Onset Diabetes Diet

If you have been diagnosed with onset diabetes diet changes are one of the things you will need to consider to help you control your blood sugars. Do not panic, this is not going to be that hard. Talk to your doctor first and see if she wants you to consult with a dietitian, especially if you are unsure of where to begin.

Learning what foods to eat, how much of them to eat and at what times to eat them should all be taken into consideration when talking about an onset diabetes diet. Your biggest challenge now is to learn to keep your blood sugar levels consistent throughout your day.

Making good food choices and eating at the same times everyday will help you start to feel better, maybe lose some excess weight, and decrease your risk of developing complications of diabetes like heart disease, stroke, blindness and other problems caused by diabetes that you should discuss at length with your doctor when she gives you your diagnosis.

Choosing to eat a more healthy diet does not mean you have to give up your favorites. You can still enjoy some of the things you like the best without having to worry about your blood sugar spiking on you. It may just be a matter of eating smaller portions of the things you like the best.

Here are ten ideas to make your choices seem a little easier:

1. Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. They add color to your meals and can make them more appealing to the eye.
2. Eat more whole grain foods like brown rice and whole wheat pastas and breads. Whole grain will keep you fuller longer and will not make your blood sugars spike.
3. Once or twice a week, throw in some dried beans or lentils into the mix. Chili or soup is a great way to fill up without consuming a lot of calories.
4. Fish is a great source of protein and essential fatty acids. Work some into your meal plan two or three times a week.
5. If you have to have red meat, choose a lean cut and if there is any visible fat present, trim it off before you cook it.
6. Chicken and turkey are loaded with protein, just make sure the skin is removed first.
7. Make your dairy foods non-fat or low-fat.
8. Drink lots of water. Stay away from sweetened drinks like soda.
9. Use olive oil or canola oil to cook with instead of margarine or butter, you do n ot need the calories or saturated fats.
10. You can still have dessert, just watch your portion sizes. Try cutting back to a half portion or maybe even smaller if you can.

See, not so hard, you can do this onset diabetes diet. It may take a little practice at first but you will soon be able to incorporate these guidelines into your day and make it seem like you have been doing it all your life. So much better to control your blood sugars every day. So, talk to your doctor about everything and ask for help if you need it.

Diabetes Protein Diet

For people trying to lose weight, a high protein, low fat, low carb diet is normally something that will work very well to help you slim down and get to a healthier weight. People with diabetes can also lose weight with a diabetes protein diet but because of the nature of their illness must pay close attention to everything they eat.

A diet high in protein, followed for an extended period can put undo stress on the kidneys of the person with diabetes. You should always speak with your doctor and/or dietitian before starting any diet plan.

If your doctor does give you the OK to start a diabetes protein diet then stick with the lean cuts of meat for your protein and include some fish and shrimp in your weekly menu preparation. Shrimp are packed with protein and are very good for you. You can have some red meat but limit it to once or twice a week.

Red meat is loaded with protein as well but also has quite a bit of saturated fat which will increase your cholesterol and increase your risk for heart disease. Just being diabetic puts you at risk for so many complications of the disease you do not need to willingly put yourself at a higher risk for other problems. So, remember to limit the red meat you eat and if you have to have it then make sure that you remove any visible fat as well.

Fish like salmon, tuna, and halibut are all good sources of lean protein not to mention those Omega-3 essential fatty acids that you hear so much about these days. Omega-3’s are beneficial for maintaining good brain function among other things. I have already mentioned shrimp but did you know lobster is another great source of lean protein? Go ahead and treat yourself.

Chicken is also loaded with protein but just make sure to remove any skin and visible fat. Your best bet is to buy some boneless, skinless breasts and keep them in the freezer to make it easy to use them when you need them. You can buy them in bulk to save some money and weigh out 4 ounce portions then individually wrap them before freezing.

Eggs and dairy are other ways to round out how you get your protein for the day. Eggs have lots of protein and also essential nutrients like folate, zinc, and iron. It is not recommended that you eat eggs every single day but if you really feel the need to then separate some of the and make a mostly egg white omelet with two egg whites and one whole egg.
The cholesterol is in the yolk so if you limit the number of yolks you eat then it is all good.

Keep your dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt low fat, or fat free to reduce the amount of saturated fat you take in. Balance your diabetes protein diet with a moderate amount of carbohydrates to help keep your blood sugar levels in a healthy range.

