Common Oral Health Problems in Adolescents

Adolescents face many oral health problems which may require them to visit a dentist or any other healthcare professional. Irregular teeth growth is a common problem and adolescents with braces are a common sight. Another problem is wisdom teeth extraction or the removal of the third molar. Dental cavities are yet another common problem in adolescents.

Orthodontics is a specialty in dentistry which deals with correction, development and prevention of irregular teeth, jaw and bite. Orthodontics also helps to correct jaw disorders and facial abnormalities. If a general dentist feels abnormalities in the adolescent, he/she will refer the patient to an orthodontist. The American Dental Association suggests that every adolescent above the age of seven should get an orthodontic evaluation done. Problems which require orthodontic treatment are crowded or crooked teeth, extra teeth, missing teeth, under-bite, overbite, jaw joint disorder, and incorrect or misaligned jaw position.

To get braces or any other orthodontic treatments, the appropriate age is ten to fourteen years. But regardless of the age, the same physical and biological process is used in correcting and moving the teeth alignments. Braces are also known as fixed orthodontic appliances. There are three types of braces used to move and reposition the teeth. The first consists of brackets which are made out of plastic or metal. They are either of tooth color or clear and are bonded onto the teeth. The second type is the lingual type of brackets which are attached to the back teeth and cannot be seen while talking. The third type is a band. It is a metal band which covers the teeth and wraps around the last ones.

When adolescents wear braces they have to take certain precautions in order to avoid any more oral health complications. The most important precautionary measure is to brush the teeth regularly after every meal. Since the food can be easily lodged in braces, it is a good idea to brush carefully with soft bristles toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. In the morning, the adolescent must floss between the braces and teeth. Food stuffs which are sticky or hard must be avoided as they are very difficult to remove. Foods like caramel, chew candy, popcorn, and nuts must be avoided. Cleaning must be done by the orthodontist or general dentist, every five to six months.

The wisdom teeth or third molars can grow in people of the age fifteen to twenty five. These teeth cause problem, because most of the mouths are too small to adjust new teeth and hence they need to be removed. If the wisdom tooth has place to grow, without affecting other teeth, they can be left to themselves. But if the adolescent experiences pain, facial swelling, mouth infection and gum-line swelling, then they should be extracted immediately. They can also destroy the second molars and impact other tooth. Various gum and jaw diseases can be caused. There can be a tumor development; cysts development and plaque build up. Hence, a surgery is performed to remove the tooth or teeth. The gum tissue covering the wisdom tooth is removed and the connective tissue connecting the tooth to the bone is detached. The tooth is then removed and the opening is sutured. A general dentist can perform wisdom tooth surgery in the local office using anesthesia.

Five times common than asthma is tooth cavities. The tooth above the gum line is made up of enamel, the hardest tissue within the human body. The tooth below the gum-line comprise of nerves, roots and dentin. Dentin is another type of tissue and isnt as hard as the enamel. The acid which leads to tooth decay is produced by bacteria. These acids, along with dietary sugar, attach the enamel and eat away the minerals within the enamel, until a cavity is formed. This is known as tooth cavity. The biggest prevention against dental cavities is brushing teeth twice a day and even better, after every meal with fluoride toothpaste and soft bristle toothbrush. Carbonated drinks must be avoided strictly and must be replaced with fruit juices and sugary food must be avoided. Intake of fluoridated water also helps a lot or fluoride supplements can be used as replacement.


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Simple And Easy Home Remedies For Boils

Boils have been a plague on us since Biblical times when they were considered a punishment from God for wrong doings. It is not surprising then that they have emerged as a condition that is not only socially unacceptable, but also an unsightly embarrassment for anyone who has the misfortune to suffer with them.

A boil, though very painful, is a relatively harmless condition that will last about ten days and then disappear. Because they are relatively harmless home remedies for boils are often ideal ways to treat them. Boils then are basically an infection in a hair follicle or an oil gland that has been traumatized or become blocked in some way. A boil will develop and grow, turning yellow/white on the head of the boil and red and inflamed around the surrounding and nearby area of the boil itself.

