What are Neurobics?

The term neurobics is one you may not be familiar with. It is similar to aerobics which are exercises for the body to take part in. They keep you fit and healthy and you should be taking part in them on a regular basis. Neurobics are very similar as they are exercises that you should take part in so that your brain gets the exercise that it needs. If you are someone that follows a routine day after day, this is going to create some fun as well as some chaos in your world!

Neurobics are fascinating to explore because they allow you to use all five of your senses to exercise your brain. At the same time it allows you to explore your emotional senses and to see how they should all be able to work together. When you engage in such activities your brain is going to get stronger. You will also grow new brain cells which is important for your overall mental well being.

There are some really fun activities you can try that fall into the category of neurobics. For example, try to do something such as eating or getting dressed with your eyes closed. When you do so you have to rely upon your other senses to help you get it done. Try to engage in a conversation with someone but no words can be exchanged. Instead you have to rely upon your other movements of the body to express yourself.

Another category of neurobics involves exploring two things at one time. This isnt on the same level though as multi tasking though. You want to do two things that allow your mind the freedom to be creative. For example you can draw while listening closely to the music on the radio.

We all have many routine things about us that we may not even notice. These are habits engraved in our brain patterns. We take part in them without thinking about doing it differently. This form of neurobics involves changing those normal routines. Do you usually clean the kitchen first in your home? If so, then save it for last this weekend. Do you always start your day the same way? Now is the time to shake things up and do something different.

Identify which hand is dominant and then decide for an entire day to do everything with your other hand. It is going to be harder than you thought, and it is going to take plenty of concentration. You may discover that you get better at it though as the day progresses. It is going to alter the way that your brain has to think when it comes to accomplishing tasks that have become too single for you.

There are so many different ways in which you can experiment with neurobics. Have fun with it and do your best to learn all you can from it. Most of these types of tasks you can do at home, at work, and even when you travel. The key is to identify those things you always do one way. Then you can make a conscious effort to do it differently. It can also be fun to keep notes documenting what you have discovered as well as the outcomes of your neurobic activities.

Neurobics can be very fun to take part in as they help you to further develop your mind. They help us to appreciate what all our brain is able to assist us with accomplishing each day. However, it also gives us insight to the conclusion that our brains control a great deal of what we do. The fact that we often just go along with it and not question it needs to be something of the past. As you explore neurobics though you will understand that you have the ability to change things around and to always keep your brain learning in new ways.


Word Count 654

Learn a New Word Every Day to Exercise your Brain

Learn a New Word Every Day to Exercise your Brain

Most of us have to rely upon a calendar each day in order to keep ourselves organized. There are calendars out there that offer a new word each day on them. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to expand your vocabulary and to exercise your brain. Try to use the new word that you learn at least three times that day. It can be fun coming up with creative ways to insert it into conversations.

When you use these new words three times in a day, it will help with your memory. You will be able to remember what the word is and the meaning of it for a very long time. You want to be able to do more with it than just to use it that one day and then forget about it. You dont have to use words that are huge or that wont fit into anything you talk about either.

If you dont have such a calendar available, use a dictionary. Just flip it open to any page and pick out a word to learn about. You can also start at the beginning of the dictionary and work your way through it. Devise a method that works well for you and then stick to it. When you get into the habit of doing this each day you will start to look forward to it. You will find that your vocabulary is quickly expanding as well.

In fact there are some specific types of words that you can choose to learn about. Some of them can be specific to a career or other type of environment. Many people enjoy these types of word learning exercises because they know that they will be able to actively use them in their daily life. It can be harder to find such materials locally though but you will have no problems finding them online.

What many people find as they start to learn a new word each day is that they are limited in their vocabulary. Sure, you may have thousands of words that you use but the fact is that you use them over and over again. If you do lots of writing for your job you want to through in some new words to stir things up. Those that read it will notice that they arent getting the same old stuff that they see from everyone else. Therefore exercising your brain in this way can really help you to rise in the ranks with your employer as well.

Parents can help children to exercise their brains in this way too. For example the entire family can have a routine of learning a new word per day. Then everyone can use that word in a conversation that night at dinner. If they were able to work it into conversations throughout the day as well then that should be shared. This is a great way for the entire family to do their best to have brains that are exercised and in great shape.

There are also plenty of fun word games that you can play online too. This is a good variation of learning a new word every day. You can play them whenever you get the chance. Most of them have many levels too from beginners to advanced so start where your level is now and then work your way up from there.


Word Count 574

Neck Pain and Chiropractic Care: The Benefits

Do you suffer from mild to severe neck pain? Whether that pain is due to an injury or it is just a kink in the neck that you cant explain, you may start preparing for long-term pain. Please wait and stop! Dont assume you will have to live with your pain. A solution to your problem and pain relief may be a lot easier and quicker than you thought. So, how do you seek relief? By getting chiropractic care.

