Supplements Are Also Useful for Eczema Treatment

Prevention is best defense against any disease or condition. But if it is already there, your doctor may recommend medication and at times even supplements which has been proven to help in eczema treatment.

Supplements are important in eczema treatment because there is research to suggest that the human body does not have sufficient amounts of fatty acids to combat this skin condition. While topical medications work from the outside and are then absorbed by the body, it will help to have something inside that also does it share to fight the skin condition.

Examples of these supplements are blackcurrant seed oil, evening primrose oil and starflower oil. Studies have shown that taking supplements that contain these ingredients reduces the number of flare ups and in some cases, reducing the severity and length of time compared to the last attack.

Taking it regularly also reduces dryness, inflammation, itching and scaliness which are the common symptoms of eczema.

A lot of studies have shown that fish oil is very useful in other health problems but in the case of eczema, it has not shown any significant effect. The casing point is Gamma-linolenic acid or GLA which is an omega 6 fatty acid. While the results of studies are mixed, the only thing it can do is reduce the severity of symptoms.

It has been proven that certain foods may trigger eczema in a patient. To prevent this from happening again, changes have to be made in the diet. It will also help if you take supplements that contain Vitamin B.

Certain herbs are also useful for eczema treatment. Two examples of these include liquorice root and witch hazel. Liquorice root is helpful because it contains glycyrrhizinic acid that also helps reduce the symptoms of eczema. Witch hazel on the other hand contains phosphatidylcholine.

Liquorice root may be taken internally or applied topically while witch hazel can only be applied to the skin. Other herbs which may be used if either of these is unavailable include burdock root, German chamomile, golden rod, red clover, roman chamomile and stinging nettle.

Babies are at risk of eczema and one way to treat it is with probiotics. While this good bacteria is already found in our body, infants do not have sufficient amounts of this yet which is why mothers are encourage to breastfeed. Since eczema can also happen later on in life, the best supplement to have is found in a bottle of Yakult which has the Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain.

If you think that applying and swallowing the supplement is the only way to get eczema treatment, think again because sulfur is a little bit different. You have to bathe yourself in sulfur to get the desired results. This is because it contains keratin that is a protein that can strengthen your hair, nails and skin. Take note that a sulfur bath is not recommended for children.

There are many ways to get eczema treatment. If you have this condition, you should consult with your doctor so you know what severe is your condition. It is only after getting yourself diagnosed that the proper treatment can be administered so that even though there is no cure for it, you are able to reduce it severity and make sure that flare ups do not occur.

Natural Treatment for Eczema

Eczema treatment can be done without the use of medication. In fact, there are natural treatments available and you just have to know what these are.

The first natural remedy is probiotics. This is good bacteria and we have this inside our bodies. It suppresses the growth of bad or harmful bacteria in our system, influences our immune function and strengthens the digestive tract’s protective barrier.

Since there are not enough probiotics inside the digestive tract of infants, nursing mothers are encouraged to breast filled their babies as the milk also contains galacto-oligosaccharides that help probiotics grow in the body especially during the first six months.

Studies have shown that over a two year period, infants that are breast fed have less risk of suffering from eczema later on in life.

Children and adults can also drink probiotics. A good example of this is Yakult which is made from a mixture of skimmed milk powder, sugar and water that is ultra-heat treated and then fermented using a live probiotic strain called Lactobacillus casei Shirota.

You can buy this in the grocery and now, there are two types to choose from namely Yakult Original and Yakult Light. Both contain Lactobacillus casei Shirota in equal amounts, but the Light version has less sugar. So you know which is which, Yakult Original has a red lid while Yakult Light is the one in the blue.

We know that there are creams and ointments available to treat eczema. But did you know that there are products made of natural ingredients? You can find some made from herbal extracts of chamomile, licorice and witch hazel.

But before you try any topical herbal product, check first with your doctor if it is safe for you to use because some herbs like chamomile may cause dermatitis.

Aside from applying the natural product to your skin, you can also take it in orally. There are supplements around that can help treat and prevent eczema. Some examples of these include evening primrose oil with a dose of 500mg. daily, MaxEPA fish oils 1,000 mg. three times a day, Vitamin C and bioflavonoids both 1,000 mg daily, Vitamin A 10,000 I.U. daily and Zinc 50 mg. daily. You should also eat fish at least twice a week.

Taking a bath is also another natural form of eczema treatment. Instead of using soap and water, you will be using oatmeal. All you have to do is put in one or two cups into a tub of lukewarm water. Afterwards, you will need to apply a moisturizer on your damp skin to keep it moist.

If you dont like the idea of taking a bath in oatmeal, try mixing one-teaspoonful of comfrey root, one-teaspoon of slippery elm bark, one-teaspoon of white bark, and two cups of water together in a bowl. After boiling it for 35 minutes and giving it some time to cool, get a face towel and wash this over the affected skin. It may not remove the itch but it can help decrease the urge to scratch it which is important because scratching could just make things worse.

Eczema treatment can be done naturally, with creams or ointments and medication. The important thing to keep in mind when you choose to use any of these products is that it must work.