Tray-Based Teeth Whitening: Extending Professionals Touch

Out of curiosity, have you ever asked the question why teeth get dark? Or have you even pondered on the possible answers to this simple query?

Tooth discoloration should not be taken lightly though the case should really lighten to brighten up a smile.

There are many reasons why teeth get stained. The most typical reasons vary from factors written below:

2.consumption of staining substances (such as tea, coffee, and colas)
3.excessive fluoride and use of abrasives (which only expose dentin and causes severe discoloration)*
4.tetracycline (antibiotic) staining
5.old fillings

Toothpastes that have whitening agents can minimize the stain that is on the surface of the teeth. The case is also coined by dentists as extrinsic staining. However, professional dental cleanings and whitening toothpastes will not change the intrinsic staining of the teeth, if used appropriately. This is the main reason why tooth bleaching or tooth whitening is so popular.

Normally, teeth whitening remedies are categorized into two:

1.Professional whitening systems

This is usually performed by dentists using whitening gels and lasers to activate the solution. This is normally done inside a dental clinic.

2.Home-based teeth whitening remedy

This could either be done in-between appointments of professional treatments using whitening kits and tray-based whitening techniques or are just home-made remedies from kitchen and medicine items. These applications are usually done at home and according to the frequency suggested by dentists and/or by a products instructions.

Just how is tray-based teeth whitening technique employed to the patient? Read on the following four-step procedure:

1.A whitening gel is poured all over a tray that just fits over the teeth of the patient.
2.The active ingredient inside the gel, carbamide peroxide will be broken down sp that oxygen can enter the enamel to bleach the discolored areas.
3.By this, the physical structure of each tooth is not actually transformed. Crowns, fillings, and Bonding will not lighten but the colored substances will.
4.Casts or impressions of the tray are customized by dentists. The accuracy of the trays is critical to the treatment

Below are follow-up questions most patients are curious about tray teeth whitening method.

How safe is the method?

Most dentists agree that tray bleaching or whitening is relatively safe, fast, provides easy ways to lighten teeth between two and five shades in a matter of few days.

How is this different from other professional whitening systems?

Below is a list of some professional whitening products dentists in choosing items for their professional whitening system. The kind of bleaching laser or light is enclosed in parentheses.

1.BriteSmile (gas plasma light/light emitting diode)
2.LaserSmile (a Biolase laser)
3.LumaArch (halogen light)
4.Rembrandt Sapphire (plasma arc light)
5.Zoom! (metal halide light)

Generally, laser treatment is done by applying a 35% Hydrogen Peroxide gel-based solution on the teeth of the patient. After applying the solution on the surface of the teeth, a light is held several inches away from the patients mouth to activate the peroxide component of the gel. There are manufacturers and dentists who advertise that this method works better than tray whitening method. There are no actual data completed to support their claims.

Actually, after a year of usual lifestyle habits (drinking tea, colas, coffee, smoking, etc.) treatments using laser-accompanied whitening gel are disregarded. This will cost you another $ 500 or more to have the same treatment again.

However, with the custom-made mouthpieces, you can have your usual lifestyle habits for a year and perform touch-ups one day roughly alternately every 3-6 months to take off the new stain inexpensively.

Teeth Whitening: Do it the Professional Way

There is a popular saying that goes like, Smile and the world smiles with you. There is no doubt that a beautiful smile radiates infectiously to others. Let us put an emphasis on the word beautiful. How does one possess a beautiful smile? Of course you have to agree that heredity cannot be singled out. Lifestyle and attitude also play part in the maintenance or even having a sweet smile.

But what if you can not incorporate a do-it-yourself way to your busy lifestyle so as to have a smile makeover transform your simple smile into a rather healthy and infectious one? In this case, a professional treatment by a dentist might be the best remedy.

The following article provides an appraisal of a professional teeth whitening system usually provided and conducted by dentists.

Professional teeth whitening is a technique by which whitening compounds that are peroxide based are applied to teeth by dentists within their dental office. Laser teeth whitening is the common practice of dentist to whiten teeth stained by nicotine, food, or even liquids.

Peroxide-based whitening compounds usually depend on two factors:

1.The concentration of peroxide in a whitening compound
2.The amount of time a whitener is put in contact in the surface of the teeth

Laser teeth whitening utilize a higher concentration of whitener for a shorter period of time, say for hours or for few appointments.

The whitening compounds and associated equipment (bleaching light or laser) used by dentists are normally purchased from a manufacturer as a franchise, system, or simply as a kit. In fact, many manufacturers have provided national campaigns about their whitening products and equipment, and dentists play a vital part in the promotion of a manufacturers product because they are actually using the product to their patients.

Below is a list of some professional whitening products dentists and professionals choose. (The kind of bleaching laser or light is enclosed in parentheses.)

1.BriteSmile (gas plasma light/light emitting diode)
2.LaserSmile (a Biolase laser)
3.LumaArch (halogen light)
4.Rembrandt Sapphire (plasma arc light)
5.Zoom! (metal halide light)

Each of these whitening systems has its own degree of effectiveness. However, we can summarize three standard steps when using these types of products.

