Will Insurance Cover Air Ambulance Transport?

Air ambulance transportation can be extremely expensive. The cost of one trip in an air ambulance can take a chunk out of the wallet and savings. In some instances, an air ambulance transport can cost over $100,000. With such extreme fees, it seems that people can’t afford to be critically ill or injured. Will insurance cover such high rates for air ambulance transport?

In many cases, insurance companies will cover air ambulance transport when it is deemed medically necessary. The insurance company may not cover every aspect of the transport, but the patient will not be left fully responsible for the charges. It is important to learn exactly what your insurance will cover and under what circumstances.

The key term here is “medically necessary”. If the doctor feels the patient must be transported by air to another health care facility to receive proper treatment, then the insurance company will typically go along with the charges and pay for the air ambulance transport of the patient. On the other hand, if someone is hurt or ill while out of the country and simply wants to fly home for treatment, the insurance company may not look upon this situation very favorably.

In such a case, the patient may be left vulnerable to all incurred charges for the air ambulance service. To protect yourself from this situation, it is possible to purchase air ambulance coverage while traveling. Such insurance is often reasonably priced in annual or monthly installments on an individual, family, or group basis. This type of coverage will protect you, your family, and your wallet.

Typically, the air ambulance service coverage is not only reasonably priced, but available to nearly everyone. Consumers are often concerned about exemptions and denials for pre-existing conditions, but frequently there are no such exclusions in this type of coverage.

When a patient requires air ambulance services, it is standard procedure for the air ambulance company to secure payment prior to the flight whenever possible. If it is not possible to prove that insurance coverage for air ambulance service can be secured, the patient or a family member must pay the charge up front in the form of a credit card, wire transfer, money order, or other verifiable payment. For many families, coming up with this large sum of money would not only be difficult, but nearly impossible.

Keeping this in mind, it is important for you to learn what coverage you have for air ambulance services. If you are unsatisfied with the current coverage the insurance plan offers, it may be time to consider other options to protect your finances in the event of an emergency. During a medical emergency, stress is high for the entire family.

Although no one wants to use air ambulance transport, it is important to concern yourself now with this issue. Contact the insurance company today to verify the ins and outs of coverage for air ambulance transport before you really need this service. Your health and your wallet may depend on this information in the future.

What Exactly is Alzheimers?

As uncommon as the name of the disease sounds, its prevalence and incidence rates are not. In fact, almost four million people in the United States are affected by this problem. All can be affected, men or women, across all social status and economic position in life.

Alzheimers is a progressive and degenerative problem under the umbrella of diseases called dementia. It is characterized by disorientation and impaired memory. It is apparently caused by an attack in the brain, affecting ones memory, thinking skills and judgment. Most patients will experience a change in language ability, in the way they use their mental processes and of course their behavior.

While anybody can be affected by this problem, only those that are older than age 65 experience the lagging in their thinking skills. Still, there are some who gets Alzheimers even when they are just 30 years old but these cases are very rare and can only account for a small percentage of the total number of cases. One out of 10 people over the age 65 has Alzheimers and nearly half of these patients are over 85 years old. In a national survey conducted in the United States, almost 19 million Americans have one family member who suffers from this dreaded problem.

In addition to old age, family history of dementia can also predispose someone to the disease. This is because Alzheimers is said to be caused by a problem in the genetic mutations. Still, when you study the cases, Alzheimers is commonly the result of a host of other factors besides genes. In fact, environmental factors such as hobbies and mental pursuits are things that can help prevent the onset of the problem.

What is difficult with Alzheimers is the fact that its symptoms are basically the same with ordinary signs of old age. At the beginning, there will be some memory loss. The person with Alzheimers will also experience confusion and disorientation even with things that they are used to doing. The trick is to make sure that one can recognize what a normal memory loss is against something of Alzheimers caliber.

Often, there will be a gradual memory loss. They will find it hard to read or to write or to think clearly. After which they will experience a decline in the ability to perform tasks that are already automatic and routinary. Believe it or not, in cases that are already in the terminal stage, the patient may even forget how to brush their teeth or how to use a spoon and fork, something that is really pretty basic with a lot of people.

This is one example of the difference of Alzheimers from ordinary memory loss. Forgetfulness will not affect tasks that are routinary. There will also be difficulty in learning new things and in memorizing things. Some patients may even forget the language that they are speaking with while others will no longer recognize their family. Personality will change in terms of the way they communicate with other people and the way they behave.

There is actually no change in personality per se but because of the problems in their memory, they may appear aloof and suspicious perhaps because they cannot recognize the people that they know before. Some may even become extremely fearful and passive for the simple fact that they cannot remember you. As the disease worsens, the patient will then become so incapable of taking care of themselves that they will require help even in eating and in sleeping.

Once a Month Cooking

If you are like most moms around the earth, there never seems to be enough time or energy at the end of immensely days to prepare the nice home cooked meal you would passion to have ready mythical for your familiar. Unfortunately, cooking a good family meal requires both time and energy. A few wise moms have discovered a concept that has become known as once a month or freezer cooking to assist in those nights when time, energy, or both are in short supply.

