Southern Cooking Brings Soul to Food

I was born and raised in the heart of the Deep South. From as far back as I can remember I remember elongated summer afternoons spent drinking iced tea and shelling peas and butterbeans on my grandmothers porch. I own moved on from my roots and have made my way into other regions of the world. One thing, however, that has remained constant in my life is my deep and abiding love for southern cooking and moveable feast.

I was probably well into my teen years before I realized that carousal could be served any other way than loaded with sugar and over ice. It was about that same time that I realized some body politic would eat vegetables that hadnt been soaked in batter, dredged in cornmeal, and deep fat fried. Southern cooking is not for the dusky of heart though it rap cause many hearts to mature faint. One thing that can be said is that youll never find material else like right on earth.

People in the south learned to initiate do with little in many instances. Some of the poorest people in America live in the southern part of the country. Of course, you leave acquisition that many of these people despite their poverty are also among the most generous. The same can be said of food. Its the one thing that seems to be in ample supply in most southern homes and very few will turn you away with an empty stomach.

Feasibly its the seasonings that are often used when cooking southern food. From the crab boil and gumbo tier of Cajun Cuisine to the secret ingredient that almost every southern kitchen contains for their fried chicken recipes ( and no one on earth can fry chicken like a born and bred southern grandma ). Perhaps its the Sunday church dinners where everyone shares a little of what they have with others or the love that goes into preparing these meals that are shared with friends and family. Whatever the case may be, if you ever keep the occasion to experience real southern cooking, do not pass it up. You might shave a day off your life, but a good southern fried chicken leg is really living and well worth the sacrifice if you ask me.

Of course it would be remiss to mention southern cooking without bringing up some of the more ambrosial desserts that seem to be perfection for the south. I mentioned banana pudding above but well-qualified are so many more. Pralines are a perfect for those living down around New Orleans as is bread pudding. A little to the east there are grandmas who have taken their lemon icebox pie recipes to the grave with them so coveted were these delicious deserts and the same holds true for pecan pies as well. We should never forget the flavorful Mississippi Mud cake though, and so many other wonderfully delicious treats that southern cooking has introduced to the world at large.

Favorite vegetables in the feelings of the south as I mentioned above included peas and butterbeans, snap beans, corn, summer squash ( succeeding all, its summer all year in the south ), and okra ( fried or boiled in manifold southern kitchens ). Not gross vegetables were deep fried though few were off limits. I remember eating my share of fried okra, fried hush up, and yes, fried pliable tomatoes. Life was nice back when calories werent counted and no one really worried about clogging arteries. While I wouldnt make these a informal dish in any at ease, I certainly would recommend trying them out if you ever find the opportunity.

Another great thing about southern cooking is the wonderful fried seafood that seems to advance. From fried fish ( almost any variety works well when its southern fried ) to fried oysters, seafood just seems to taste and so much better in the south. If you are high to be trained some of the southern cooking and cuisine you will most likely right to order your spices and hold them shipped unless your grocery store has a rather extensive exotic foods preference. You can sometimes find great southern seasonings on the International food aisles in grocery stores as well. If you want to really sport your family to an outstanding meal, you should really try southern cooking for the night.


Arthritis, Joint Pain, Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia, Muscular Ache: Herbal Approach

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you’ll find that the subject of alternative medicine is certainly no exception.
Arthritis, Joint Pain, Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia, Muscular Ache: Herbal Approach

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The following are a few simple cures that might just help relieve you from the pain of arthritis. Try any of them to see what works for you.

arthritis anguish, joint pain, back wretchedness, arthcare oil, arthritis pain relief

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Arthritis is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. According to Ayurveda arthritis is primarily a vata ( air ) disease which is well-timed to accumulation of toxins in the joints and is known owing to amavata. This authority be caused by poor digestion and a weakened colon, resulting in the accumulation of undigested food and the buildup of waste matter. Poor digestion allows toxins to accumulate in the body, and problems veil the colon allow the toxins to reach the joints.