The Different Foods that Contains Natural Estrogen

Estrogen is very important in a womans body. This hormone is responsible for the regular menstrual period that usually occurs every 28 days. If your body is incapacitated of producing estrogen, you will experience menopause or the permanent cessation of menstruation.

Old age is one of the major reasons why women experience such. However, a woman’s body should continuously produce estrogen to maintain its sexual functions. If your body is already incapacitated of producing estrogen, you can try eating foods that has natural estrogen.

There are several herbs and foods that can be a great source of pure and natural estrogens. They can be useful during menopause. The following lists of the different foods available are just some of the best sources of estrogen. Aside from the benefits you can derive during your menopausal stage, these foods also contains vitamins, minerals, fiber and other essential fatty acids. These fatty acids are low in saturated fats so they are healthy to the body. These are very nutritious foods aside from supplying your body with an amount of estrogen you need. Here are the following:

1. Fruits such as apples, cherries, dates, papaya, and others;

2. Vegetables such as barley, carrots, clover, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, licorice, peas, parsley, peppers, pomegranates, potatoes, pumpkin, red clover, rhubarb, soybean sprouts, tomatoes, and others;

3. Seeds such as anise seeds, chickpeas, cowpeas (black eyed peas), flaxseeds, red beans, sesame seeds, soybeans, split peas, sunflower seeds, and others; and

4. Other foods such as Alfalfa , Animal flesh, Baker’s yeast , Beets , Dairy Foods, Dates, Eggs, Fennel , Hops , Oats , Olive oil, Olives, Plums , Rice , Sage , Wheat , Yams , and others.

These are the foods you need to supply your body with natural estrogen. If your body contains less than the required amount of estrogen, eating these foods can help your body produce the necessary amount of estrogen. Women who are experiencing pre-menopausal syndrome are advised to take these foods to regulate the amount of estrogen in their bodies.

However, you have to consult your doctor before you start taking the aforementioned estrogen-rich foods. To know more about the different foods that can regulate the amount of estrogen in your body, you can visit your doctors and seek for some advice about it. They can be of best source of information. Tell them your concern and they are just willing to help you with it.

How To Stay Young Forever

Some people think aging is inevitable. They feel to stay young forever is not going to happen. Science has advanced and it has been discovered methods to use to stay younger is quite possible. Studies show changing the habits or lifestyle makes a huge difference between staying young forever and feeling old before your time.

If you smoke quit. If you dont smoke then dont start. Smoking increases the free radicals leading to cell death, damaging your lungs. You will have breathing complications including difficulty exercising.

Have a healthy diet that includes your essential fatty acids. It is recommended you eat fish twice a week so you get enough omega-3, omega-6, and DHA. These help your body cells be flexible and permeable. It has been proven they are an important part of the cells in the nervous system, blood vessels, and skin. They help to fight wrinkles and the brain. Oily fish is the considered the best for the diet.

Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. The vegetables that are orange and yellow are high sources of beta-carotene, which is antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body. They help the bodys cells stay healthy and fight off cancer. Beta-carotene is converted into Vitamin A, which is great for your skin and eyes.

Maintain a healthy weight. When you are overweight you hurt your joints and put extra stress on your heart. When you are overweight you also have other health complications such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Being underweight is not good for the body either. When you are underweight, the muscles and bones are robbed of the benefits of building stronger as well as energy. It is damages your kidneys and leads to early menopause and osteoporosis.

Exercise helps to work your heart. Cardiovascular exercise makes your heart pump and become a stronger muscle. When you keep your heart in good shape it lessens the chances of heart disease and stroke. You also lower your blood pressure helping the blood flow easier through the vessel, skin, brain, and digestive systems creating a healthy youthful body.

Build up your muscles. Start a weight training regimen of training twice a week. Strong muscles lead to strong bones helping you reduce the risks of breaking them easily. With age, it is easy to break bones so the stronger muscles and bones help you create a stronger youthful body.

As you get older, your sense of balance is effective. Combat the loss of balance practice yoga or dance. The neuromuscular exercise helps your body and brain remain in contact and builds the communication that is often lost with age resulting in balance problems.

To keep your brain active and sharp, do crossword puzzles, brain teasers, and math problems and read to stimulate the brain. Research has shown older adults who regularly stimulate their brain are less prone to the mental deterioration associated with memory loss.

Laughter goes along way. Make a younger attitude that is filled with laughter to keep you feeling youthful.