Combating Stress and Anxiety through Support Groups

Studies reveal that people with good friends are more able to cope with stress and anxiety than people who dont have any companions whose shoulders they can cry on. 85% of people today are said to suffer from stress and anxiety problems one way or another and these people will be able to handle stress and anxiety better if they find the courage to talk about it and ask for help and support.

Talking about Your Problems is Not a Weakness
Many individuals are in the opinion that talking about their problems is almost akin to revealing their weaknesses or admitting to their inability to cope with their problems. They must understand that talking is completely different from whining; its a fact that the act of talking is a way of releasing our pent-up emotions. Youre just letting off steam, so to speak, and that shall not be construed in any way as begging for pity or attention. It is also not another form of complaining but simply your way of asking for empathy. We feel better when people empathize with our situations and thats why we shouldnt keep our emotions to ourselves. Its destructive rather than constructive.

Factors to Determine the Best Support Group for Your Needs
Since we are all unique individuals, its possible that our needs for a support group are unique as well. What may work for you may not be suitable for another so its best to base your decision on your preferences alone.

Individual or Group Support
As mentioned previously, some people find it extremely difficult to talk about their feelings and problems in life. If this is your case, it may be best to start out with individual consultations with your therapist. Once you get comfortable with talking openly to a stranger, you could then move on to the next level and join a small support group.

Focal Point of Support Group
There are hundreds of support group to choose from and each support group has its own focal point of interest. Obviously, Alcoholics Anonymous is for the rehabilitation of alcoholics while there are other support groups that concentrate on increasing the self-confidence of its members. Choose the support group that can truly help you cope with your problems and consequently, eliminate stress and anxiety from your life. If youre a workaholic and too much overtime is the main reason why youre too jumpy most of the time, find a support group thats specifically meant to treat workaholics like you.

Time and Location of Meetings
It is best that you choose to join a support group that holds its meetings at the time and place youre sure to be available. Choosing a support group, in spite of its great objectives and wonderful staff, thats located in the next state would be highly impractical as you may have to travel for hours every time theres a meeting.

Type of Communication
Most support groups hold meetings where members can meet each other in person. People who prefer anonymity however may opt for other means of communication like joining an online group or talking to a volunteer on the phone. While face-to-face meetings are generally more effective, the end choice belongs entirely to you so choose the type of support group that youre most comfortable and most likely to stick with for a long time.


Invitro Fertilization – The Male Point Of View

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This article describes the process of Invitro Fertilization through the eyes of the male involved in the proces

Invitro, IVF, Artificial Fertilization

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For many couples, the introduction of children into a relationship is the ultimate fulfillment and goal of the relationship. Unfortunately for some of the couples, medical conditions may exist that will prevent natural fertilization. In those cases, the affected couple may opt to conceive via Invitro Fertilization. For those couples of decide to pursue Invitro fertilization, the time leading up to the fertilization will be very process orientated – there will be consultations, evaluations, forms, literature and a lot of listening. At times it may seem overwhelming and frightening.

As the male participant in the process, your involvement will be largely in a support role, as most of the work that will need to be done will be with the female partner. To help make the process as easy for her, there are a number of facts to keep in mind and a number of actions you can take to help keep your partner’s spirits up and to help her in the necessary steps to achieve a successful fertilization.

– You and your partner may struggle with the fact that you are unable to conceive by natural means. However, keep in mind – although it may not be a natural form of conception, the end result and the end goal of the process is the same – a healthy child. The two of you are merely trying to maximize the possibility of a healthy & successful pregnancy. Talk through this point and be open to her feelings.

– There will be a lot of absorb about the process, so take notes and do your research.

– Some of the medications required for the process will need to be administered via injection. Offer to administer the shots if your partner is not comfortable doing so, and keep in mind that she will most likely be very sore in the injection spots because of repeated shots. A little tender loving care will help keep her confident and comfortable. Also, a heating pad may help during periods where her abdomen is very tender.

– Your partner will be asked to take very specific medications, at very specific times and she will

need to consult with the doctor on a somewhat frequent basis, often times on very short notice. Make sure to keep your schedule as free as possible so you can assist in transportation and medicine administration as needed.

– Your partner may experience emotional mood swing because of some of the meds. One minute she might be sitting at the table reading the newspaper, the next she is crying about something unrelated. Be prepared, be supportive and remember that her mood will return to normal in time.

– Always remember – you have the easy part of the process!

Invitro is not an easy process, especially compared to natural fertilization. But with care, cooperation and a willingness to help out where needed, you can be active and helpful throughout the fertilization period.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice or medical services. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your doctor promptly.

