Acupuncture and Electricity

Acupuncture has been shown to have great success in treating pain, stress, and a number of diseases. Acupuncture has a number of different techniques, and one of them is to apply a very low-level electric charge to the needle. This particular technique is creating interest in a field that was started in America in the 1930s and 1940s, but lost support soon afterward. This field is how to use low levels of electricity as a tool for medical therapy.

The initial discovery of acupuncture points on the body was by centuries of observation of the tender spots on the skin when a patient had certain symptoms. These acupuncture points can now be discovered and duplicated by scientists. They can find these same acupuncture points (given in any standard diagram) by using electrical apparatus. Scientists can also use infrared photography to find the temperature differences between these acupuncture points and the surrounding skin. So the acupuncture points have a different electrical behavior than the surrounding cells when the patient suffers from the associated symptom.

Several claims for acupuncture seem to get some support from other research using electricity. One scientist, Becker, has had tissue regrown by animals when he applied a low-level electric current to the site of the tissue. Even heart tissue has been restored without any scarring. Low level electric pulses have also been used to make bone fractures heal significantly faster than fractures left to heal on their own.

How do these two previous experience relate to the fundamentals of acupuncture? The basis of acupuncture is the correct distribution and flow of energy throughout the body. When energy is depleted, regrowth and stimulation and vitality do not occur. An acupuncture treatment restores the energy needed to a specific area. This research (especially the bone research) supports the claim that acupuncture sessions are of significant benefit for those with broken arms or other broken bones in the feet, ankles, and wrists, or other locations. Acupuncture has been known as an effective treatment for patients with heart palpitations, and the EKG results scientifically support that claim. Patients that are attached to an EKG machine and undergo an acupuncture treatment show a difference in the structure of the heartbeat, which is controlled by electric impulses from the nerves.

When an acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin, there is an electrical activity at that point, since the cells at that point are disturbed, and cells by their structure have various electrical charges within them. This is also shown by such techniques as Kirlian photography, where the photograph after a needle is inserted has a very different energy shape than before the needle insertion.

This exploration of the interaction between electricity and acupuncture has come back to expand the techniques used in acupuncture. The most basic technique for an acupuncture treatment is to use needles inserted into the skin of the patient. The location of the insertion, its depth and technique, bring about the results from the treatment. An additional technique is the application of heat, or moxa, which we will not go into. A third addition may be the use of herbs, either at the point of insertion, or given to the patient separately. A technique directly related to the above research, and also harkening back to the experiments of the 1930s and 1940s, is to affect the acupuncture points by a low voltage electric current. This is used in place of the needle. All these results and new ideas make research in acupuncture an exciting field to be working in and reading about.

Laser Hair Removal Devices

There are several different types of laser hair removal devices available today. These are alexandrite lasers, diode lasers, ruby lasers, and NeoDymium Yttrium Aluminum Garnets, which is commonly referred to as Nd:YAGs.

Alexandrite lasers became available for use in laser hair removal in 1997 when they were cleared by the FDA. Alexandrite lasers produce light beams in the red spectrum of visible light.
Their wavelength is 755 nanometers which is very effective but only safe on light skin. Generally, alexandrite lasers are considered long pulsed and because of this produce greater depth penetration. Five different types of the alexandrite laser are available. These include the Apogee, GentleLase, Epicare, Epitouch Alex, and Ultrawave II-III.

The FDA also cleared diode lasers for use in 1997 as an effective method of permanent hair reduction. Diode lasers produce a wavelength of 800 nanometers with pulse widths of 5-400 milliseconds. This type of laser has proved successful in the treatment of ingrown eyelashes and works very well on dark hair. The Light SheerXC is a diode laser that is extremely powerful. Other diode lasers include EpiStar, Apex-800, Iridex, and Mediostar.

Ruby lasers were also cleared by the FDA for laser hair removal in 1997, however, they did not prove as effective. Clinical research showed that the laser damage did not extend far enough down into the hair shafts to result in permanent laser hair removal. Originally there were five types of ruby lasers, of which only two are still available for commercial use. A Ruby lasers operate on a shorter wavelength system of only 694 nanometers.

