More Herbal Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

It is widely believed that chronic fatigue syndrome is linked with viral infections despite the fact that doctors have yet to determine the exact cause of this debilitating ailment. In fact, most of the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome such as extreme exhaustion, muscle pains, tenderness in the joints, severe headache and lack of energy are also symptoms found in various viral infections such as flu.

Thus, to help combat the symptoms of CFS, it is important to stop the progress of these viruses and keep the immune system strong to help prevent future viral infections.

When it comes to boosting the immune system, one of the best ways is to go natural meaning, to turn to natural alternative remedies such as herbs. Aside from Korean ginseng, astragalus, ginkgo biloba, echinacea and licorice root, there are several other herbal remedies that individuals suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome can try.

Most of these herbal remedies are easily available. Here are some of them:

Siberian ginseng This herb increases the body’s resistance to stress and fatigue as well as several diseases. It is also widely praised for its efficacy in increasing mental alertness. It also has strong antioxidant properties. These make Siberian ginseng a recommended herbal remedy for the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. However, it is important to use a standardized Siberian ginseng extract that contains 0.5% eleutheroside E and take 100-200 milligrams two times daily since the herb has its optimal potency at this dosage. It is best to take Siberian ginseng once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

Garlic Since ancient times, garlic has been known for its antibiotic properties. It contains the chemical alicin, which helps kill many types of bacteria and viruses. Garlic also has antioxidant effects. Garlic can be taken either raw or cooked. If you don’t like the taste of garlic, you can also choose supplements that have high garlic content.

Burdock A type of thistle, burdock is known for its diuretic and diaphoretic properties. It is also known as a blood-purifying agent. Taking burdock is an excellent way to flush away the toxins that cause several disorders. In traditional Chinese medicine, the greater burdock is also used extensively especially for treating dandruff and hair loss.

Carrot juice with kelp and bee pollen This combination creates an excellent tonic drink that is perfect for boosting your energy level whenever you feel the effects of fatigue wear you down. This combination is highly recommended as a perk-me-up for individuals with low-blood pressure.

Goldenseal This herb is used widely to control infections. In cases of sore throat, goldenseal extracts are recommended to help soothe it. All you have to do is to take a few drops of goldenseal extract the alcohol-free variety and hold it in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. However, it is advised that goldenseal should not be taken on a daily basis for more than a week. Pregnant women should also not sue goldenseal. For individuals with history of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, it is important to consult your doctor first and use goldenseal under your doctor’s supervision.

Cat’s claw This herb is known for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Ideal dosage is 250 mg of standardized cat’s claw extract taken thrice daily with gradual increases in dosage over a period of four weeks until you reach a thousand milligrams taken three times per day.

Cat’s claw is not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers. Individuals using anticoagulant are also advised to use cat’s claw with caution.

Herbal Remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Are you suffering from unexplained exhaustion that lasts for more than six months and accompanied by several other symptoms such as sore throat, muscle and joint aches, lack of energy, short-term memory loss and severe headache? There’s a high chance you are afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome. Doctors have yet to discover the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS, but it is widely believed that a number of factors help trigger this debilitating disorder. Immune deficiency is on top of this list.

The symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are also classic symptoms of viral infections such as flu. And just as viral infections have no known cure yet, there is also no known cure for CFS. However, there are many ways to treat the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and help alleviate the discomfort and illnesses that the patient suffers from.

Since chronic fatigue syndrome is most likely caused by viral infections, it is thus important to keep the immune system strong. Herbal remedies are becoming more popular as more people discover the wondrous effects of natural herbs in promoting health and fighting different types of viruses. For combating chronic fatigue syndrome, the following herbal treatments are recommended.

Ginkgo Biloba This herb is known to improve circulation and brain function. Taking ginkgo biloba can help with memory and cognitive impairments that is one of the symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Korean Ginseng Long used in the orient to boost energy (and sometimes as an aphrodisiac), Ginseng also strengthens the immune system and fight viral infections. It also helps alleviate the harmful effects of stress. Just use with caution, though, because this herb is quite powerful. If you have high blood pressure or heart disease, do not use ginseng. Consult an herbalist first if you are sensitive to the effects of caffeine and similar stimulants.

Echinacea This powerful herb prevents pathogens such as bacteria and viruses from entering the body and causing several disorders. It basically protects the cells from infections. Recommended dosage is to take about fifteen to twenty drops in liquid form for thrice daily for two days. This is approximately 300 325 mg taken thrice daily.

Astragalus – One of the most effective herbs to strengthen the immune system, astragalus encourages the production of white blood cells that help fight off and get rid of pathogens that have entered the body. Astragalus is effective in treating flu and head colds but should not be administered if the individual is also suffering from a fever. Recommened dosage of Astragalus is 150-250 mg taken three to four times daily.

Licorice root This herb is known primarily for its efficacy in relieving cough and as an expectorant. But licorice is also effective in purging out toxins from the body. Licorice root also supports the endocrine system. However, it is not advisable to take this herb for more than seven days in a row. If you have high blood pressure, do not take licorice root. If you plan on using licorice for extended periods, make sure you also increase your intake of foods rich in potassium.

Like all other medications, it is important to use proper dosage when using these herbal remedies to achieve the best effects. It is also best to consult a doctor and a herbalist to help you identify which herbs works best and how much dosage you should take.

Exercise And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is a disorder characterized by extreme and prolonged exhaustion combined with several other symptoms such as muscle and joint pains, headache, sore throat and other flu-like symptoms. The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is yet to be discovered and it may take years before the individual can recover from the ailment.

