Weekly Tweets on 2012-08-28

  • Discover more about arthritis from the wellness blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
  • Learn more about arthritis from the wellness blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
  • Acne: 10 Most Common Myths http://t.co/IHsD5dYz #
  • Weekly Tweets on 2012-08-21 http://t.co/74l6igKC #
  • Explore more about vision health from the health blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
  • Explore more about wellness chiropractic from the health blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
  • Acne: A Basic Understanding http://t.co/8HDJ7AD8 #
  • Learn more about dental health from the health blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
  • Explore more about women's health from the health and wellness blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
  • Acne Cysts And Their Treatment http://t.co/b5E46lrP #
  • Learn more about wellness programs from the health blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
  • Read more about wellness programs from the wellness blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
  • Older dads linked to rise in genetic disorder: By Pallab Ghosh Science correspondent, BBC News A genetic study h… http://t.co/PPGSJ909 #
  • Poll: Kids' lack of activity is top health concern: INDIANAPOLIS – A recent national poll finds that the top hea… http://t.co/tl9EkZKi #
  • Circumcision can cut health care costs: Los Angeles — Declining rates of circumcision among infants will transl… http://t.co/Re90kvkP #
  • Acne: Fact And Fiction http://t.co/wunThRCH #
  • Read more about sports health from the health and wellness blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
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  • Detox center approved for Tewksbury: TEWKSBURY, Mass. (AP) — The Merrimack Valley is getting an inpatient drug d… http://t.co/LYolFVVZ #
  • Tattoo Ink Causes Infections, Investigators Say: Your mother has a new reason to dissuade you from getting a tat… http://t.co/7tjdWg4p #
  • Antibiotics for Baby May Make for Husky Tot: By Nancy Walsh, Staff Writer, MedPage Today Reviewed by Dori F. Zal… http://t.co/PGV38sRW #
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  • Acne Get The Lowdown On This Four Letter Word http://t.co/GDa9MBG7 #
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  • Cardinal George speaks about cancer diagnosis: AP OAKBROOK TERRACE, Ill. — Facing a second battle with cancer i… http://t.co/YEm74SxU #
  • Health Dept. Offering Free Fish To Fight Mosquitos: That's why Wally Wicke came by Vector Control to pick up a f… http://t.co/Mx97k94I #
  • farmer in anguish over salmonella accusations: OWENSVILLE, Ind. – As a teenager, Tim Chamberlain started growing… http://t.co/P9psUnBF #
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  • Alzheimer's drug fails study: Health Newsday New York > News Print Aa Alzheimer's drug fails study but flashes p… http://t.co/MgrjoE06 #
  • Big isn't better when it comes to babies: Researchers at Kaiser Permanente Southern California have a message fo… http://t.co/kN6seZeZ #
  • New Secret Dangers of Tattoos: CDC Reports Mass Infections, More: Your parents always told you to be an upstandi… http://t.co/TiPGmKOy #
  • Acne Keeping Your Face Clean http://t.co/NCcduj8t #
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  • ESC: New Drug Shows Promise in Heart Failure: By Chris Kaiser, Cardiology Editor, MedPage Today Among heart fail… http://t.co/IllulPPg #
  • Calcium Scan Best Heart Risk Diagnosis Tool: Study: (RTTNews) – A new study of six methods of determining a pati… http://t.co/eAIQjzV4 #
  • New Novartis drug shows potential in heart failure treatment: By Ben Hirschler | MUNICH (Reuters) – An experimen… http://t.co/UOvqMrne #
  • Read more about alternative health from the wellness blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
  • Read more about vision health from the health blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
  • New Novartis drug shows potential in heart failure: * LCZ696 reduces protein linked to heart failure in study * … http://t.co/quRHGpPj #
  • Toxins banned in toys are going back to school with kids in class supplies: AN ALARMING number of school supplie… http://t.co/CcU6nOJ0 #
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  • Acne the What, Why and How http://t.co/npODxgOJ #
  • Discover more about children's health from the wellness blog at http://t.co/PGodV5wi #
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  • Back-to-school study finds high levels of phthalate chemicals in kids …: (CBS News) Children's back-to-school … http://t.co/mYfcJBmh #
  • ImmunoGen-Roche breast cancer drug aids survival: NEW YORK (AP) — Drugmakers ImmunoGen Inc. and Roche said Monda… http://t.co/FFCQjFbg #
  • 'Clot nets' help stroke recovery: By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News Using small nets to e… http://t.co/S1xetbsu #

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Do You Know What a Kidney Stone Is

Do you know what a kidney stone is? These are minerals are salts that are found in your urine and when it hardens, it becomes a stone. Most of the time, these are very small that it does not cause any harm but if they get bigger or it builds up, then there is a problem.

