Provillus Hair Loss Treatment

Provillus is a non-prescription oral supplement to aid hair growth and reverse hair loss. Provillus for men does this by blocking the production of an androgen called DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which clogs up hair follicles, leading to increasingly thinner hair an eventual baldness in men.

Provillus also claims to revive dormant or nearly dead hair follicles, which most other hair loss products will not vouch for. Provillus for women uses a slightly different formula which focuses more on cleansing the scalp and supplying nutrients to the hair follicles, enabling scalp hair to grow faster and thicker.

Ingredients: Vitamin B6, Biotin, Saw Palmetto, Nettle, Gotu Kola, Pumpkin seed extract, Eleuthero Root, Uva-Ursi and Muria Puama

While Saw Palmetto, Nettle and Gotu Kola are common to most hair fall control solutions, the pumpkin seed extracts, which contain carbohydrates, amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids are unique to Provillus, and provide a natural form of nutrient supplements to help nourish and revive nearly dormant hair follicles.

Usage: Recommended usage is one to two capsules a day, for about 6 to 8 weeks. If no results are apparent by then, you would likely need to increase the dosage. Provillus for men and women are different products, to be used in different circumstances.

For women, it is mostly to control temporary hair loss due to hormonal changes, such as heavy menstruation or after pregnancy. Provillus for men will block an excess production of DHS by the body, and put a stop to hair loss, while some ingredients of the formula try to trigger increase in the hair growth rate.

Side Effects: According to the company, there are almost no known side effects. No loss in sexual appetite for men, no scalp problems and nothing in their extensive studies hints at any signs of bodily disorder specifically due to the use of Provillus.

Some people may experience mild stomach disorders initially, but as the body gets used to the excess saw palmetto contained in the Provillus solution, these symptoms, if any, will fade away.

That said, the very effectiveness of Provillus, as a hair loss control solution, is in doubt by some people who have used the product and found no apparent change in the rate of their hair loss. No decrease, no increase, no side effects Nothing.

A lot of their customers have indeed benefited from a significant decrease in hair loss, and even increased hair growth. Point is, that it could go both ways. So maybe you should study the ingredients and consult your physician before you make a decision to opt for Provillus.

As stated above, Provillus is FDA approved, has a 100% money back guarantee and has no known side effects. So, there should be, ideally speaking, no harm or loss, in trying out Provillus.

Find Out What Really Causes Acne

All of the factors that affect acne are not completely understood. However the main cause of acne is well known. Excess production of an oily substance that helps keep the hair and skin soft is a prime ingredient. This oil is Sebum, during adolescence the amount of sebum produced by your body is greatly increased.

This sebum when combined with naturally occurring dead skin cells can block hair follicles which then turn into an acne lesion.

Not only will this mixture block pores it also provides a growing environment for bacteria. It is the growth of bacterial that causes what is commonly called a pimple.

The male hormone testosterone is what causes your body to create excess sebum. Testosterone is produced by both males and females. During puberty the increase of testosterone causes the body to have an abnormal reaction which manifests itself with the excessive production of sebum. This excessive oil is commonly found on the facial skin, as well as back and shoulders. In most people the testosterone levels have normalized by the time they are 20 and any acne issues will clear up.

Recent studies seem to indicate that acne is at least partially hereditary. In many cases though it is not possible to determine why some people are susceptible to it and others are not.

Other contributing factors can be; stress, diet, skin irritation, hormonal changes and some medications.

When it comes to diet skim milk seems to be a substantial contributing factor. Many people believe that chocolate, dark soft drinks and greasy foods will cause acne outbreaks. There is not statistical evidence supporting any of those beliefs.

Acne can also be induced or aggravated by medications such as; lithium, barbiturates, anabolic steroids and androgens.

Recent studies of acne may have found another cause of acne, narrowing hair follicles. These narrower hair follicles can prevent dead skin cells from being expelled from the pore. These trapped skin cells then mix with sebum and bacteria on the skin to form the acne lesions. The are several different issues that can cause the narrowing of the hair follicle, excessive shedding of cells within the follicle, abnormal cell binding and water retention.

It is commonly believed that you should squeeze a pimple to remove the blocking sebum as well as the bacteria. This can actually make the problem worse by spreading the bacteria to other areas of your skin as well as possibly causing scarring. This scarring if severe enough can be permanent.