Sometimes, the CFS victims suffer recurring bouts with CFS through their lifetime. Because the exact cause of CFS is yet to be determined, there is no known cure for this illness yet. Non-drug treatments and medications are primarily to relieve the many symptoms of CFS.

One of the non-drug therapies put forward by doctors, as a treatment for CFS, is exercise. However. Medical opinion is still divided on whether exercise can actually help improve or worsen the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Some doctors believe that mild exercise can be helpful in overcoming CFS. Others warn against any form of aerobic activity that can aggravate CFS.

Exercise can be a problem for people with chronic fatigue syndrome because strenuous physical activity can worsen the symptoms of CFS such as muscle pain, fatigue and tenderness of the joints. While exercise is important in maintaining health and wellness, it can become dangerous for people with chronic fatigue. But a recent study released by the British Medical Journal has revealed that proper patient education on chronic fatigue syndrome combined with a supervised exercise program can help improve the symptoms of CFS.

Still, people with CFS typically find it difficult to perform basic activities such as walking let alone do rigorous physical activities such as aerobic exercise. During an onset of chronic fatigue, the patient may be bedridden. They usually feel better after some time and may attempt to do regular exercise. However there is danger that the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome may relapse once the individual attempts aerobic activity.

Muscular activity causes lactic acid to be produced in the muscles. This chemical by-product leads to fatigue. Research says that exercise can worsen the effects of chronic fatigue syndrome because it sets off production of excess lactic acid in the muscles. Recent studies reveal that people with CFS actually produce twice the amount of lactic acid than people without chronic fatigue syndrome. Researches believe that their findings suggest a link between chronic fatigue syndrome and an error in the body’s energy metabolism.

Researchers are also looking at a link between chronic fatigue and low levels of potassium electrolytes. A deficiency in potassium supply usually causes chronic fatigue. The bulk of the body’s potassium supply is in the muscle tissue as well as the brain, blood and internal organs. Studies have revealed that people with chronic fatigue syndrome have actually less total body potassium compared to healthy people of the same weight and age.

On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle can also cause a whole range of health problems for people with CFS. These include loss of bone mass, muscle wastage or atrophy, and increased vulnerability to obesity and cardiovascular disease. People with chronic fatigue syndrome should have a gentle approach to physical activity.

There should only be minute increases in the frequency, intensity and duration of the exercise program to prevent any detrimental effects to the health and well-being of the chronic fatigue syndrome patient.

Acquainting Yourself with Bipolar Disorder

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding bipolar. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about bipolar.

A person with bipolar disorder experiences the best and worst of both worlds. Like two – face from Batman. It can be a psychological disorder that progress without warning.

Imagine being confronted by a person with the happiest personality and then suddenly, without any reason, he diminishes to a lower aura and starts to cry.

The extremes that are associated with someone who is bipolar are ranging from an attitude of recklessness to listlessness. This kind of instability of moods can grow into a poker-faced problem that greatly affects the person who has the disorder and the people around him as well.

Other terms for this lucidity boggling disease are manic – depressive or manic – depression illness. Both extremes are experienced and exhibited by the person suffering from it.

Mood swings that are caused by this disorder can last for a couple of weeks or even months if not sold care of. This big of behavior can cause monster disturbance to the lives of friends, family and whoever is close to the person.

According to researches, there is a major occurrence of this uncontrolled behavior across variety of symptoms and can affect almost everyone in the group.

Sadly, this disease is not diagnosed accordingly which is not very helpful and most often, people misconstrued this kind of behavior as somewhat ordinary. Untreated, this attitude complication worsens and results to high tendencies of suicidal rates.

Although, if diagnosed and treated at an early stage, people who suffers from this disease can enjoy a life worth living.

What is the create of bipolar disorder?

Nowadays, the exact cause of the mood disorder is unknown. Although there are beliefs that it can be connected within the family down from their bloodline.

Usually, people who are diagnosed with the sickness tends to have a relative who further suffers from it as well or somewhat complementary conditions. Voguish science believes that other probable causes that can enter on someone to experience the disorder are:

Environmental effects. In some way, the persons environment can take the blame for suffering the psychological disease. Factors may include severe problems with peers, family, and the conforming; other elaborates the stressful situations that are surrounding the person. A loss of a loved one can also be unequaled of the environmental causes.

Chemical effects. Studies have shown the indications of chemical within the body made the power function differently. Significant changes may still be uncertain but in an final process, may help in pinpointing the causes. Hormonal imbalances and neurotransmitters are also being accepted as one of the chemical causes.

Based on statistical findings, there are about three million Americans who suffer from this psychological disorder. Individuals who experience this illness will experience humour swings that are extreme joined with multiple behaviors and symptoms. Mood swings are oftentimes categorized as depressive episodes, manic episodes and mixed episodes.

Depressive episode symptoms are:

Extreme feeling of sadness or emptiness Lack of cardinal energy Lack of interest in important things Decreased concentration Imaginary thoughts about suicide or dying

Manic episode symptoms are:

Elevation of extreme mood swings Extreme anxiousness and irritability Talking in a fastmanner Unusual energy increase with a reduced need to sleep

Mixed episode symptoms are basically the combination of the depressive and manic episode symptoms.

Bipolar disorder can be evident in teenagers although, licensed are studies showing cases prevalent in children and adults.
The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you’ll be glad you took the time to learn more about bipolar.