Why Learning a New Language is a Great Way to

Why Learning a New Language is a Great Way to make your Brain Healthier

We are exposed to our native language very early in life which is why we are able to speak it and to understand it without any problems. Our brain has been programmed to decode everything that is related to that language. However, when you hear someone talking in another language it cant be decoded. This is because your brain hasnt been exposed to it enough to be able to process it.

Learning a new language is one of the best ways you can make your brain healthier. It is going to expose it to a great deal of new information that it hasnt processed before. It can be very difficult to learn to speak a new language but it is possible. It is going to take a time commitment on your part to work at it every day. It is also going to require lots of repetition. Carve out a period of time each day that you can spend learning your new language. Master each section of the learning process before you move on to the next one.

It doesnt matte what language you would like to learn as long as you are committed to the process. There are many different ways to go about learning such a language as well. Many people sign up for courses at a college. If that doesnt fit your schedule you can buy tapes to listen to or your can take a course online. Just make sure you carefully examine the curriculum before you sign up for such a program. You want to make sure it is accredited and that it offers all you will need to successfully learn that new language.

Many people find that they are able to pick up a new language faster if they have both the visual and the audio of it available. For example hearing the word in the new language and at the same time seeing a picture of what it means. The brain will be able to process both the sound and the image and that is going to make recalling such information much easier. If you have failed at learning a new language before try this format and you will see that it is a great benefit.

As we get older it is harder to learn a new language as well. This is because areas of the brain that are needed to do it arent active. Dont worry though because your brain has the full capacity to activate that area of the brain again. You will need to brush off the cobwebs and then start exercising it on a daily basis. Young children are able to pick up a second language easier than adults because their brain is still developing in those areas.

It can be exciting to learn a new language. Perhaps you have friends that speak another one or you can use that ability to enhance your role at work. Have some goals for yourself and make sure you offer yourself small rewards. Once you learn a new language you need to keep on practicing it so that your brain will easily recall all of it. Perhaps you can even travel to locations where that language is the main one spoken. You will have a delightful vacation and you wont have the burden of not being able t successfully communicate with people there.


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Deciding to Stop Smoking: Rising Above Withdrawal Urges

When you smoke, your body is exposed to nicotine, a very addictive substance. The longer period that the body is exposed to nicotine, the harder it is for the body to function properly without such substance. This is the reason why people who smoke, especially those who have been smoking for a long time already, may find it difficult to stop smoking. They have become addicted to nicotine, and they will need longer time just to cleanse their system from the nicotine. So, even if they have finally stopped from smoking, they are still faced with the urge to go on a relapse and smoke again. This is commonly known as nicotine withdrawal urges.

Withdrawal symptoms may come in different forms, and has different effects on different people. Some urges may take form in the following:

* Difficulty to sleep
* Always being nervous and worried
* Unable to concentrate
* May feel depressed
* May feel irritable
* May feel the urge to light up another stick of cigarette
* Increased hunger and need to eat

Thus, before you finally stop smoking, you should first have an idea on how to fight these withdrawal symptoms, because if not you may end up starting on the process all over again.

Start by knowing the possible urges that you may experience once you have finally stopped smoking. By doing so, you would have ideas on how to manage them properly when they eventually manifest. There several products which can assist you as you begin to cut down your exposure to nicotine. There are nicotine gums and patches which are available in the market to satisfy your need for nicotine without the need of smoking a cigarette. However, if you choose to buy these products, you should realize that you would still have to stop using them eventually because you would want your system to be cleansed from nicotine.

There are also medicines and prescription drugs which can help you overcome depression after you have stopped smoking. Sometimes, these medications may also help with other withdrawal symptoms aside from depression. However, before you take any of these drugs, you should consult your doctor first so that you would be guided accordingly.

These withdrawal urges may come and go throughout the day. You just have to wait it out until the urge passes. You have to fight hard not to smoke despite such strong urges. After several times of being able to fight off the urge to smoke, you will feel that such urges will become less powerful, and you will find it easier to defeat such tendencies. You just have to stay strong because it is not easy to flush out the nicotine from your body, and will surely take time before you are absolutely cleansed from it. So, as you wait, you have to stay strong, firm, and focused. Try hard not to relapse; otherwise you might end up on the starting line again, and youd waste your efforts. Do your best to divert your attention to healthier activities so that you will not think of smoking as often as necessary. Remember your reasons for quitting, and hold on to them. The process you need to go through to stop smoking may not be easy, but it shall be worth it.