Home remedies for boils often work at drawing the pus from beneath the skin and then the healing of the open sore that is left behind. Though lancing a boil is not recommended, since this will often lead to scaring once the boil heals, methods to draw out the pus from the boil are widely used home remedies for boils.

Cornmeal is a food that can be used as a poultice to draw out the pus in the boil. This is because cornmeal has properties that readily absorb moisture. Mixed up into a paste with warm water and then applied to the boil, wrapped in a clean cloth, is an ideal way to begin bringing the boil to a head.

Believe it or not, keeping the boil wet and warm is another home remedies for boils that has been proven to work well. The cloth needs to be kept wet as opposed to damp and the warmth must be maintained. It might take some organizing to keep the compress at the desired warmth and wetness, but if repeated four or five times during the day for about ten minutes each time, this is a great one to add to the list of home remedies.

In the same way as the cornmeal and wet and warm compress works, there are other food stuffs that will work just as well. Onions and garlic, for instance, have long been famous for their medicinal properties. A chunk of onion applied directly to the boil, or alternatively three or four cloves of garlic, are great ways to draw the boil to a head.

Above all, when the above methods are adopted and the boil begins to drain away, make sure that you do not allow the pus to contaminate the surrounding skin, as this will cause further problems that will need attention.

Detox through Tao for a Natural Way to Purify the

Detox through Tao for a Natural Way to Purify the Body for Health and Longevity

Most people think that they are quite safe in their homes, or any other place which one has been used to; but its time to think twice. Why?

Our world is no longer the same world as it was a very long time ago. Before, when civilizations were just beginning to form, the whole environment was safe and free from any pollution. But now, because of the rapid changes which took place in almost every part of the world, the environment is ‘unsafe’ to almost any individual.

Who wouldnt want to attain longevity in life? Seldom can you find people that reach the age of 120 years or more. But before, that is quite possible. People now are contented and happy enough when they still reach the age of 65.

The lifestyle of many people now has a major effect on the entire body system. Because of the unhealthy lifestyle that people are getting used to, the body is able to acquire harmful chemicals (like acids). These harmful chemicals should be eliminated from the body’s system, however, when the body is unable to perform natural detoxification, the chemicals or acids stay in the body and form build ups.

This build up cause imbalance in your body, and after sometime, other complications may arise. You might wonder how you were able to get too much acid build up in your body, but the answer is very much obvious.

Observe your daily life; most of the food stuffs that you’re used to eating contain many harmful chemicals. Beverages like soda pop, coffee, alcohol and other milk beverages can cause certain diseases. Cigarette smokers are not exempted from acquiring harmful acids; as well as inhaling exhaust from cars, trucks, and other vehicles. Dousing yourself with hygiene products which contains harmful chemicals; pharmaceutical drugs, and the modern technology all contributes to acid build up in our body.

So you can just imagine living your life every day with all this harmful things around us. No wonder a lot of people get sick. A call to a natural way of healing diseases or illnesses is the cry of many people who are now aware of the sad fact that many others refuse to believe.

Body detox is a good way to rid your body of the harmful chemicals that has been inside your body for some time now. Detox can help your body to reverse all negative effects from unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits.

There is a lot of detox resources that you can make use to guide you in your quest for a rejuvenated and new life. The book entitled The Tao of Detox: The Natural Way to Purify Your Body for Health and Longevity was written by Daniel Reid. This book will show you a holistic approach to cleanse your body. There is a need to detoxify our internal body, just as it is needed to clean our environment (and the whole planet).

This book will provide you with a solution to restore and preserve good health. And this will only be realized through detoxification.

If you desire to live a long life, purchase this book, and let it be your guide to detox your body, and help you change your unhealthy lifestyle. Start now before it is too late.