Symptoms: Fever Immense pain & stiffness in affected muscles in case of chronic muscular rheumatism. Pain or tenderness in a joint which is aggravated by slice movement or activity, such as moving, getting up from a chair, writing, typing, holding an object, throwing a ball, turning a key. Excruciating pain and stiffness in the joints in case of chronic articular rheumatism.

The following are a few simple cures that might scrupulous help relieve you from the pain of arthritis. Jab section of them to see what works for you.

Two teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey mixed in a cup of warm water drawn twice a day is good for curing arthritis. Two teaspoons of juice from fresh leaves of bathua, drink every day on an empty stomach for 2 – 3 months. Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder protect scorching water helps cure arthritis. Taking alfalfa tea twice a day makes a good cure. Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar also 2 teaspoons of honey dissolved in a small glass of warm water taken once or twice a day brings relief. Rub the aching joints protect hot vinegar to get some relief from pain. Two parts pure olive oil and one part kerosene makes a wonderful liniment to bathe lamentable joints. Add one tablespoon cod liver oil to the juice of one orange, whip and drink before sleeping. One raw clove of garlic every day is very valuable. This clove can be fried in ghee ( clarified butter ) or castor oil. Take for 2 months. Guggulu is very helpful in curing arthritis. Eat half a teaspoon twice a day after meals with warm water. Exercise the afflicted joints in a tub full of hot water. Support carrot juice, cucumber juice, eat cooked vegetables further / or vegetable soups, and drink coconut saturate for a healthy body & rub your joints current to cure arthritis. On an empty stomach eat 2 – 3 walnuts or some coconut. Avoid mental tensions that lead to stress. Lose dominion, if necessary, to get close to your ideal qualification. If you weigh less, able is less weight on your joints and less pain.

Effetive and Proven Results For – Arthcare Oil ( Anti Inflammatory and Muscle Relaxant Herbal Massage Oil ):

Arthcare Oil is the best natural solution for your hot potato, manufactured under the guidance of renowned MD Ayurveda Specialist doctor. Arthcare is an anti – arthritic herbal oil which not only gives a sure relief in rheumatic arthritis but also strengthens the bone tissues, the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving a comfortable movements of joints and muscles. Embodied is a powerful antioxidant and increases the energy level. Arthcare penetrates the body tissue faster than extra other ointment because of its strong anti – inflammatory action. It removes stiffness and improves movement of limbs. It brings relief from backaches, muscular strains, rheumatic pains, layout shot etc. Body massage with Arthcare oil, relaxes an asthmatic person. Arthcare is scientifically proven Ayurvedic formulation containing the herbal combination of well avowed traditional herbs described above. Within few minutes of application you will feel relaxed from pain. For Best Impact Take 2 Arthcare Capsules twice a day and massage the affected area with Arthcare Oil 2 – 3 times a turn.

Herbal Remedies:

The use of herbs is a time – splendid approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. The following have been used traditionally to treat rheumatoid arthritis:

Shallaki also known as boswellia ( Boswellia serrata ), comes from a tree that yields gum when its bark is peeled away. In clinical trials, promising results were observed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic colitis, Crohn’s disease. Researchers found that standardized Boswellia extract significantly reduced swelling and hurt again usually reduced morning stiffness for people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Ashvagandha ( Withania somniferum ) is an Asian plant of the potato family. Its roots retain long been used to treat ” rheumatism, ” high blood pressure, resistant dysfunctions, erection problems and also to ease inflammation. Because of all this, it’s sometimes called the ” Indian ginseng. ”

Ginger ( Zingiber officinale ) may be among the best – studied of the four. Research suggests ginger opening inhibits undertaking of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are involved mastery pain besides inflammation. In an commonplace 1992 Danish study, 56 patients who had either RA, OA or muscular discomfort took powdered ginger. All of those with musculoskeletal pain and three – fourths of those with OA or RA reported varying degrees of pain relief and no side effects, even among those who took the ginger for more than two years.

