Proactive Acne Treatment

The tackling of acne eruptions on the skin can be given a thorough cleanup by using a vigorous proactive approach to its control and medication. The proactive acne treatment is a combination therapy that studies all aspects of the acne problem in order to search out a viable solution.

The first step of proactive treatment in acne relies on the premise that the skin blemish is healed before further steps to check its reappearance are taken in hand. The start point of skin healing in the proactive approach is to examine the ways in which the skin can be cleaned, with the help of an effective skin cleanser.

The ideal cleanser to effect a healing of skin blemished by acne is one that will help exfoliate the skin and expose the dead skin cells. The exfoliated skin can then be treated with benzoyl peroxide as that will kill the bacteria causing acne to appear on the skin surface. The benzoyl will also be in a position to penetrate the skin pores as the cleanser has exfoliated the skin sufficiently. This action will not only heal the blemishes but also attack the bacteria, providing a curing and preventive action in one go.

With the immediate problem taken in hand the next stage of the three-way proactive approach to control acne is to choose an ideal skin toner. When shopping for the right product one should look for a skin toner that is alcohol free and is a water based toner.

This kind of skin toner will help remove dead skin cells and unplug clogged pores, allowing the skin to remain healthy and acne free. It will also help in the removal of excess oil that usually forms on skins prone to acne eruptions. The application of such a skin tone on a regular basis will thus help balance the skin tone and maintain a skin that is acne free and free of oil imbalance and clogged pores.

In the final stages, when the healing effect is well on the course and the skin is limping back to its original health, steps have to be taken to assist the process and recover lost ground. In such state a repairing lotion must be applied regularly on the skin. The skin at this stage is acne free but the scars of blackheads and whiteheads are just skin deep.

So the users are advised to apply oil-free repairing lotion that will heal blackheads and whiteheads, while making the skin glow and acne blemishes, a thing of the past.

How to Take Care of a Pimple Prone Skin

We cannot all be blessed with a skin like that of Hollywood greats. Come to think of there are celebrities such as Cameron Diaz who also fight the fight against acne.

The truth is having clear skin is not just being clean and hygienic. There are people who are just more prone to acne than others because of their hormones. Studies have shown that excess oil production in the skin caused by hormones is one of the initial factors that cause acne. This is because the bacteria that cause the acne in the first place thrive in an environment that has a lot of oils.

Acne comes about when unwanted oils get trapped inside the pores of the skin. When the pores are clogged with these oils, not to mention the dirt and the dead skin cells that often line up the pores throughout the day, irritation can occur. When the bacteria propionibacterium acnes come into the picture, all hell will break loose on your face and other parts of your body.

This is perhaps the reason why it is so hard to take are of an acne-prone skin. You have to consider a lot of things as it is not caused by just one factor but a host of factors that interact with each for the end product. With all the available products in the market, all saying that they are the answers to all your pimple prayers, this can be mightily confusing.

One of the first steps of course that everybody should do whether one is blessed with good skin or not is to clean it. Although there are people who can take on ordinary soaps as cleansers, there are people whose skin is so sensitive that they need milder cleansers that are water soluble.

Dermatologists also recommend that people do not rub their skin so tight as they may irritate the skin. This can result to even more blemishes and may even affect the skin natural ability to heal and regenerate new skin. Another great advice is to make sure that all of your make-up is removed when you wash your face. Make up easily clogs the skin when left on the face.

Another step for taking care of pimple prone skin is to remove the excess oils as much as you can. This can be really tricky as there is really nothing you can do about the production of excess oils. The most that you can do is remove the oils that are already produced in the skin. Some people use facial masks like Philips Milk of magnesia mask, to help remove the oils.

Others use rice papers to keep the face from oiling out. One problem is that there are people who have sensitive skins. When these masks and rice papers are applied to the skin, it gets irritated. To be on the safe side, before you put anything, make sure that you have already consulted your dermatologist.

Exfoliating your skin is another step that one must take into consideration when taking care of an acne-prone skin. Exfoliation can help remove dead skin cells in the lining of the pores as well as penetrate through the pores and remove the dirt and other materials that clog it. For exfoliation, products that have beta hydroxy acid (BHA) and alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) are used.

How to Deal with Cystic Acne

Acne is a very common skin disorder that is usually experienced by young individuals. It is caused by bacteria that form follicles in the skin, usually on the face. Though it is not really serious, acne can cause a lot of discomfort and shame because of its unattractive appearance.

There are many kinds of acne and they range from the simple to the very severe. More commonly known as pimples or zits, acne takes shape in many forms.

The most common of course are white heads and black heads. This type of acne are very easy to treat. Usually, all you need to get rid of white heads and black heads is a good facial wash or soap.

