Preparing for Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant can make you look younger and more attractive. Your doctor will need to prepare you for the surgery so that you will know exactly what to do to make the procedure go better. If you follow instructions, you will have a much better outcome.

When the doctor sees you a couple of weeks before surgery day, she will go over again exactly what procedure you are getting. The surgery will be explained to you in detail so that it will be fresh in your mind before you make that final commitment. She will go over any problems she sees that might come up during the hair transplant procedure.

Then, you will be given instructions to make your hair transplant surgery go better. Some of the items on the list might seem like the doctor is interfering with your life, but they are truly necessary if you are to get the best outcome.

You will be told to quit smoking, at least until after you have healed from the surgery, if you are a smoker before the hair transplant procedure. This is important because smoking makes you heal slower by inhibiting blood from flowing to your skin.

It may be hard to do, but if you quit smoking just for the surgery, it might not be so hard. Then, once you have done that, you may find that you want to stay off the cigarettes or cigars even after the hair transplant have healed. If not, then at least you will have allowed your skin to heal.

You may be given specific guidelines for eating in the weeks leading up to the hair transplant surgery. Excessive drinking may be a problem due to anesthesia and medications you have to take in the course of having your hair transplant done, so you may be asked to refrain from drinking until your head has healed. You may even be told whether or not to take certain vitamins and medications.

The doctor will discuss where your hair transplant procedure will take place. She may even have a nurse or helper give you a tour of the facility. It will most likely be a doctor’s clinic or an outpatient surgery center. You will be made to feel as comfortable as possible. Unless you are one of a very tiny group, you will not have to stay in the hospital overnight.

You will have time to discuss anesthesia with the doctor. She will probably tell you that you will be sedated and given a local anesthesia. This will be enough to help you relax and keep pain from being a part of the hair transplant procedure. You will only feel pressure on your scalp.

Finally, you will be told to make arrangement to be taken home on the day of the hair transplant surgery. You will not be fit to drive because of the sedation; at least, it would not be wise to do so. Since you probably need to take it easy the first day or two, you might want to ask someone to stay with you, although that is purely optional.

If you follow all your doctor’s recommendations, you will be thoroughly prepared for you hair transplant surgery when the day comes. It is a big deal to you, so you might as well treat it with the seriousness it deserves.

Inititives to Lower Instant Rise in Bad Cholesterol Levels

It is scientifically proven that the genes you inherit have something to do with high-rise cholesterol levels in the body. The vast majority factor is due to lifestyle, saturated fat intake and calorie, poor eating habits especially without exercise, excessive drinking (alcohol enhance rise of cholesterol), and menopausal stage in women when estrogen is on the brink to diminish, and mostly with the senior citizens group.

Lowering Cholesterol Level is definitely gird to right-on-the-spot suspension to what’s already been existing (bad LDL) that’s exposed to some tolerating factors triggering fatal risk to life in the absence of any remedial measures.


Many people have the primary notion, by merely engaging in exercise, eating the right food without saturated animal fats, lard and dairy, it could be a total solution to treat high cholesterol levels. Going thru these food lipid sources does not mean it instantly suspends the side effects to various cardiovascular diseases, and disorders in the artheroma degeneration relating to the arterial walls.

A research that would benefit a great deal to suspend the existing risk to high cholesterol level that calls for instant decrease is introduced from credibly efficient, and effective medication from reliable Medical Groups doing prescriptions of “Statins,” the CRESTOR (rosuvastatin calcium), actual medicine to put to a halt on too high bad cholesterol levels down by 52%, at a 10mg. dosage, compared to the 7 mg placebo.

Additional advantage of this statin type drug “Crestor,” it increases the HDL (good cholesterol) by 14%, versus to 3% up HDL of the placebo. Imagine, medicating to lower the LDL- bad cholesterol, and at the same instant working to increase the HDL-good cholesterol. Its indeed significant pro-life saving approach-defense to a rise in the side effects disorders, and ailments that link to bad cholesterol.

The application of the medicine could only be fully administered by your licensed physician to qualify for a prescription. Best inform your medical consultant about other things affecting your life and lifestyles, your pre-conditioned health status, and among other things; as, (1) liver, kidney problems, and woman-pregnancy, (2) excessive or non-excessive drinking, alcohol affects functions of the liver, (3) family history-line of high cholesterol cases, (4) if you’re currently with problems on diabetes, thyroid functions, and hypothyroidism, recently been heart or hypertension attack victim, (5) have any problem other than these diseases that are associated with high cholesterol (6) of Chinese or Japanese ancestry, (7) taking over the counter medicines, “antacids,” (8) also inform what prescriptions are you taking aside from all the rest.

Side effects may arise in the event you’re taking the CRESTOR, like constipation, muscle aches, abdominal pain, weakness and nausea. These are just mild symptoms and tend to go away in time.

The importance in maintaining normal cholesterol level is to get thru minimal access to fatty substances that are unsaturated. A reliable research on the effect of “olive” oil for use in our daily cooking is best introduce in reducing bad cholesterol.

On the other hand, the “coconut oil” from among several vegetable oils like sunflower, corn, soy, rapeseed, palm kernel, and cottonseed still excel as the best to be cholesterol reducing medium to bad cholesterol. This is based on a report from Dr. P. Rethinam and Mohartuyo, Asian and Pacific Coconut Community press Released and quoted from the Jakarta Post, June 18, 2003. All other things about the coconut oil are good advantage to health concerning cholesterol levels were contents in that PR issue.