Kidney stones do not just stay in the kidney. It can move to other parts of the body. When that happens, you will feel certain symptoms. You could feel pain coming from your back or pelvis, experience spasms, notice bloody, cloudy or smelly urine, feel sick, urinate frequently and have fevers and chills.

It is hard to tell if you have kidney stones because these symptoms also happen when you have UTI or urinary tract infection. Your doctor can only tell which is which after conducting some tests.

The different tests available include blood test, urine analysis, x-rays, ultrasound and non-contrast helical computerized tomography. If initial reports and the results confirm that you have kidney stones, then the proper treatment is administered.

Doctors dont know yet what causes kidney stones. Some believe it is caused by our lifestyle, due to certain medication, post surgery or therapy and in rare cases, a genetic disorder. This happens more often to men that women between the 20 to 40 age group.

If you are diagnosed with a kidney stone, you should know that treatment varies from one patient to the next because this depends on the kind of stone found in your kidney.

There are 4 types of kidney stones namely calcium uric acid, strutvite and cystine. The first 2 are the most common and if the size is less than 4 mm in diameter, you can expel it out of your system by drinking water and some medication.

Should the kidney stone be larger than 8 mm in diameter, this is the only time that surgery may be required.

The doctor may perform one of these procedures which include extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy, ureteroscopic stone removal and percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Each procedure is designed to shrink the kidney stone and if one treatment does not work, only then will they try something else. Surgery which has been practiced for so many years is now the last option.

Now that you know what kidney stones, is there a way to stop this from happening? Yes there is and the most effective way is through prevention. You do this by drinking 3 liters of water or 6 to 8 glasses a day, make some changes in your diet like eat and drink products that contain calcium and exercise regularly.

Kidney stones can happen to anyone regardless of age or gender but guys, you should be more careful because you are at greater risk of getting it. If you feel some pain, go and pay your doctor a visit. Dont wait until it gets worse.

If it is a false alarm, then that is good. But if you do have kidney stones, cooperate with the doctor and follow his or her directions. You should also ask if the kidney stones have caused any permanent damage and what are the risks of the procedure if it requires medical intervention. Kidney stones do happen but dont worry because it is after all, treatable.

Kidney Stones

There are different kinds of kidney stone and it forms from different salts in our urine. There are 4 different types around and here they are.

The first is called a calcium stone and among the 4, this is the most common. It looks spiky or large and smooth. This is made from calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate.

It is very common because there are a lot of people who have excess levels of vitamin D or have an overactive parathyroid gland. This may also develop in people who are suffering from cancer or kidney disease.

Next you have uric acid stones which are smooth, soft and color brown. You can get this from eating a lot of meat products. Patients who have undergone chemotherapy are at risk of getting uric acid stones. Both the calcium stones and the uric acid stones commonly occur among men.

You also have struvite or infection stones. These are usually large and have a horn like shape and often develop when there is too much ammonia present in your urine. This occurs if you have UTI or urinary tract infection because the bacteria that causes this infection generates ammonia. This type of stone is found generally in women.

Lastly, you have cystine stones. What makes this different is the fact it is color yellow and crystalline. From the name itself, you can only get it if you have high levels of cystine in your urine.

In some cases, cystine combines with arginine, lysine and omithine. This is a genetic disorder known as cystinuria which happens when the kidney tubules are not reabsorbing the amino acids adequately. This is very rare and it can happen to anyone between the ages of 10 and 30 regardless of gender.

The good news is that despite the different types of kidney stones around, it can be prevented. The best way to do that is to drink lots of water which is equivalent to about 3 liters of water everyday because this helps make the urine clear rather than the color yellow.

Since more people are at risk from developing calcium stones, you should reduce your calcium intake and cut down on vegetables like asparagus and cooked spinach. Do the same for the amount of tea that you drink and the chocolate that you eat.

To prevent having uric acid stones, you should cut down on fish, meat and poultry products. If necessary, your doctor may also prescribe some medicine to help you along the way which is the same to reduce the risk of developing cystine or struvite stones.

Should you already have kidney stones and it is causing problems, you have to see your doctor so both of you can figure out what treatment option is best suited for the situation. You have to remember that the doctor has to figure out first what type of stone is in your system.

With that, he or she will be able to tell you what needs to be done. Your response to this should be more questions so you know what you are getting yourself into. Yes there are ways to deal with kidney stones but you have to know how effective is the medication or treatment, what measures you have to take to prevent this from happening again and if there has been any permanent damage.