Depression Defined

Depression can be categorized by many different names. However, no matter what type of depression a person has, the symptoms and complications are all the same. You can have major depressive disorder, manic depression, postpartum depression, seasonal effective disorder, or a variety of others. Each type of depression has its own underlying causes, but each exhibits very similar symptoms.

Depression is a very serious medical condition. It can have a very negative impact on how a person feels. They may think negatively and they may withdraw from everyone in their life. People that have clinical depression do not have the ability to function and live their lives as they used to. They no longer enjoy activities that they have always found enjoyable. They may have very long periods of sadness or hopelessness.

Clinical depression is far different than have feelings of sadness or depression for a couple days and then finding your feeling better. Depression can have serious effects on body, mind, thoughts, and the way people behave. Eating patterns, feelings and thoughts, ability to study or work, and interactions with other people can all be affected by depression. The majority of people that are suffering from clinical depression say that they no longer feel like themselves.

Suffering from clinical depression is not a sign of personal weakness or a medical condition that can just be wished away. If a person is truly clinically depressed, they do not have the ability to get themselves together and get over the feelings and condition. Clinical depression can quite often interfere with the ability of a person to seek or want to get help. Clinical depression is a very serious medical condition that lasts for a period of weeks, months, and often even years. It can cause suffers to think about or try to commit suicide.

Depression does not discriminate in regards to its sufferers. People that have depression can be any age, any gender, ethnicity, culture, or religious affiliation. Every year more than 17 million Americans, both men and women, are affected by depression. Clinical depression is a very common medical disorder. However, it is quite often not recognized or goes untreated or undiagnosed.

There are many different types and levels of depression. Depression is diagnosed and treated by psychiatrists and mental health counselors who are trained for this. People that have depression can feel better and get back to their normal lives within a few months if they receive the right treatments. The majority of sufferers start feeling better within a matter of weeks.

Most often, treatment for depression can be done on an outpatient basis. Treatment can include a combination of medications and therapy or counseling. In some severe cases, sufferers may require inpatient treatment. They may need to spend some time in the hospital where they can be closely monitored and watched. One of the most common reasons for inpatient treatment or hospitalization in relation to depression is due to thoughts or attempts of suicide. Close monitoring and medication and intensive therapy are often needed in these situations. Most inpatients are feeling better and able to function outside of the hospital within a few weeks time.

Anxiety Disorders In Children And Young Adults

Anxiety disorders in children are very treatable. Unknown to most Americans, anxiety disorders are extremely high on the list of health problems in children. Unfortunately, most people do not know what to look for, so the symptoms go untreated. It has even been suggested that many adults problems had their root in childhood, though left undiagnosed. These roots then grew, took hold, and often later showed up in their adult counterparts.

Anxiety is usually described as being a sense of worry mixed with fear, apprehension, and even distress. These feelings are perfectly normal in our lives, however, one must be able to judge when these feelings head toward being too frequent and overwhelming. Physical symptoms tend to include sweating, jitteriness, nausea, and headache; whereas the emotional counterparts are nervousness and fear. In anxiety disorders, these feelings and physical symptoms are much more severe. This can cause a childs rational thinking and decision making to become skewed, for them to view their own environments differently, as well as making sitting in school and trying to learn very difficult. Children with severe symptoms often complain of stomach aches, dizziness, diarrhea, not being able to breathe, feeling weak.

There are many types of anxiety disorders that can surface in children. General anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive feelings of apprehension, worry, and fear happening almost every day for longer than 6 months. The child cannot control these feelings and is often restless, hyper, irritable, and cannot fall asleep or stay asleep so is also easily tired out. Children with this type of general anxiety disorder have problems functioning in their daily lives and this causes them more feelings of distress and anxiousness.

Panic disorders are not the same as panic attacks. Panic disorders are actually repeated panic attacks with the addition of worrying about having other attacks and how it is affecting their behavior. Many people with this disorder find it difficult to function normally as they are constantly on edge worrying about when another panic attack will happen.

Obsessive-compulsive disorders are characterized by recurring unwanted thoughts and/or repeated behaviors. It is an obsession that has to be done no matter how hard the child wants to stop doing it. Obsessive-compulsives often wind up living alone as they cannot stand to have someone else soil their home, arrange their possessions, or not lock a door or window.

Posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder can be similar as these disorders are usually the result of witnessing, experiencing, or confronting a traumatic event. The only difference is that posttraumatic stress disorders persist longer than one month whereas acute stress disorder occurs and dissipates in less than a month. Both disorders cause extreme amounts of distress, sleeplessness, worry, and fear.

Phobias can also cause extreme amounts of stress in children. The main concern is for parents to be able to distinguish between a normal fear, such as monsters under the bed, and an irrational fear, such as being out in public. Once these are distinguished, then the parents can help the child seek out the appropriate treatment.