In reality touching the area that has acne can actually make it worse as you transfer some of the oil from your hands to an area that already has excessive skin oil. Your hands can also carry bacteria which will aid in the spread of the acne.

Your hair can also exacerbate the acne problem by adding oil to areas it touches. It is important to keep your hair clean so it will not contribute to the problems. You should also try to avoid wearing hats and sweatbands as they will help trap the skin oils and just cause more problems.

The Basics of Acne

We see it and we obsess over it but do we know anything about it?

Acne is a skin condition brought about by a host of factors that all contribute to its development. It starts off with an excess production of oil on the skin due to the over activity of bodys skin glands. The bodys hormonal havoc may lead to the plugging and clogging of the pores. When these oils interact with the dead skin cells that line up the pores and the dirt that accumulates from the environment, outbreaks may occur especially when bacteria begins to accumulate.

Genetics play a role in acne. People whose family members have acne will most likely develop acne or have children who will develop the condition. The bodys internal hormonal system also contributes. This is the reason why teeners are more predisposed to it than adults.
Acne does not only occur on the face, although they are much visible there. Acne may crop up in different parts of the body but the most common is of course in the neck, at the back and on the shoulders.

There are five different types of acne, or one may also call them stages of acne. The first one is the most common form, acne vulgaris. This is actually the mild to moderate version of acne problem. Do not get be confused. If your only problems is some zits that you can count with your fingers then this is not your problem. Acne vulgaris involves all the works, whiteheads, blackheads, papules and pustules, which are quite visible as they often have a white or a yellow center. In severe cases of acne vulgaris, the person may also experience the development of nodules and even cysts that are filled with pus. These are the forms of acne that when not treated carefully may lead to scarring.

Another form of acne is the Acne Rosacea, which may appear as the red rash that covers the spaces in between pimples and other blemishes. The condition occurs more often in women than in men and may require specialized treatment and care compared to Acne Vulgaris.

Acne Conglobata, on the other hand, is more severe as it occurs as an interconnected leasions that are dotted with pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. Because of the severity of the condition, this often leads to scarring.

The fourth one is the Acne Fulminans, which is actually similar to Acne Conglobata except that it occurs suddenly. The acne oozes out and the body is even affected, frequently resulting in aching muscles and joints. Males are more affected by this than women. To treat the condition, doctors often recommend the use of Accutane, which is very effective in completely stopping the breakouts altogether. This however is not often prescribed and only as a last resort because of the side effects that it can cause in the body especially for women who have just gotten pregnant.

The last type of acne is the Pyroderma Faciale, which can be often seen in women, 20 to 40 yeatrs old. This is actually quite severe as it often involves the presence of nodules, sores and some pustules, which will no doubt all lead to scarring in the future. Still, if treated well, the condition will rarely continue or last for longer than a year. The important is to have it treated as soon as it crops up.

Hair Loss: Stress Triggers

It is not surprising that one of the major factors leading to hair loss stems from stress. Extreme stress can affect several aspects of ones life and health, including causing hair if you suspect that stress is triggering your hair loss, then you will have to make changes in your lifestyle; otherwise you may well end up with bald patches on your head.

Stress can be triggered externally or internally. External situations come from the environment. Internal factors are linked to emotional responses such as depression, grief or resistance to change. If this stress is continuous and is not solved, it will begin to affect the way in which the body reacts.

Hair loss will often result as a reaction to the way in which stress impacts the balance in your body. When stress begins to take place in your body, the hormonal balance in your body is upset. There may be an excess production of hormones which may then go into the scalp area and causing your hair to fall out.

Usually, this hair loss will be noticeable after two to four months. You will be able to identify the hair loss by the thinning of your hair, bald spots or more hair falling out than usual.

To manage stress, you can use a variety of relaxation ways. Meditation techniques can be used to help you let go of daily problems. Massage therapy and going on a vacation are other ideas that you can adopt. You can also work on changing dietary habits and exercising regularly. If the problems are more external or related to a life-changing situation, there are a variety of places that will help you in working through the problem.

Hair loss due to stress triggers can be stopped pretty easily and quickly once you control your stress and ease the pressures that you face. Take comfort that hair loss is usually not permanent in these cases and hair tends to grow back after stress is reduced.

When you eliminate stress, the hormonal balance in your body is restored and production of particular nutrients is back at normal levels. In conclusion, it is important to get help and support quickly before hair is not lost completely.