

You can control diabetes. If you are diagnosed with Type II diabetes, one of the first things you need to do is to get a blood sugar monitor so that you can keep a record of your blood sugar. Your doctor will want you to do this several times a day, particularly after you eat. You will also, most likely, be prescribed certain medications. You should take them as directed. You will also be given diet suggestions.

Many people who have Type II diabetes are non compliant. This means that they do not take their medicine, monitor their blood sugar and eat all the wrong things. You can control diabetes if you simply comply with your doctor’s instructions.

One of the best things you can do to control diabetes is by being aware of the Glycemic Index that is given to certain carbohydrates. Those with Type II diabetes are warned to stay away from carbohydrates. Diabetics have a difficult time breaking down the sugars and starches and absorbing them into their system. Certain carbohydrates have higher blood glucose levels which takes them longer break down. By being aware of which carbohydrates rank high in the glycemic index is just one way to monitor the glycerin, which is the amount of glucose in the blood. It is imperative for a diabetic to monitor their glycemia.

You can control diabetes if you take your prescribed medication, monitor your blood sugars, become aware of carbohydrates that are high in the gylcemic index and keep an eye on your glycemia, which is the concentration of glucose in the blood. By complying with medication, testing and diet, you can keep your diabetes under control.