NeoDymium Yttrium Aluminum Garnets have a longer wavelength which makes them more effective for longer term, and according to some people, even permanent laser hair removal. There are two types of Nd:YAGs lasers. These are the Q switched and the long pulse. All Nd:YAGs produce a wavelength of 1064 nanometers. The Q, switched NeoDymium Yttrium Aluminum Garnets has a very short pulse of about one nanosecond. Long pulse NeoDymium Yttrium Aluminum Garnets have a pulse of about a millisecond and can be used on all skin types.

The pulse duration, or pulse width, of lasers used for hair removal is the timing of the light energy. It is usually measured in milliseconds. Most lasers used for hair removal have a maximum pulse duration in the 20 to 40 millisecond range. Longer pulse widths are generally considered more effective and produce fewer side effects.

Each type of laser produces a specific spot size which is measured in millimeters. The spot size is the size, or width, of the beam of light at the laser sends out. A spot size of seven to 10 mm is considered acceptable for laser hair removal.

Most lasers have three main parts, an energy source, and active medium, and an optical cavity, also known as a resonator. The energy source is a device that supplies energy to the active medium. Laser hair removal devices use electricity as their energy source. The element of the active medium contains atoms that can both absorb and store the energy. The optical cavity is the part of the laser that contains the active medium. Lasers are defined by the elements they use.

What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

From historical figures to celebrities to everyday people, there are many people with bipolar disorder. Whether one hears of these people on television or in real life, the question often arises as to how they know they have bipolar disorder. So, what are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Since there are two distinct parts of bipolar disorder, there are also two separate sets of symptoms of bipolar disorder. These symptoms of bipolar disorder many times reflect opposites from the manic to the depressive sides of the illness.

The most obvious of the opposites in the symptoms of bipolar disorder is level of energy and activity. In depression, the person will feel a loss of energy and suffer from fatigue. That person may even appear to be slow. On the other hand, the manic person will have an increased level of energy and much more than usual activity.

Degree of self-esteem is another of the symptoms of bipolar disorder. A depressed person feels unworthy or is guilt-ridden. A manic, though, is so full of him- or herself that he or she has unreasonable ideas of him- or herself or even delusions of grandeur.

This loss of self-esteem may be what leads the depressed person to be indecisive, and overblown self importance that urges the manic to become reckless. Neither the depressed person nor the manic one sees these decision-making processes as symptoms of bipolar disorder. But that is exactly what they are.

The symptoms of bipolar disorder differ from the depressive to the manic mostly because the general themes are different. In depression, everything is slow, dull, small, introverted, and hopeless. In mania, things are overblown, huge, fast, outgoing, and full of impossible dreams.

Some symptoms of bipolar disorder seem, on the surface, to be similar. For example, The poor concentration of the depressed person may appear similar to the distraction of the manic person. They both, in fact, have trouble holding a thought in their heads. This happens for different reasons, though. The depressed person has fewer thoughts but just cannot focus on any, while the manic person has excessive thought and goes rapidly from one to the next.

Sleep cycles vary in both depressed people and manic people. This is one of the symptoms of bipolar disorder which cause trouble for both. The depressed person may not care whether he or she sleeps or not, sometimes sleeping for long periods and sometimes not bothering to go to bed. The manic person will most surely feel little or no need for sleep. He or she may go without sleep for days.

The symptoms of bipolar disorder which vary the most from depressives to manics happen at the far ends of the spectrum. A person who is extremely depressed is likely to think dark thoughts about death, suicide, and even plans to commit suicide. The person who is manic enough can have strange thoughts such as delusions, and bizarre perceptions such as auditory and visual hallucinations.

If a person is truly bipolar, he or she will display some, if not all, of the symptoms of bipolar disorder on both the depressed and manic sides of the line. Because this illness is so serious and can have life changing consequences for the person with it, it is important to recognize the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Experiencing Ache Knees and Back? You may have Osteoarthritis

Experiencing Ache Knees and Back? You may have Osteoarthritis
Kamau Austin

Are you noticing as you mature you are experiencing stiffness or
pain in your knees, ankles, back, and elbows? If you are 35 and
above symptoms like these may be the early signs of

What is Osteoarthritis?