If you werent already aware, chiropractic care relies on the use of manual therapy. With this type of therapy, surgical tools and instruments are not used. In fact, many practicing chiropractors rarely suggest surgery, unless in extreme cases they cannot treat. Manual therapy involves hand-on treatment. The hands are literally used to massage and thrust joints and bones back into place.

You know what both chiropractic care and chiropractors are, but you may be worried about the costs and the results. Not all insurance providers cover chiropractic care, so you may be responsible for the cost out-of-pocket. Is it worth it? In most cases, yes. The benefits neck pain patients receive from chiropractic care far outweigh the affordable costs. Speaking of those benefits, what are they?

If you opt to seek neck pain treatment through chiropractic care, your chiropractor will do more than just massage the neck or adjust the joints in your neck. More than one session is needed. First, he or she will diagnose the problem. Then, a treatment plan will be decided. This may include regular therapeutic massages or a neck realignment. Treatment may wait until the next appointment. In cases of neck realignment, aftercare is very important. Your chiropractor may continue to massage the area or teach you exercises.

Decreased pain. Not only do some patients experience a decrease in pain, but some see a complete elimination. It all depends on the cause of the problem. Were you in a car accident and suffered whiplash? It will be painful, but the pain should go away on its own. However, for the time being, it will be painful. Ongoing therapeutic massages can speed up the progression of natural healing and reduce pain.

Improved mobility. In terms of mobility, many automatically think of the feet. Decreased mobility and movement can also result from neck pain. A stiff neck can make it difficult and painful to move. With chiropractic care, you will not have this problem anymore. Full movement should be resorted.

Less reliance on pain medications. As previously stated, one of the many benefits of chiropractic care is reduced pain. Chiropractic pain relief eliminates the need for over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers. This is enough benefit alone to seek treatment for your stiff or painful neck. Medications have many risks and side effects. Keep your body pain-free and healthy by opting for natural medical care.

Most neck pain patients refer to chiropractors as miracle workers. There is a good chance that your doctor will be able to alleviate or eliminate your pain, but there are no guarantees. A wide range of complications causes neck pain. A car accident can create a painful whiplash, but it can also lead to a fracture. Most chiropractors are unable treat neck fractures. In and when that time comes, you will be referred to another qualified physician.


Word Count 553

Hypnosis Training Can Be Used to Help Patients Suffering From

Hypnosis Training Can Be Used to Help Patients Suffering From Post Traumatic Stress

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage–at least it seems that way. If you’ve been thinking you need to know more about it, here’s your opportunity.

PSTD or post hypnotic stress or PTSD can happen to anyone. You dont have to be a hero to see what it is like since you could have witnessed a murder, been involved in an accident, raped, abused or survived a natural disaster. Naturally, you need counseling to overcome what has happened and people with hypnosis training can help.

Studies have shown hypnosis can help a patient deal with PTSD. Unlike other anxiety disorders, this will be a bit more challenging prone the circumstances that occurred. To help patients game with it, the specialist has to first develop a strategy.

The best approach is a straight forward one so you know what they have been through. Each case is different so veterans are treated differently from people who were abused or raped.

The only thing that stays the same though is what happens during the hypnosis session. Once the person is relaxed, it is time since the specialist to use the power of hypnotic suggestion to dream up the considerate let go of what happened.

When the session is nearly finished, the patient is brought back to reality by counting backwards, by snapping ones fingers, a clapping of the hands or simply instructing the patient to open their eyes.

Was the treatment successful? You will lone that if the considerate no longer has nightmares of what happened or claims that they now feel better.

If you want to do more than just find a specialist to help someone who needs their skill, you can enroll in a program that teaches you how to do hypnosis your self. There are courses offered in some schools and also online. Aside from listening or watching lectures, you also get to work on exercises and worksheets which will eventuate you for the real item.

For those who want to pursue a career in hypnosis, make sure that you get it from a reputable institution that is recognized so people will not question your capability as a specialist. See that it is accredited by National Grub of Finished and Ethical Standards and British Association of Therapeutically Hypnotists or some other organization.

Hypnosis has been in use for many years and it is now being used for divers problems aside from PTSD. It can be used to help people with other anxiety disorders, addictions, people who have low self – esteem and goal setting.

Pressure fact, a lot of doctors are now requesting the aid of specialists when they are not able to help a patient. This shows that doctors are now open to the idea that a patient can be treated without the use of medication and other techniques.

You or whoever needs help just has to be open – minded too otherwise no amount of hypnosis sessions will ever struggle and help you forget the traumatic event.

PTSD is a problem again this will continue to transform people regardless of age or gender because no one can prepare you for what is about to arise. When the situation occurs, the only thing you can do is deal with the event later on. Fortunately, we now have the means to deal with it and if treatment is successful, we owe a debt of gratitude to those who have had hypnosis training.
Knowing enough about hypnosis to make solid, informed choices cuts down on the fear factor. If you apply what you’ve just learned about hypnosis, you should have nothing to worry about.