Chiropractic Care and Children

We all experience pain and discomfort at one time or another. This pain and discomfort can be caused by many factors, including injury, arthritis, and poor joint use. Pain is not a walk in the park. When children suffer the pain, it can be unbearable, for both them and parents. If your child complains of pain or difficulty moving, your first thought may be to take them to their primary care physician. Yes, you can, but why not opt for natural relief? You can get it with chiropractic care.

If you didnt already know, chiropractic care is a natural form of medicine. Patients can opt to take over-the-counter pain relievers, but they are rarely needed when proper treatment is sought. Chiropractic care involves manual therapy, also known as hand therapy. A child suffering from neck pain may need neck realignment or regular therapeutic massages. A child suffering from constant and severe headaches may need a vertebrae alignment. These treatments sound complicated, but they are all done with precision force and with the hands.

One of the first questions parents ask is about safety. Many wonder if chiropractic care is safe for children. Yes. In fact, it is safer than most forms of traditional medicine. Your childs primary care physician may prescribe pain reliever. Both prescribed and over-the-counter pain relievers are risky for children. There are many risks and typically some side effects. Chiropractors cannot prescribe medication. Most wouldnt want to anyways. Instead, natural treatment is sought and through the hands. The treatment will depend on the diagnosis made, but remember it is usually a joint adjustment or a therapeutic massage. These are 100% all natural and not risky.

Another important point parents, like yourself, are urged to consider is long-term relief. Many mistakenly believe that chiropractic care is long-term. It can be, but not always. Parents and chiropractors develop long-term treatment plans together. If your childs lower back problems were caused by improper posture, therapeutic massages or readjustment may be necessary, but continued treatment is usually rare. Your childs chiropractor will however discuss the importance of proper posture with you and your child and share helpful tips.

If your child needs long-term care, cost may be a concern. Although some classify chiropractic care as alternative medicine, many insurance companies extend coverage. Talk to your insurance provider and find a chiropractor that accepts it. If uninsured, inquire about payment plans.

As previously stated, a primary care physician may prescribe over-the-counter pain pills for the pain and offer a brace for support. These are only temporarily solutions to the problem. Many physicians only treat the symptoms, not the problem at hand. As previously stated, a child suffering from neck pain may need an adjustment or realignment. With chiropractic care, this is done with precise hand manipulation. A primary care physician is likely to write a prescription for pain pills, slap a brace on your child, and send them on their way.

As shown above, chiropractic care is safe for individuals of all ages, including children. Still, there are many ways that you can eliminate the need for chiropractic care. In fact, it might be a lot easier than you think. For starters, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) claims that poor quality backpacks and improper use can lead to lower back pain in children. So, if you are the parent of a school aged child, make sure your childs bag is less than 10% of their weight, do not let it hang too far below the waistline, keep pointy objects away from your childs back, and choose a backpack with wide and adjustable straps.

Another easy way to reduce pain and discomfort in children is encourage proper posture as a parent. This is particularly important today, as children spend many hours watching television, playing video games, and using a computer. Encourage your child to sit up straight. This simple step can later reduce the likelihood of back and neck pain.


Word Count 657

Arthritis and Driving: Tips for Ease

Those suffering from arthritis may find it difficult to walk to the car and back. However, most do not let arthritis stop them from enjoying their life. So, you may head out of the house and hop into your car. This is great, what if you start experiencing pain? How do you treat it on the road or prevent that pain from coming back the next time?

Keep arthritis pain relievers in the car. In one of your cars compartments, have a few pain relief supplies on hand. This may include over-the-counter pain pills, a tube of arthritis cream, or on-the-go heat patches. Whether you experience pain as soon as you get in your car, or later down the road, rely on these over-the-counter products to seek relief. If you live in an area with cold winters, do not keep these items in your car, as they may freeze. Instead, put them in your purse or fanny pack.

Speaking of over-the-counter products, most retail stores sell on-the-go heating patches. These patches stick to your body and warm with skin contact. ThermaCare is a well-known brand. They are ideal when you cant use an electric or microwaveable heating pad. If in pain before you leave the house, but must still leave, like for a holiday party or a doctors appointment, apply an on-the-go heated patch. Relief will last for up to 12 hours. Since they stick directly to the skin, no adjustments should be needed.

Buy a remote car starter. If you live in the northern United States, it is important to warm your car first. Unfortunately, this may mean an extra trip back and forth. It doesnt have to. Instead, purchase a remote car starter. This device allows you to start and warm your car from inside your home. They also make it easier to unlock car doors. Instead of fumbling with the keys, push the button and your car doors unlock! When buying a remote car starter, look for stores that offer free or discounted installation.

Buy no slip steeling wheel covers. Those who suffer from arthritis of the fingers, dread driving. In fact, some may fear the danger they put themselves and others in. If you find it difficult to grip your cars steering wheel, make a new purchase. That purchase should be an easy grip and non-slipable steeling wheel cover. Ask a store employee, family member, or friend to install the cover for you.

Keep a jar opener in the car. If you have arthritis of the hands, you likely already utilize rubber jar openers at home. They make griping, twisting, and turning easier. Keep one in your car. Use it to unscrew your cars gas cap. You can also find arthritis gas cap wrenches available for sale. They slip over your gas cap, have an extended and easy grip handle. These are nice, but they can be hard to find. For the same price, you could easily buy 20 rubber jar openers, which accomplish the same goal.

Keep your car well gassed. As previously stated, there are tools available to make opening and losing the gas cap easier. Even with these tools, it can still be difficult and painful. To prevent the onset of pain, always have a full tank of gas in your car. You wont be forced to put gas in when you are already in pain or more susceptible to it. If you have a full-service gas station in your area, use it.