According to the US government’s National Institute of Arthritis
and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases “Osteoarthritis is the
most common type of arthritis, especially among older people.
Sometimes it is called degenerative joint disease or

Moreover Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that mostly affects
the cartilage. Cartilage is the slippery tissue that covers the
ends of bones in a joint.

Unlike other forms of arthritis which may affect internal organs
Osteoarthritis primarily causes problems between the cartilage
and joints.

Healthy cartilage allows bones to glide over one another. It
also absorbs energy from the shock of physical movement. In
osteoarthritis, the surface layer of cartilage breaks down and
wears away.

In other words as we mature you can start to experience
Osteoarthritis because the cartilage between you knees, back,
and other joints may begin to erode or wear away.

This allows bones under the cartilage to rub together, causing
pain, swelling, and loss of motion of the joint. Over time, the
joint may lose its normal shape. Also bone spurs, small growths
called entophytes, may grow on the edges of the joint. Bits of
bone or cartilage can break off and float inside the joint
space. This causes more pain and damage.

According to government studies Osteoarthritis affects about 20
million Americans. Over 50 % of Americans over 65 have
osteoarthritis in a least one joint. It is more common for men
than women to have osteoarthritis before 45. However after 45 it
is more common for women to experience the symptoms of this
condition. By 2030 70 million Americans will be over the age of
65 and may be at risk for osteoarthritis.

While younger people may get osteoarthritis from sports related
knee and joint injuries osteoarthritis is primarily a condition
more mature people experience. If you experience symptoms like
the ones described above talk to you doctor to see if you have
osteoarthritis or some other condition.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis seem to appear in the knee, lower
back, ends of the fingers, back of the neck, thumbs and hips.

Some of the treatments the doctor may prescribe are:

1. – Exercise is inexpensive and may help with a number of
health problems including certain forms of osteoarthritis. As
you may know exercise can help improve your attitude,
disposition, mood and overall outlook, decrease pain, increase
flexibility, improve the heart and blood flow, maintain weight,
and promote general physical fitness.

Reports have shown if done correctly, it has few negative side
effects. The amount and form of exercise will depend on which
joints are involved, how stable the joints are, and whether a
joint replacement has already been done.

The proper exercise may help you recapture some range of
movement in stiff joints.

2. – Weight control: Osteoarthritis patients who are overweight
or obese need to lose weight. Weight loss can reduce stress on
weight-bearing joints and limit further injury. A dietitian can
help patients develop healthy eating habits. A healthy diet and
regular exercise help reduce weight.

3. Medicines: Doctors prescribe medicines to eliminate or reduce
pain and to improve functioning. Doctors consider a number of
factors when choosing medicines for their patients with
osteoarthritis. Two important factors are the intensity of the
pain and the potential side effects of the medicine. Patients
must use medicines carefully and tell their doctors about any
changes that occur.

4 – Surgery : As a last resort a surgery to replace a joint may
be in order from your doctor.

For many people, surgery helps relieve the pain and disability
of osteoarthritis. Surgery may be performed to remove loose
pieces of bone and cartilage from the joint if they are causing
mechanical symptoms of buckling or locking Resurface (smooth
out) bones Reposition bones Replace joints. Surgeons may replace
affected joints with artificial joints called prostheses. These
joints can be made from metal alloys, high-density plastic, and
ceramic material.

Before undertaking expensive surgery or investing in pricey
medicines perhaps you should consider taking a health supplement
called Phosoplex. Phosoplex a product of Optimal Therapeutics,
boasts some of the best ingredients available to help alleviate
pain associated with Osteoarthritis.

I have used Phosoplex when training in fitness activity to help
rid myself of knee and back pain. I would strongly recommend you
investigating this quality product if you seek relief from

About the author:
Kamau Austin is a health and fitness enthusiast and advocate. He
is also the publisher of … .
He writes on a regular basis on timeless health and fitness tips
at the Fit After Forty Blog. See more useful health and fitness
news and tips at…