Herbal oils are applied to the arthritis to loosen stiff joints, restore mobility, remove pain, inflammation or swelling, nourish tissues and relieve anguish. The experienced hands dipped in the pleasantly warmed oil will travel all over the body with alarm. Arthcare not only increases blood circulation but and gives a unmitigated relief for rheumatic arthritis, spondylosis, paralysis, muscular disorder, slipped disc, asthma and tuberculosis. Brings in relief from stress, strain besides tensions. It is also very marvelous for tonning of one’s muscles and nerves. Get instant relief within minutes of application of oil. For more information please read at


Epsom Salt ( magnesium sulfate ): Magnesium has both anti – inflammatory and jaundiced – arthritic properties and existent can be fired through the skin. Magnesium is one of the most important of the essential minerals in the body, and it is commonly deficient ascendancy the American diet. A New England remedy for arthritis is a hot bath of Epsom salts. The heat of the bath can increase circulation and reduce the swelling of arthritis.

Dosage and Directions: Fill a bathtub with drool as hot as you can stand. Add 2 cups of Epsom salts. Bathe for thirty minutes, adding hot water as necessary to save the temperature warm. Do this daily owing to often as you’d like.

Sometimes it’s tough to sort out all the details related to this subject, but I’m positive you’ll have no trouble making sense of the information presented above.


Morning Sickness : Causes and Cures

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Morning sickness is a feature of most women’s pregnancies. What causes it, and what can you do to get through it?

pregnancy,morning sickness

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Morning sickness is often the first sign of pregnancy, as it can start as early as 2 weeks after conception. Despite the name, the sufferer can feel ill at any time of the day, although as an empty stomach is thought to be one of the triggers then mornings are a common time for it to appear.

Not every pregnant woman will experience morning sickness, although most do to some degree, and it can vary from a feeling of mild nausea or queasiness ranging up to feeling truly dreadful and unable to keep any food or liquids down. The severity of the effects seems to be greatest in women with a history of migraine or travel sickness.

It’s not known exactly what causes it, but most doctors agree that the changes in hormone levels that pregnancy triggers are the most major factor. One of the effects of these hormones is to change the way your digestive system works, which can lead to higher levels of acid.

Another possible cause is that many women experience a heightened sense of taste and smell while pregnant, which can make nausea feel worse when unpleasant or strong odours are around.

Finally, tiredness and stress play a part, and most pregnant women are tired and stressed a lot of the time!

Morning sickness can occur over the full range of your pregnancy, but most women find that it more or less disappears by around 14 weeks as hormone levels in the body stabilise.

There are dozens and dozens of traditional ‘cures’ for the feelings of nausea, with every mother having an opinion on the subject! The fact is that every woman’s body is different and so no single thing will work for everyone. However, there are some simple things to try which can help most feel better.

As previously mentioned, an empty stomach can be a cause, so snack little and often to keep hunger at bay, and keep a couple of biscuits by your bed for if you wake up during the night.

Sucking on an ice cube can help, as can fizzy drinks. Fresh ginger is reputed to calm the stomach, so making a tea from crushed root ginger or even chewing on a piece can be worth a try.

Remedies for travel sickness can also help, so it might be worth trying the magnetic wristbands you can buy, but you should never take any medication while pregnant without consulting your doctor.

Morning sickness is a natural part of pregnancy and will not harm your baby in any way, but in severe cases you may be unable to keep any food or fluids down and if this continues you could become dehydrated, which is very dangerous for your baby. If your urine starts to become very dark in colour this is a sign that your fluid levels are too low, and you should speak to your midwife or doctor.

Finally, when you’re in a bout of morning sickness, don’t worry too much about what you’re eating – getting enough energy is more important than a balanced diet at that moment, so if chocolate makes you feel better then go for it! You can always stock up on healthier foods when the sickness has abated a little.