Then there are the more sever type of acne. Cystic acne is one of them. Cystic acne is a form of acne characterized by a proliferation of cysts and nodules, hence its name. This nodules or cysts are filled with pus can become very painful aside from the fact that they can be very unsightly.

This is why individuals with cystic acne are usually under huge physical, emotional or psychological stress. The worst thing about cystic acne is that it can form scars in your face, especially if its squeezed or picked.

What are the causes of cystic acne?

Like other forms of acne, cystic acne is caused by an over production of oil glands by the skin. When the skin, particularly facial skin, produces excess oil the skin erupts. And when there are bacteria, follicles are formed in the skin resulting to acne.

How is cystic acne treated?

Currently, there really is no definite cure for cystic acne. One of the best things that an individual with cystic acne can do is follow a clear skin methodology. The clear skin method is that standard system for treating cystic acne.

The clear skin method is a system of composed activities aimed at diminishing the acne on your face. You will nee specific treatments for this healing system. The first that you will need is benzoyl peroxide. Be warned though that you must only get a low dosage of benzoyl peroxide because it can have a harsh effect on the skin which can result to redness and irritation.

For the clear skin methodology, you will also need a good over the counter facial cleanser. You should get one that would not dry your skin. To be sure that your cleanser is non-drying, you must get one that is specifically for individuals with oily skin. You must avoid using soap as it can strip your skin of its natural oils and moisture.

The next thing that you should get is a facial moisturizer. You must use a moisturizer every day to counteract the reddening and drying effects of the benzoyl peroxide. In choosing a facial moisturizer, select one that has the word non-comedogenic in its label. This means that the moisturizer would not clog your pores.

Water-based moisturizer is usually non-comedogenic. You must also choose one that is hypoallergenic so your skin would not get irritated. It is also wise to get a moisturizer and sunscreen combination. By doing so, you will not only moisturizer you skin but you will also be able to protect from the harsh UV rays of the sun which can make you cystic acne sever.

Acne Scars – Remedies That Are Effective, Easy and Inexpensive

Acne Scars – Remedies That Are Effective, Easy and Inexpensive

When most people think of beauty, what comes to mind is usually basic information that’s not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there’s a lot more to beauty than just the basics.

When it comes to acne scars, remedies are plentiful. Some work better than others for certain individuals. The important thing is to give them some infinity before deciding you don’t flash a difference. These do work gradually.

Possibly the most known remedy uses citrus: lemons or limes. You can either mix the juice obscure water or apply it directly on the scars. How concentrated your brew is depends on how sensitive your skin is. Leave the mixture on for a few minutes and then rinse it off with water. Lemon juice lightens blemishes and acne scars over time.

Another effective solution involves olive oil. This may seem contradictive since acne is caused by excess oil on the skin. But olive oil is the ” good ” kind of oil. Massaging original olive oil on the scarred skin softens the skin’s texture and diminishes the appearance of acne scars.

Here’s one you may not retain heard before. Tomatoes are a rich source of Vitamin A which inhibits over – production of sebum which is what causes acne in the first part. The antioxidnat properties of Vitamin A also regenerate scarred and damaged skin.

Some other of the acne scars remedies that work well are homemade masks. I’m going to describe two here. The first is a combination of tomatoes and cucumbers. These two ingredients combined can greatly decrease the visibility of your acne scars and tighten your pores. Mix one small tomato and a half of a cucumber togther in a blender until it becomes a liquidy paste. You can apply this to your acne scars one or two times per day. Leave the eclipse on for about 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Another duck is made by mixing one tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of yogurt, one tablespoon of oatmeal, and a couple of drops of lemon juice together in a small bowl. Apply the mixture to the affected areas and freedom it there for 10 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water. Try this sole or two times a shift to start seeing contact.

A lesser known remedy but also one that is very effective is one that combines sandalwood and rosewater. Mix the sandalwood with due a couple drops of rosewater to make a paste. Apply this gum to the scars and assent it on for at least an hour. For better results, you can leave it on overnight. Then, rinse off the mixture with warm water. These ingredients sooth and cool inflamed and scarred skin.

Another possible solution to your acne scarring is a paste made out of Fenugreek leaves. Grind and crush the leaves to make a paste and apply this directly to the scars a couple of times a day for a few minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

If your acne scars are inflamed and painful, you can halcyon them immediately with an ice pack. This shrinks pores and sooths irritated skin.

The above information about acne scars remedies does not substitute medical advice given by a health professional.

Of course, it’s impossible to put everything about beauty into just one article. But you can’t deny that you’ve just added to your understanding about beauty, and that’s time well spent.