How to Treat Common Warts at Home

Common warts plague many people. If what they have is truly a common wart, then it probably is not anything dangerous at all. However, it can be a big nuisance. It can make them feel self conscious and it may be uncomfortable. Fortunately, common warts can often be treated at home.

The standard treatments for common warts are mainly different salicylic acid products. These preparations come in liquid, ointment, gel, and or specially coated adhesive pads. Some examples are Compound W ointment and Mediplast pads. Dr. Scholl’s also makes a liquid.

You should never use salicylic acid products if you have diabetes or a problem with your immune system. If you don’t have any such conditions, and you do use them, do so with caution. Follow the directions carefully.

If you leave the acid on healthy tissue, the acid will eat into it. The preparation that stays on the common warts will dissolve away the warts. You can eventually rub it off with a pumice stone.

Besides this, there are home remedies you can try. Using about 25,000 i.u. of Vitamin A from fish oil capsules can help. Open the capsules and spread it on the wart. Rub it in once a day. The advantage of this method and most other home remedies is that good tissue around the common warts is not damaged.

Other oils and juices can be used in a similar way for common warts. Vitamin E oil, castor oil, and clove oil are said to help with common warts. Aloe vera juice, milkweed juice, and the milky juice of unripe figs have been known to have a positive effect. Even dandelion sap has been used.

Some people rub their common warts with chalk. Some use a raw potato to rub it. A poultice of flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, and raw honey can be put on warts. The poultice should be changed every day.

Tea tree oil, when rubbed on the common wart, is said to melt the wart away in a little over a week. You can soak the wart in water for twenty minutes. Then dry it and apply vinegar. After this dries, wash and dry your foot again. Doing this regularly is said to remove common warts.

Some people advocate the use of garlic for removing common warts. Some would have you crush the garlic. Then hold it in place on the wart with a bandage. Some simply recommend taking garlic supplements.

Applying fresh cut pineapple to the common warts is supposed to get rid of them in just two or three days. The problem with this method is that you have to constantly cut into fresh pineapples. You will have more of the fruit than you know what to do with.

Perhaps, in the end, the best treatment for common warts is no treatment at all. These warts often go away with no treatment at all. About half of all warts will disappear with no help within two years. So, if you have common warts, you might try doing nothing at all.

Dangers of Chlorine in Showers, Pool, and Cleaning Products –

Dangers of Chlorine in Showers, Pool, and Cleaning Products – The Facts Revealed

Are you looking for some inside information on chlorine? Here’s an up-to-date report from chlorine experts who should know.

Todays world is filled with problems and worries. A lot of people are already health conscious but somehow they are still overlooking some things. Are you contemporary aware that tap water and cleaning products hold a certain element that can be very dangerous to an individuals health? That element is chlorine. If you want to find out more about the possible dangers of chlorine in showers, pools, and cleaning products, read on and get the ponderous facts.

Skin Irritant you can easily tell when theres chemical in the water, whether youre taking a shower or when youre swimming in the pool. You will suddenly feel the stinging and you have a blurry vision. And of course, how can you ignore the smell? Irrigate take cover chlorine is not that good, especially to people. Studies have proven that chlorinated water can cause skin irritations, specifically eczema.

Aside from eczema, individuals with seborrhea, psoriasis, and acne can experience worsening of their conditions. Chlorinated water destroys the vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids found in the frame. It generates toxins which create free radicals. There is a remedy to these skim irritations. Doctors usually recommend patients to take supplements which number vitamin E, flaxseed oil, and fatty acids.

When chlorine combines with other water compounds, trihalomethanes is produced. These are carcinogens which dont degrade and ergo the bodys fatty tissues store them. This may not sound touch-and-go but what if the carcinogens were stored in the fatty tissues of your breast? The chemicals are further called as organochlorides. These can also emblematize stored in semen and titian which can cause DNA mutations that break down the function of the immune system. Hence, cell growth rap be interfered.

There are still differential health concerns that you obligation to look into. Children who are always exposed to chlorine in pools will experience aggravated asthma. As mentioned earlier, carcinogens can show stored in the body and so you will be more liable to cancer. Breast and bladder cancer are aloof some of the possible illnesses that you can get. Some individuals were again noted to get malignant melanoma.

At present, studies are being conducted to establish the billet of chlorinated water and certain household products to congenital cardiac abnormalities.

Competitive swimmers are able to absorb a large amount of chlorine which go directly to the bloodstream, even on their training sessions.

Children are able to inhale more toxins as compared to adults. If you dont want your kids to suffer from the dangers of chlorine, make sure that you convenience water filters.

Try to check the chlorine content of pools. If there is a very high content of chlorine, the dental enamel can be eroded because of the high acid levels.

Toxin is greatly absorbed though your skin as compared to breathing. So whenever you take a bath or swim in the pool, or when youre cleaning the house using household cleaners, your body importance absorb chlorine.

Ensure that your pool is not over chlorinated and try to limit your bath time. While youre shopping for chlorine alternatives for household cleansers, pool or shower filters, make sure that you get the best quality products. That way, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of chlorine in showers, pools, and cleaning products. It helps to know some facts so that you will know what to do, right?
There’s no doubt that the topic of chlorine can be fascinating. If you still have unanswered questions about chlorine, you may find what you’re looking for in the next article.