The thought behind once a month cooking is that for one or two days ( if you prefer to spread the process out over a couple of shorter days rather than one long day of cooking ) of intense culinary effort your family can dine right for an entire month. Many women who have tried this have also discovered that not only does it help by always having something nice and familiar cooked for dinner, but also helps families stay within budget.

Far too many mothers will guiltily raise their hands when asked whether or not theyve ever resorted to fast food or junk food meals simply because they were too tired to cook or were missing one ingredient for a meal and did not feel up to running to the grocery store in order to pick up the missing ingredient. This practice can get inestimable over time and rob your family of some well – earned pleasant money.

There are some important things you must keep in mind if you are being once a month cooking as a way of life for your family. The first thing you need to keep in consciousness is that planning is the key. You bequeath need to set aside a day ( or two ) for the cooking when nothing else is on the calendar. It is simply too difficult to see to all the details if you are planning your cooking event around car pools, soccer games, or dance practices. You need a full day that will be relatively uninterrupted. If you keep a spouse, partner, or family member that can take the children for the day this will be the ideal situation. Otherwise be sure to have plenty of distractions on hand for the little ones or find a street to indenture their help with any chilled, chopping, slicing, dicing, or peeling that may need to be done.

You should also create a thorough entree followed by a list of each and every ingredient you will need. Shopping needs to be done on a date other than when you are planning to cook. This means that you arent likely to rush through the shopping trip and forget something whereas a result. Bring your menu and your list and bend everything you need in one trip whenever possible. You can also save money by planning your meals for the month according to the sales circulars and coupons you posses for the week in order to stretch your budget a little further.

Finally, you need to make sure that you have all the supplies, dishes, and containers you need in order to prepare and store the meals youve prepared properly. You should also make sure that the recipes you are using for your once a month cooking marathon are recipes that freeze well. It is even choice if you have recipes that coupled well therefrom that you can get twice the results from the identical effort.

You should further make sure you are mentally prepared for your marathon cooking session. Beginning with a nice and tidy kitchen is a great opening. Folding card tables make an excellent flat surface for storing things out of the way and freeing up valuable counter space for preparing and assembling the foods that will be prepared. You should also utilize as many appliances in your kitchen as possible for maximum efficiency. Dont limit all cooking to the oven. Find dishes that freeze well and can be prepared in the crock pot or on the range top. Once a month cooking is a challenge but many women will engage it is well worth the effort on those nights when the attention of cooking seems unbearable and the wallet has been stretched to its limit.


Narcolepsy – A Rare Sleep Disorder

Narcolepsy, a relatively rare sleep disorder, causes people to fall asleep when they do not want to. This is caused by a neurological disorder. The brain sends signals to the body that are sleep inducing; however, they are sent at inappropriate and unpredictable times. Often it happens when a person is involved in a quiet activity, such as watching a movie or during a meeting. Sometimes a person with this sleep disorder falls asleep while driving, which is obviously extremely dangerous. Others fall asleep while they are eating or talking. The overwhelming need to sleep can come at any hour of the day during any activity.

People suffering with narcolepsy often do not realize how sleepy they are, nor how often they fall asleep. It is often a family member, friend or coworker that convinces them that they need to seek medical help for their sleep disorder.

Narcolepsy has five main symptoms. These are excessive daytime sleepiness, insomnia and fragmented sleep, sleep paralysis, cataplexy and hypnagogic hallucinations. Some people with this sleep disorder experience only one symptom but others can experience all five.

Excessive daytime sleepiness is generally the first symptom to appear. Everyone with narcolepsy has this symptom. The feeling of needing to sleep is so strong that sufferers are unable to fend it off, regardless of how hard they try. These sleep attacks, as they are usually called, can happen several times and last for five to ten minutes.

Insomnia and fragmented sleep are a very common symptom of this sleep disorder. People with narcolepsey often have a very difficult time falling asleep at night, even though they fall asleep easily throughout the day. When they do fall asleep at night they wake up often and do not follow a typical REM / non REM sleep pattern.

Sleep paralysis occurs in about half of the people that suffer from this sleep disorder. For several minutes before falling to sleep or waking up, the person with this symptom cannot talk or move.

The loss of muscle function while awake is cataplexy. These episodes are usually very short in length. Over half of the people with narcolepsy experience this symptom of this sleep disorder. They are caused by a part of REM not functioning correctly. Often, episodes are brought on by anger, laughter or any other strong emotion. Sometimes knees buckle, necks and jaws become weak or the person may fall to the ground. Even though the person looks like they are asleep and cannot talk, they are fully awake and aware of what is happening.

A hypnagogic hallucination is experiencing very vivid and often frightening sounds, images or physical sensations. These occur from dreams just before the person is falling asleep or waking up. It is very difficult for a person with this sleep disorder to distinguish between the dream and reality. These hallucinations often have very dangerous themes and are extremely frightening. Often they are accompanied by sleep paralysis.

There are also several lesser symptoms of narcolepsy. These include blurred vision, migraine headaches, memory or concentration problems and automatic behavior. An apostate of automatic behavior can last for several minutes. During that time a person with this sleep disorder will perform a routine task. The task is often done incorrectly, such as placing a turkey in the dishwasher or writing past the end of a page.

Narcolepsy can be diagnosed and treated with various drugs. If left untreated this sleep disorder can ruin a person’s life.