Eating Well Even After Your Pregnancy

Congratulations and welcome to parenthood. Your body has gone through a lot these past nine months and it still has a while to go before it is back to normal. The next few months are going to give you and your body a whole new set of challenges especially if you are a first time parent. Recovering from childbirth is exhausting and when you throw a new baby who has no concept of time into the mix and you might find your head spinning. Eating well during this time is almost as important as eating well during your pregnancy.

Your body has just been through a traumatic ordeal. If you gave birth vaginally, you mind find yourself recovering from tears and what not. If you gave birth via c-section, you are recovering from major surgery. The first thing most hospitals and doctors like to make sure is that your plumbing and waste systems are working.

Eating high fiber food and drinking lots of water after your delivery will help make that first bowel movement a lot less painful. This can be a little hard for women who delivery via c-section because they are usually on a liquid diet for the first 24 hours. You may find you need a little help from either stool softeners or prune juice to make that first trip a little easier.

Once you are home from the hospital, you are going to need your energy to take care of the baby. Gone are the nights where you were able to get a full 8 hours of sleep. You might not see that again for at least three months, though ask any parent and they will tell you that getting 8 hours of sleep a night will not happen until your kids are grown and married. Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on you and it is important that you eat healthy to maintain a decent amount of energy.

The postpartum period is usually where most women find themselves downing countless amounts of coffee or sugary foods to give them a quick fix. This is not healthy because once you come down from that high, you are going to be even more exhausted than you were before hand. Make sure all of your meals are balanced meals and stock up on quick and healthy snacks such as celery sticks, baby carrots and lots of fruit to get you through the day.

Eating healthy can also help you fight the baby blues those first few weeks. Nearly 80% of all women suffer from baby blues. These usually kick in between the 4th and 5th day after delivery and can last for 10 days to 2 weeks. You may find yourself emotional for no reason and you may start to cry for no reason.

Some women report a feeling of sadness that they are no longer pregnant and others report a feeling of helplessness when it comes to dealing with their new baby. The baby blues are caused by your hormone levels going back to normal. By maintaining your healthy habits that you practiced during your pregnancy could help you handle your changing emotions a little better.

Pregnancy is tough and the post partum period is just as tough. Make sure you take the best care of yourself as possible during this time. Eat right and continue to take your prenatal vitamin to make sure your baby is going to get the best care you are capable of.

A Personal Experience with Acupuncture

Let’s follow Susan as she goes to her first acupuncture treatment. Susan is a little hesitant, thinking of many needles sticking out of her in funny places so that she can’t find a place to sit easily. Her friend Marie had recommended this acupuncture clinic as a possible help for Susan’s recent problems of sleeplessness and depression. Susan was very surprised that Marie had ever visited an acupuncture clinic, as Marie didn’t seem to be someone that would visit something this unusual. And anyway, Marie always seems so remarkably healthy, attending the gym on a regular basis and still having lots of energy to spare. Susan was surprised to find out that Marie had been going to this acupuncture clinic for more than three years. She was even more surprised to find out that the first visit was suggested by Marie’s doctor – her family physician. Susan had no idea that a regular doctor would recommend a visit to an acupuncture clinic.

It turns out that a few years ago Marie had very intense cramps, and after a discussion with her doctor, they decided acupuncture might help to reduce or eliminate these. After having that treatment, Marie had discovered that some people visit the acupuncture clinic periodically just to keep in good health. Marie really enjoyed the way she felt, and so continued with the periodic visits as a kind of “tune up,” as she called them.

Though this is Susan’s first treatment at the acupuncture clinic, it is her second visit. Her first visit was to sit with the acupuncture practitioner to take several vital signs and to have a long discussion about her symptoms. Susan explained that she was hoping to get relief from the sleeplessness and depression through the treatments at the acupuncture clinic. She was surprised at the number of questions that she hadn’t thought about. She hadn’t noticed if the sleeplessness was the same on every night, or if she got to sleep more easily on some nights. She hadn’t noticed if she easily returned to sleep if she was awakened once she was asleep. She hadn’t thought about whether the sleeplessness started after they turned off the central heat in the house, now that spring had come. There were so many questions about that. There were questions she had expected, like that her depression could be related to the fact that her best friend at work had left for a new job. There were also surprising questions about patterns that she noticed about any previous depressions that she might have had. Once all the questions had been answered, Susan was asked to return another day for her first treatment in order to obtain the most beneficial results.

Susan pulled into the parking lot, still a little nervous. The acupuncture practitioner was a very nice and calm woman, but still… Twenty minutes later, Susan was sitting in a comfortable chair with about 18 needles at various points on her arms and ears. She was very comfortable, and inserting the needles did not hurt at all. After sitting there for 15 minutes, the acupuncture practitioner came in, removed the needles, and that was it. Susan was amazed! A sequence of 6 treatments had been prescribed initially, and they agreed to revisit Susan’s symptoms when these were done. She was so happy it was so easy!

