All about Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is common among Americans so do not feel so sorry for yourself if you are suffering with this syndrome. This disorder has a lot to do with food intake and that really makes sense since bowel is all about getting rid of what we put inside our bodies.

Although incurable, Irritable Bowel Syndrome can somehow be controlled through an Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet. The word diet might scare people away especially people who are afflicted with the syndrome. Most people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome are those who do not care about their diet. They are those who prefer to eat what they want and they might feel there is nothing wrong about that because it doesnt follow that they eat excessively.

Let us now look into the different food groups that people should avoid or that should not be part of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet. First we discuss two. Any food that is high on fat should definitely be avoided. Fat makes food delicious but to do away with fatty foods can do wonders to your bowel movement. Aside from that, decreased fat intake or better yet eliminating fat intake will improve not just the gastro but also the over all health condition of the body. Any food with insoluble fiber should also be shunned. This should be carefully noted since most people are only aware that food with any fiber should be taken in for good bowel movement but they do not know that only food with soluble fiber are helpful. If you see any food that says high in fiber, double check if the fiber is soluble or insoluble before making the purchase.

Water therapy is part of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet because there are so many drinks that have ingredients that one should do away with. Caffeine, coffee, carbonation and alcohol should be eliminated. This means goodbye to Starbucks, Coke, Carlsberg and all your other favorite drinks. If it is any consolation, water is actually the ultimate thirst quencher so why go for those second rate products when here is water which can provide with you everything that you need and at a cheaper cost.

The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet is easy to follow. It is all about learning how to eat less or not to eat all the bad food that contribute to bad bowel movement. Looking closely, it is all about going back to the basics eat plenty of vegetables high in soluble fiber and drinking plenty of water.

Naturopathic Remedies That Work In Harmony With Your Body

Naturopathic remedies are a reliance on natural remedies that work in conjunction with body’s own natural ability to cure and heal itself. Instead of focusing on the symptoms of a disease, the way that the medical profession will often do, naturopathy focuses on the cause of the condition. In this way the disease is seen as the body indicating that all is not well within the harmonious balance of the body and so some work must be done to rectify this.

The first step for a naturopath is to do a full and complete body physical followed by a detailed look at the lifestyle of the patient. They will also conduct tests for allergies and look closely at the diet and the choices that the patient makes regarding food and exercise.

The conditions that can be cured and managed using naturopathic remedies are as wide and varied as though that can be cured and managed using medicines from a traditional medical professional. These conditions range from colds and flus, through to pre-menstrual tension, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, mental conditions, acne and hypertension to name but a few.

Once you believe that the body does have the ability to heal and repair itself, then what must be done is for the body to be given the correct environment in which to do so. Therefore the basis of all good naturopathic remedies are founded on the belief that what goes into the body is important. Never was the saying you are what you eat! truer than in naturopathic healing.

Wholegrain foods, fruits and vegetables, backed up with the right balance of minerals and nutrients for each individual will undoubtedly help the body to heal and recondition. Processed and fatty foods should always be avoided as these types of foods have ingredients and additives that have been altered by man and these will disrupt the body’s natural processes and throw it out of harmony. Avoid also processed sugars, salts and stimulants such as coffee, alcohol and nicotine.

Without a doubt, perhaps one of the best known naturopathic remedies is acupuncture. Acupuncture has always been popular throughout the world and still today, the interest and use of this ancient Chinese treatment continues to grow. This is no surprise since the principles that underline acupuncture are based on the philosophy that our bodies work better when the energy within us can flow naturally and correctly. When our energy pathways become blocked, we become ill. Acupuncture works by clearing these energy pathways and so helps us to heal.

Above all these remedies are based on the specific needs and conditions of each individual. That means they can often produce a much more beneficial healing result than the more conventional medicines.