How can I Improve my Memory?

The memory is very precious to us as it is a window to the events that have taken place in our lives. It can be frustrating though when you remember something that occurred 20 years ago but not what you need to pick up at the store this afternoon. May people wish that they could improve their memory. There are many ways of going about doing so rather than just being frustrated or upset over the situation.

Before we talk about how to improve your memory, we need to cover the ways in which materials are learned. As you hear new information or you are exposed to a new experience your mind has to decode what has been sent to you. It is going to interpret it in a given way. If you are focused on this aspect of things then your brain is going to file that information away.

It is as if you opened a file cabinet and dropped the information inside of it. When you are ready to retrieve that information your brain will pull it back up for you just like if you were to walk up to that file cabinet and take out the file you had previously placed inside of it.

You may remember earlier times when your memory was very sharp yet you took that for granted. The fact that we dont continue to exercise our brains and to look for new ways of thinking can lead to our skills not being as effective as they once were. Take a dancer for example. She may have spent years perfecting her moves but then stopped doing them. While she still knows about dancing she isnt going to be able to get out there and perform today as she was once able to when she practiced every day.

Pay attention to what goes on around you and you will improve your memory. The problem is that when people are talking to us we may only be half listening. We may be focused on something else that needs to be taken care of. Learning to focus on what is going on now will help you to store it for retrieval later on.

Try to make new information familiar by including it with information that you already have. Remember that there are many different forms of learning out there so find one that is best for you. Some people need visual aids in order to really be able to remember things later on. Others just need to hear it to be able to benefit from it. Find out what your learning style is and then make that a strength you continue to work with.

Take the time to ask questions or to do your own research when you arent familiar with something. It may seem like it is over your head right now but if it is explained in a different way you may be able to grasp it. If you do more research on the topic you can expand your knowledge and that will help you to make sense of what needs to be remembered.

If you really need to remember something, explore it in your mind several times. The more you engage in repetition the more it will be engraved in your mind for you to recall later on. There are some methods that can help you too such as word association and visual aids. Take advantage of what is out there that you can easily work with.


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