As you can see, there are many steps that you can take to ease travel and car use. Just because you suffer from arthritis and are prone to pain, it does not mean you need to live your life in fear. Implement the above mentioned steps to reduce pain. If and when it does arrive, turn to your stash of over-the-counter arthritis care products to seek relief.


Word Count 647

Pros and Cons of Natural Arthritis Relief

When it comes to treating the pain, stiffness, and discomfort associated with arthritis, most medical professionals recommend pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. These do work, but you may be concerned with what you are putting in your body. You may want to turn to natural remedies or relief options, but are they right for you? In most cases yes, but know they do have their pros and cons.

The Pros of Natural Arthritis Relief

Your options. The phrase natural arthritis relief encompasses many different items. It all depends on your take. For example, natural supplements have all natural ingredients. But, since they are bought and sold at stores, you may not consider them a natural way to seek relief. Certain actions are also natural ways to relieve arthritis pain and discomfort. For example, there is exercise. Those with rheumatoid arthritis have trigger factors that bring on pain. Some experience pain with strenuous joint use, others do so with certain foods. So, eating or avoid certain foods is another way to seek natural arthritis relief. Virtually, your options are endless.

Most are safe. Since these remedies are natural, if anything needs to be ingested or applied to the skin, it is all natural. This means it was found in the environment. Since there are no guarantees, caution is still advised. For example, cayenne pepper is known for the presence of capsaicin. This is also found in many over-the-counter arthritis creams. Although natural, it can interact with certain medications.

Many are cheap and some are even free! For example, exercise can be free. Exercise is important because it strengths the muscles surrounding the joints. It provides extra support and protection, which should result in less pain. You can pay for a gym membership. Instead, walk around your neighborhood or stretch at home. In terms of all-natural supplements and foods, look for sales, use coupons, and shop at stores known for their everyday low prices.

The Cons of Natural Arthritis Relief

There are no guarantees. Always remember that the human body is similar, but very different. This is most commonly seen with allergies. Our bodies process food differently. Some arthritis patients claim eating raw cabbage or drinking cabbage juice reduces arthritis pain and inflammation. On the other hand, it does nothing for others. In fact, some cannot stomach the taste and others are allergic! Your best option is to familiarize yourself with popular natural remedies and then experiment to find the best form of relief for your own body.

Some natural remedies require prolonged use. Research apple cider vinegar and arthritis online. You will find a ton of remedies and information on how it does work. With that said, you will also see that prolonged use is required. Some patients stop drinking apple cider vinegar mixtures or stop soaking their body due to the reduction in pain and swelling. Many are disappointed to later see the pain and inflammation return.

Some natural remedies can get costly, especially overtime. You just heard that continued use is best for maximum and long-term relief of pain and swelling. Unfortunately, this means you need to buy more. Remember, exercise can be free. As for heat, opt for a warm bath. If you need to use a heating pad, save the one-time patches for on-the-go use. At home, use a reusable heating pad.

In short, natural remedies for arthritis relief do have their pros and cons, but what do you have to lose? In most cases not much, so give exercise, heat, food, and supplements a try. You just may get the relief you were hoping for.


Word Count 599

Home Remedies For Sinus Infection

You dont always have to take over the counter medication for a sinus infection. If you look in the kitchen, there are some home remedies inside that you can use to take care of the problem.

When you have a sinus infection, it will be a good idea to boil a pot of water and have some hot tea. Many of these are derived from herbs so you can try Echinacea if you are allergic to ragweed. There is also astralagus which is even safe for children to drink. Another option is Oregon graperoot which is known to kill many types of bacteria and lastly there is lemon balm.

You can take these herbs separately or mix them together so experiment which one goes well with another. You can also drink orange juice and water. The important thing is for you to keep your body hydrated.

You can also inhale steam by leaning over a bowl of hot water that you just heated using your stove. Those who have a steam vaporizer can also use it and inhale the steam for about 10 minutes. For maximum effect, you can add mix Vicks Vapo-Rub into the water as this has proven to open the passageways.

Since some people experience pain in the ears when they have a sinus infection, they can get rid of it by using some essential oils.

You could pour mix together 2 tablespoons of Pure Almond Carrier Oil, five drops of Lavender Essential Oil, five drops of Pine Essential Oil, five drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil and five drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil in warm water and then put this inside the ear at lest three times a day.

If the pain is on your face, mix a drop of Eucalyptus Essential Oil, a drop of Tea Tree Essential Oil and a drop of Pine Essential Oil together again with warm water. Dip in a clean cloth and then put the warm compress over your face.

Some people have difficulty sleeping when they have a sinus infection. Fortunately, you can sleep soundly and encourage drainage even during the evening by simply keeping your head elevated. You should also blow your nose when it is ready to come out as this will help prevent it from blocking the nasal cavity.

You can also take garlic juice or garlic capsules for your sinus infection as studies have shown that garlic has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. You can also chop from fresh garlic and put this in a bowl of hot water. Inhale it two to three times a day.

If you run out of garlic, see if you have a bottle there of apple cider vinegar. This helps decrease mucus production because it contains potassium. Just mix two teaspoonfuls of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink it up three times a day.

Majority of the home remedies mentioned and a lot more need to be fixed with warm water. Since sinus infections can happen at anytime, you should have a few of these stored in your cabinet.

But keep in mind that there are limits to what home remedies can do against sinus infections. If things get worse, you are advised to see a doctor so they can prescribe something stronger.