Types Of Warts

Most people know that warts exist, and are quite troublesome, but not everyone knows that there are a number of varieties of warts. While they all have the same options for treatment, it is helpful to be aware of the different types, as well as their probability for occurrence. In being armed with this information, one is better able to recognize them and make an informed decision about the most suitable treatments.

Plantar warts are the kind of warts you are most likely to find on the soles of your feet. Plantar warts get their name from the plantar surface, which is the sole of the foot. When plantar warts appear in clusters, they are known as mosaic warts. But whether a cluster occurs or only one, they frequently appear small while in fact the majority of the wart is grown under the skin. The reason for this is that pressure on the foot from walking and other normal activities causes a large part of the wart to remain inside. In plantar warts there is usually a visible black dot; this is the blood supply to the warts. It can become quite painful to walk when one has plantar warts; the added pressure from wearing shoes often intensifies this discomfort.

Periungual warts are the warts which appear near the nails. These warts can range from aggravating to very painful. Periungual warts should be treated as soon as possible, or they can cause even more damage. Left untreated, the virus that caused the wart can enter the nail and cause the nail to become deformed. It can also cause the nail to develop a fungal infection. While periungual warts are most often found on toenails, they can also occur on the fingernails. Periungual warts should be treated as soon as they occur and are noticeable.

Flat warts are those which usually occur on the face in children, and in shaved areas such as legs and face in adults. They often appear in clusters. Flat warts are inclined to spread if they are not removed; but they may reappear after treatment due to the fact that the virus is still there. Although this particular type can be mistaken for other skin conditions, like any other kind of warts they are very contagious. Flat warts can be spread from contact with the infected person’s skin, or by using towels or other personal items.

Common warts, or seed warts, usually appear on the fingers, toes, and knees. Seed warts are most prevalent in older people. This type of wart is found on the upper body and face. Over-exposure to the sun increases the likelihood of seed warts; heredity also plays a role in getting this particular type of wart. The surrounding blood vessels give this type of wart its black appearance; this visible black spot is the reason why these common warts are frequently referred to as seed warts.

Genital warts are a form of sexually-transmitted disease. Approximately forty million people in the United States are currently infected with genital warts, and the numbers of diagnosed cases are increasing. They are extremely contagious, and they are spread by sexual activity. There are more than thirty different types of warts that are in this category. The Human Papilloma Virus which causes genital warts is the primary factor in causing cervical cancer. It is estimated that nearly four thousand women in the United States will die from this disease in 2007.

Pinworms in Children

Pinworms develop as a result of unhygienic habit of not washing hands before having food. They are small worms who resemble to small thread pieces and cause itching in the anus area. Pinworms infect humans only and reside in the intestines. Every school going kid encounters this problem at one time or the other. They can touch another kid infected with pinworm or an object having the eggs of the pinworm.

The eggs of the pinworms eggs get on the fingernails and that why it is a good idea to wash the hands regularly. If the food is eaten without washing hands, these eggs go inside the body, by the digestive system. In the small intestine, the eggs hatch and the pinworms move towards the large intestine. There, they cling onto the walls of the intestine and stay there for few weeks to mature. After that the female pinworms go towards large intestines end to lay eggs near the anus region. Usually the eggs are laid at night and that is the time when the area itches. It takes one to two months time period after the consumption of the eggs, for the maturing of the pinworms who lay new eggs. The eggs get hatched on the anuss skin and the baby pinworms will crawl inside the body in order to grow.

Pinworms eggs are found anywhere like on the kitchen counter, school desk or bed. They are also found on utensils, clothes and towels. When outside the human body, the eggs can live up to two weeks. Within that time period when they are touched, there is a chance to enter the human body and flourish. Pinworms are contagious and can spread from one human to another. Also they can spread by air as the eggs are lightweight and the wind can blow them and they can be breathed in or swallowed by anyone. The child can intake more eggs when he scratches his bottom and doesnt wash his/her hands immediately.

Children infected with pinworms can see worms in their stool after they pass and even on the underwear. The worms look like small white threads. But the eggs arent visible to the naked eyes. If the child observes these symptoms he/she should inform the adults about the condition. The itching caused by pinworms can be so bad that it can wake the child in the middle of the night and make him/her squirm. The doctors usually prescribe some medicine to kill the pinworms. The doctors also take samples from underneath the fingernail and the anus to check for eggs. The medicine will take about two weeks to get rid of the worms completely. If the itching is very irritating and wakes the child in the middle of the night, a cream is prescribed by the doctor. Sometimes other members of the house will also be asked to take the same medicine as a precautionary measure. The parents should wash all the clothes, towels and sheets used by the pinworm infected child.

The best way to deal with pinworms is taking precautionary steps in the first place. The child must cultivate a habit of washing hands before eating food, after using the bathroom and after playing outdoors. The fingernails should also be clipped regularly to not to allow eggs depositing there. The eggs also hang onto clothes, so it is a good habit to change underwear daily. And other clothes should be washed after every few days.


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