Flu Season-Bah Humbug No Flu For You

Winter is the season of joy and fun what with all he holidays it has jam packed into it. But it is also a season of sickness, it is not called the flu season for no reason after all. With so much going on during this time of year you can not afford to keel over due to the flu. But with you running all over the place, preparing for the holidays while managing work and a home life, it can be exceptionally easy for you to suddenly find yourself with a fever and bed ridden.

The flus hits thousands of people every year, every time you leave the house odds are you are encountering someone with the flu. So how do you protect yourself? How do you keep yourself healthy? You can not walk around in a hazmat outfit or hold up in your house. But there are other things you can do to keep yourself in tip top shape throughout the holiday season.

1. Strengthen your immune system. The best method for fighting off any illness is simply not to get it. Your own body’s immune system can do just that if you help it out. Keeping your immune system in perfect shape is the best way to avoid getting the flu and to do this you just need to keep your body healthy. Get plenty of exercise to keep in shape and fit, which also strengthens your immune system.

Eating fruits and vegetables also boosts it up as it ensures your immune system is getting all the vitamins and minerals it needs for the flu season. Lastly, make sure to get plenty of sleep. Your body needs to recharge after a hard days work and the more worn out it is, the weaker your immune system becomes.

2. Get a flu shot. A flu vaccine is another simple way to keep yourself free from that pesky sickness this season. What it does is introduce a weakened strain of the flu virus that your body’s immune system can kill off right away. This allows your body to recognize the flu as an illness and more readily respond when it detects the virus in your system, killing it off before it does any harm.

3. Wash your hands regularly. This may sound simply and even a bit obsessive but simply keeping your hands clean is a great way to keep yourself healthy this flu season. As you go through your daily grind your hands are touching all sorts of things, picking up germs and bacteria everywhere they go. Then if you eat or rub your face, all those germs are going into your system, forcing your immune system to kill them off, which makes it easier for the flu to take hold.

If you simply wash your hands regularly you can prevent this from happening, keeping your immune system at peak efficiency since it does not have to fight off all these other pesky invaders. You should also wipe down your equipment you use such as your telephone or keyboard, especially if other people use them.

Children And Flu Vaccine-Tips To Help Fight The Flu During

Children And Flu Vaccine-Tips To Help Fight The Flu During Holidays

With the flu season ever approaching you will want to prepare yourself. The worst thing that can happen during the holiday season is to get bogged down with the flu. There is simply too much going on for you to be stuck at home sick. But what can be even worse is having your kids be the ones to catch the flu. Because then it you have to stay home and take care of them.

Sometimes Children and Flu vaccine do not mix, as there are often a lot of complaining to be had when you try to get them one. So all in all, your child getting the flu is not something you want to deal with. But there are some methods you can use to minimize the risk of them even getting sick.

1. Keep active. Exercise is a great way to boost the immune system, so having your kid remain active and stay in shape allows their immune system to run at peak capacity. Now exercise does not necessarily mean thirty minute workouts or going to the gym. Simply having them run around playing with friends is great exercise. But if they are going to be playing out in the snow make sure they are bundled up tight.

2. Fruits and vegetables. Another method for boosting your child’s immune system is to feed them plenty of fruits and vegetables. These types of foods contain various vitamins and minerals needed for a strong immune system. So simply by changing up their diet you can spare yourself of trying to mix Children and Flu vaccine.

3. Rest. Getting plenty of rest is yet another major component of keeping your children healthy. While exercise is important, recharging after an action packed day is equally as important. If they do not get enough sleep, their body will not be as recharged as it should be and will not be able to fight off the flu as well as it should.

4. Keep their hands clean. Kids love running around and they love to get their hands on things. There are a lot of germs out there and while you do not have to be all OCD over it, you should make sure they wash their hands regularly to prevent them from picking up something particularly nasty. When germs invade their body, it is the immune system that fights them off, but if their immune system is busy fighting off the various small time germs they have picked up, it makes it easier for the flu to move in and take hold. So keeping their hands clean can go a long way towards preventing that.

5. Flu shot. Lastly, and probably the most dreaded preventative measure for any parent is the nightmarish flu shot. As I have said above, Children and Flu vaccine rarely mix well and there is often a lot of complaining to be had. But as painful as it might be, ultimately it is in their best interest. Simply getting a flu shot is probably the best method out there for protecting them against the flu.