1.The dentist will compare the tooth shade of the patient with a tooth shade guide.
Surface stain and tartar are removed before determining the tooth shade. A dentist needs to document a pre-treatment and a post-treatment tooth shade to assess the effectiveness of the whitening treatment system applied. A dentist may make use of variously shaded tooth-shaped porcelain tabs and compare them to a patients set of teeth and each match is documented. Some dentists even take pictures of a patients teeth before and after the treatment.

Flour of pumice is used to polish each tooth to ensure that stains are completely removed.

2.The dentist will isolate teeth being whitened.

Bleaching agents, normally peroxide-based, can irritate or even damage delicate tissues within and inside mouth of patients. To protect these tissues, dentist use dental dam barriers.

Thin sheet of latex punched with a hole for each tooth and dental gels painted around each tooth are used to protect teeth being treated. When the latter is used, a cheek retractor, cotton rolls and gauze are used to make sure that the patients lips and cheeks are held out of the way. Afterwards, these items are simply peeled off.

3.Bib covering and eye protection are placed on the patient.

Unexpected things can happen. Bibs are worn by patients to protect their skin against the caustic nature of these bleaching agents.

Eye protection is also placed to ensure that whiteners will not irritate even the eyes of the patients. Moreover, it is a common knowledge that an intense bleaching light or a laser used to activate the components of bleaching compounds could cause eye damage.

What else can I do if I have undergone professional whitening?

To get rid off typical stainsthe coffee and cigarette varietycan be washed away alternately with professional whitening systems. Here are some additional tips:

Munch some apple and drink water afterwards.

Brush after every meal to have a less chance of keeping stains on your teeth. Brush gently but effectively by using a dentist-approved toothpaste and toothbrush. Practice the correct ways of brushing.

Researches on dentistry note that an electric toothbrush removes a plaque percentage that is about 98.2 percent.

Gargle with a mouthwash that has an antibacterial action. This practice will surely will reduce stain-catching plaque.

Dont depend on quick-fix remedies like using super-whitening tooth polishes because these also make the enamel of teeth thinner. And as enamel gets thinner, more of the dentin will show off making your teeth appear as heavily stained.

To put it simply, here are some reasons why or why not choose professional whitening systems.

1.The effect can be seen even instantly.

2.The whitening can be completed in just a few appointments (possibly even just one).

3.Professional teeth whitening remedies cost more than do-it-yourself teeth whitening items.

Hope this article brightens up your smile!

ZOOM! Chairside Teeth Whitening Systems: Is it Worth the Cost?

ZOOM! Chairside Teeth Whitening Systems: Is it Worth the Cost?

Dentists have various professional whitening systems to choose from for their patients. All of these whitening systems have unique characteristics but dentists standard for choosing the right product is its degree of effectiveness.

Below is a list of some professional whitening products dentists and professionals prefer. The kind of bleaching laser or light is enclosed in parentheses.

1.BriteSmile (gas plasma light/light emitting diode)
2.LaserSmile (a Biolase laser)
3.LumaArch (halogen light)
4.Rembrandt Sapphire (plasma arc light)
5.Zoom! (metal halide light)

Zoom! Chairside Teeth Whitening System is the product-competitor of a company named Discus Dental, Inc. against other teeth bleaching items in the marketplace. This product is a complete teeth whitening system. The said manufacturer provides dentists with major bleaching items: the tooth whitener, the bleaching laser, and even many of the ready to use and single-use items for patients that your dentists need when utilizing the Zoom! whitening treatments. Dentists usually pay around $ 1,500 for the system.

Like many other whitening systems, the Zoom! Chairside Teeth Whitening System uses certain a peroxide-based gel and its given activator. These two materials are combined together during the whitening process forming whitening gel that is very basic (has a pH range that is usually between 7.5 and 8.5) and is 25% hydrogen peroxide.

The Zoom! teeth bleaching product uses a metal halide light made from excited mercury atoms to activate and enhance the whitening solution combined above. Moreover, the steps that comprise the treatment do not necessarily vary from other professional whitening systems.

One additional feature of the Zoom! Laser light unit is built-in with an infrared filter that helps lessen the intensity of light coming in contact with the teeth during the treatment. However, Zoom! bleaching light can illuminate the lower and upper set of teeth simultaneously while the solution is being applied on the teeths surface.

The following summarizes some important characteristics of this professional whitening system.

1.The complete treatment normally takes about an hour and 30 minutes.
2.Each bleaching session, which lasts for 20 minutes, is divided into three separate applications of the Zoom! teeth whitener.
3.In other words, the contact of a patients teeth to the bleaching gel is one hour.
4.After the treatment, instructions on how to use additional whitening item and/or tray-based teeth bleaching items are given to patients so they can extend the whitening process even outside the dental clinic.

Now here comes the important question, Should you opt for the Zoom! Chairside Whitening System?

This is a resolution that needs to be discussed between you and the dentist who will perform the whitening treatment. The necessary information was already shed to you in this article. Generally speaking, many dentists trust this product as this is, according to many of them, an excellent product among other competitors. Besides, this product is created by a company that seems to have the sincerest intentions of producing a credible product since dentists should maintain their good reputations. Whatever outcomes happen to a patient after using the Zoom! Teeth whitening system, it should be as excellent as with any other high-end professional teeth bleaching systems.