Basic Laser Hair Removal Terminology

It is important to understand the basic terminology used in laser hair removal techniques. This gives you a better understanding of what the procedure entails. It also helps to put many people at ease to completely understand the words used in the treatment.

Absorption is the uptake of one substance into another.

Active medium is the part of the laser that absorbs and stores energy.

American bikini wax, is a standard bikini wax in which hair is removed from either side of the panty line at the top of the thigh.

Anagen is the growth phase in the hair cycle in which a new hair is synthesized.

Brazilian bikini wax, is a bikini wax in which all of the hair is removed in the pubic region, including the hair on the buttocks and labia.

Catagen is a transitional stage of a hair’s growth cycle, occurring between the growth and resting stages.

Chromophore is a group of atoms in a molecule that produces color through selective light absorption.

Coherent light are light waves that travel in parallel, and in the same direction.

Dermal scattering is the change that occurs between the laser’s spot size at the surface of the skin and the spot size deeper in the tissue.

Dermis is the underlying or inner layer of the skin.

Electrons are stable, negatively charged elementary particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom.

Energy source is the device in the laser that supplies energy to the active medium.

Epidermis is the thin outermost layer of the skin.

Excited states is the conditions of a physical system in which the energy level is higher than the lowest possible level.

Fissure is a crack or cut in the skin.

French bikini wax, is a bikini wax in which all of the hair is removed from the pubic region except for a stripe of hair on the pubis.

Hair follicle bulb is the bulbous base of the hair follicle that houses the dermal papilla.
Keloids scars are raised areas of fibrous tissue.

Melanin are grains of pigment that give hair and skin its color.

Monochromatic light is of one wavelength, and therefore appears as one color.

Nanometers are each one billionth of a meter.

Optical cavity is a part of the laser that contains the active medium.

Polychromatic light consists of light of multiple wavelengths, appearing as different colors.

Pulse duration is the duration of an individual pulse of laser light, which is usually measured in milli-seconds.

Selective photothermolysis is the selective targeting of an area using a specific wavelength to absorb light into that target area sufficient to damage the tissue of the target while allowing the surrounding area to remain relatively untouched.

Spontaneous emission is the process or an excited atom, after holding extra energy for a fraction of a second, releases its energy as another photon then falls back to its grounded state.

Spot size is the width of a laser beam.

Terminal hair is hair found on the scalp arms legs Alexa lay in pubic areas.

Vellus hair is generally fine, non-pigmented hair found on the face that is often called peach fuzz.

Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs in a wave.

An Overview of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is an excellent way of removing unwanted hair. This is accomplished by sending a light beam of a specific wavelength onto the skin from the laser. The beam of light is sent through a hand piece into the skin, where it attacks the darker pigmentation of the hair follicle. This causes damage and destruction of the hair follicle without damaging the skin tissues around it. Some people do experience permanent hair loss, while others do need to repeat the procedure. Sometimes when hair does grow back it is lighter in color and finer and texture.

There are four types of lasers that are used for hair removal. They are Ruby, Alexandrite, Diode, and NdYAG. Each of these four lasers are different in many ways and are used for different skin types. The ruby laser is able to focus in on small areas and can be used on both dark and light skin. However, this laser works best on light skin. The alexandrite laser is very versatile and can be used on many different types of hair. It is able to focus on large areas and is very easy to customize. The diode laser uses a much longer wavelength which makes it very effective on most types of skin. The NdYag laser works well on people with dark hair and dark skin.

Laser hair removal is not a good treatment option for everyone. It is not recommended for people with certain medical conditions or disorders. It also is not an effective treatment for people with white, gray or very light-colored hair. People that have hair of these colors do not have pigments in their hair to absorb the energy from the laser. Laser hair removal works about system on people with light skin and dark hair.

In some instances, such as the removal of facial hair, one treatment may be enough. In other areas of the body, often a series of treatments must be given to remove the unwanted hair. Many times, laser hair removal is the last resort for people after years of using other methods to rid themselves of the excess hair.

Although laser hair removal is considered safe, it is important to have your treatments done by an experienced, licensed professional. If the treatments are not done correctly, you run the risk of burns, blistering, skin discoloration, or a patchy uneven hair regrowth. Take the time to meet with several specialists in your area, and then decide which one is right for you. For the best results follow all the guidelines that your doctor gives you both before and after your laser hair removal treatments.

The cost of laser hair removal can be expensive, and since it is considered a cosmetic procedure, it is not covered by insurance. Generally, a payment plan can be arranged for treatments. The average cost per treatment for laser hair removal in the United States is between $425 and $500 and many people need three to four sessions.

Laser hair removal is an excellent alternative to other types of hair removal and should seriously be considered by those who are troubled by excessive hair growth.